Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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What about Wallaja, Sallasil, Yarmouk? Get your anti-arab bigotry out of here...
I don't care when worms like you and egalitarian-minded whites call me a bigot. I simply speak the truth. There is an order of capability between different groups and tribes, just as there is a hierarchy of merit within said groups and tribes. This is a truth that was known in the 20th century, and because humanity was not ready for the cleansing that would be necessitated by the truth, all statements validating that truth are followed by a retaliatory ad-hominem. But I know the truth and fight for the truth.

Of all in West Asia, Iranians have the most potential, if Iran has a strong and wise government. Unfortunately, it does not. It had potential during the reign of the Pahlavis. Under Reza Shah, Iran was on the cusp of joining the Axis Powers. Had it not been invaded by the Soviet mongols, Iran and Germany would have won that war and established an Indo-Aryan empire. But this hope was dashed and with it, the truth.
Interesting take. Obviously some truth to it. But I think you'd need to be some degree of sociopathic to implement such long-term eugenic programs.

But it definitely holds weight.
What MOD EDIT Westerners, their brains rotten with consumerism and materialism, call "sociopathic" really means "leadership qualities". And this is what we need- a firm hand that will guide Iran through the gauntlet necessary for a future of greatness and hegemony.
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There is another theory being circulated.

Iran gave advanced notice to all the enemies to prepare for the best possible defense. It even gave notice 24-48 hours prior to the attack. It also released the footage of firing the rockets/ missiles and sending drones right after they were sent. There was nothing hidden. It was done so that Israel/ The US/ The UK and other forces in the region use all their available assets to intercept them.
  • The first batch was consisting of decoys. These included the rockets fired by Houthis and Hizbollah.
  • The second batch consisted of the drones and many useless ballistic missiles with no evasive maneuvering capabilities.
  • The real deal of that day was the mid range ballistic missiles with multiple warheads that can perform evasive maneuvers on approach. They were very few (may be a couple of them). These were not their best ones among Iran's arsenal, but the objective of the exercise was something else i.e. to observe and collect valuable data.
The data was collected by Iran and its allies in the region (Russia included) on the working of the air defenses against various different assets. Iran is now more than confident, and Israel is completely aware of this, that Iran and its allies have gathered some valuable information and the invincibility of the air defense system has been completely debunked. If an airbase that stations F-35s can be hit with not-so-good missiles, the locations of air defense systems can also be hit with precision.

Had Iran not informed them about the timing and the assets involved, many would have hit the target and the data might not have been collected.

Another miscalculation from Israel will result in an attack without notice and without footages of the assets being sent, with the MRBMs of a better quality that may result in a higher success rate. If that happens, Israelis will start leaving the promised land.

That's not my theory.. reading many many accounts on different social media platforms.
If Iran is attacked and Jordan is helping the zionist demons, then I suspect tens of thousands of Syrians and Iraqis to enter Jordan and deal with their Hobbit king once and for all.
How is the USA going to to not let "Iran stand"?

Do you seriously think that without full mobilisation that the US has a chance of defeating Iran in a ground war.

China would then take the perfect opportunity to take back Taiwan and they will also be supplying bucket loads of arms to Iran to destroy as much US equipment and military as possible.

US won't get involved as it knows WW3 is round the corner then. The Zionists will be on their own as self-preservation trumps all. Zionist money and blackmail won't coerce white Americans to die in the millions for the entity.

Nor should it. No Indo-European descended human should ever sacrifice themselves for the devil tribe. But alas, the Americans are bought. It is their wealthy, primarily tribal, elites who commandeer the entire country for their own nefarious ends. Once Israel is no-more, the best place for a Jewish state would be the United States as it already practically is one. And a 400 million supply of goyim slaves at that, too.

But you are kidding if you think the United States cannot succeed in Taiwan alongside West Asia. If it fully invested itself, it could even turn the tide in Ukraine. And they would like nothing other than to teach Iran a lesson.
Sayyed Nasrallah has always warned that if Iran is directly attacked by Israel, Hezbollah will launch 1500 precision rockets and missiles/day for weeks on end into Israel and pulverize their entire military and financial infrastructure.
the "Al-Qadissiyah" was successful only because some Persian tra
This is also a part of war strategy!no?
There are numerous such stories in Indian Subcontinent where traitors lost us wars.
Sikhs used such strategies to win a war against afghans.
These are smart tactics i believe and will always be part of warfare.
This is pure speculation and wishful thinking.

The problem is Iran is not prepared to carry through its task of ending the Zionist child-killing regime. Iran needed the ultimate deterrent- nuclear weaponry. An arsenal of 100, with high yield thermonuclear warheads. Iran already has MIRV technology and would not even need ICBMs, its hypersonic missiles and MRBMs will suffice. I avidly watched the attack footage and was unimpressed by the impacts. And the missiles themselves seemed inaccurate, with the exception of the hypersonic missiles. Iran bit off more than it could chew in October 7th, and this is the beginning of the end of the Islamic Republic.

Israel is about to commence on a major attack that could severely hamper IRGC capabilities for at least a decade. If Iran escalates, the U.S. will move from its "defensive" posture of intercepting missiles and refueling Israeli warplanes during their mission to an overt posture. The proverbial gloves would be taken off and Israel would engage in a mass attack on Iran's nuclear facilities, and begin massacring Iranian civilians. This was an ill-conceived plan from the start, and the Zionists have checkmated Iran. If only SUMKA had power.
I bet iran already has nukes
Nor should it. No Indo-European descended human should ever sacrifice themselves for the devil tribe. But alas, the Americans are bought. It is their wealthy, primarily tribal, elites who commandeer the entire country for their own nefarious ends. Once Israel is no-more, the best place for a Jewish state would be the United States as it already practically is one. And a 400 million supply of goyim slaves at that, too.

But you are kidding if you think the United States cannot succeed in Taiwan alongside West Asia. If it fully invested itself, it could even turn the tide in Ukraine. And they would like nothing other than to teach Iran a lesson.

China, Russia + Iran simulataneously?
China, Russia + Iran simulataneously?
Including all of their little vassals- Hamas, Hezbollah, SSNP, Syria, Iraq, PMF, Pakistan, Belarus, DPRK, Donetsk/Luhansk, Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua and more.
This is an incredible amount of copium. No nation launches over 300 drones and missiles to cause “limited damage or for “optics” only. Thats a ridiculous assertion.

Irans attack was a huge failure. No amount of mental gymnastics to justify that failure will change that.
Instead of challenging my points you deflect. Israel and its allies ABM shield failed, you are not coping that is clear.
Yesterday I was listening to someone on conventional media (don't remember the name), he said any group with one billion dollars on hand can develop a nuclear bomb in as little as 5 years.

Iran must have the toys in numbers by this calculation.
You speak as if the Iranian military leadership either underestimated Israel's air defense layer or greatly overestimated its own capabilities. Do me a favor. Stop believing the lies you tell yourself.

The only ones telling themselves lies are you and the rest who believe that attack was a success. On the night of the attack, I was slammed, mocked, laughed at, banned from the thread and speedlimited. You know who was proven right at the end of the day? Me, and I’m not patting myself on the back, it’s just the truth.
Including all of their little vassals- Hamas, Hezbollah, SSNP, Syria, Iraq, PMF, Pakistan, Belarus, DPRK, Donetsk/Luhansk, Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua and more.

Ok, I really think you need to stop watching the Jewish Zionist made Hollywood movies.

I don't think you have much knowledge of military affairs and are mainly here to vent against the Iranian mullahs that you obviously do not like.
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