Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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I am always amazed when looking at how pliant the vassal states are...just take a look at the map of Greater Israel/Pax Judaica! Future is not looking good!!!!
It's what happens when powerful people of that state live outside that state.

It should be forbidden live abroad and have power of decision in a country.
I disagree. For yrs on this forum, I have remained largely silent on the idea that the F-35 will be the last manned fighter platform. This Iran to Israel attack using UAV pretty much reduced the strength, if not completely dispelled, that argument.

Technically speaking, a UAV is an airplane. Were the Iranian UAVs remotely piloted? That is important. For certain, a manned fighter is more sophisticated, but why? Most arguments centered around the fact that we need to keep the pilot alive, but that is not all. The manned airplane is more sophisticated because we want to give the pilot all the information he needs to make decisions. The airplane have the cockpit from which he can see outside, and various sensors to give him information beyond his human view. Current UAV do not have the same level of sophistication. At least not yet.

These Iranian UAVs were probably just 'dumb' models. Launch and forget. INS guidance would get them to where they were programmed to be, then dive to the ground. Were they aware that they were radar 'painted' by manned fighters before they were shot down? Probably not.

So, would we have a smarter UAV to go after other UAVs? Am sure we are heading in that direction. But then it begs the question of how smart do we want this UAV -- ON ITS OWN -- before we reach the point of putting a pilot on it. Now we are back to square one -- the manned fighter. For remotely piloted UAV, the communication link is the weakest part, so we are going to add AI to supplement the grounded human pilot. But then it begs the original question of how much AI before we are back to square one -- put the human pilot in.

Dumb UAVs would be the equivalent of 'human wave' tactic on the ground. So yes, if you can out-manufacture the enemy, you can drown his defenses. But financially, how many dumb UAV equals to one manned fighter? The cost calculus of one dumb UAV vs an F-16 is a misguided one based on this question: Where do you want the decision maker (pilot) to be, remote or on-scene?

F-15Es from the 494th and 335th Fighter Squadrons shot down more than 70 of the drones, along with participation by Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornets from the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower.​

We can be certain that these engagements were mano-a-uav, but the pilots, aided by AWACS, just simply moved from one dumb target to the next. I doubt that there were literally 70 fighters of F-15s and F-18s.
By any chance your profession is related to military aviation?

I follow Gonky and Mover from their youtube channels. They pretty much say same the stuff like you. "There has to be a man in the loop".

I want to bring another argument to that. Today, there is no human being that can beat an AI in the chess. Similarly there is no human being that can beat an AI in the GO game.

In the future, at some point AI will replace the pilot. But we don't when.
Yes and this is the only real option they have as Jericho ballistic missiles are far too inaccurate.

They can only fire a few dozen and Iran is bound to have both short and medium range air defence systems protecting any critical sites that are likely targets.

In essence if the entity does attack and causese some pin-prick damage, then Iran will unleash hell on the entity with hundreds of ballistic missiles destroying key government, military and infrastructure targets.

PS - I believe that Iran is already a nuclear capable nation with credible delivery mechanisms and so the fight will stay purely conventional.

Aren’t those submarines capable of launching Jericho or other Ballistic missiles ?

I think Israel would use those weapons, if it wanted to actually keep the element of surprise. An air attack is far too obvious & prone to casualties.
Israel will reportedly begin its attack on Saturday.
My concern here is that Iran will accidentally shoot down a civilian aircraft.
The Israeli Air Force is known to disguise itself as a civilian aircraft, and it is unlikely that they would notify the exact date and time of the attack in advance, as Iran does.
Therefore, the Iranian authorities would probably not have the courage to issue an intercept order in the event of an Israeli surprise attack in order to prevent a repeat of the same thing.
Because the best case scenario for Israel and the US is to let Iran shoot down a civilian aircraft.
Yes and this is the only real option they have as Jericho ballistic missiles are far too inaccurate.

They can only fire a few dozen and Iran is bound to have both short and medium range air defence systems protecting any critical sites that are likely targets.

In essence if the entity does attack and causese some pin-prick damage, then Iran will unleash hell on the entity with hundreds of ballistic missiles destroying key government, military and infrastructure targets.

PS - I believe that Iran is already a nuclear capable nation with credible delivery mechanisms and so the fight will stay purely conventional.

Given the size of Israel - only 2-3 missiles needs to hit their targets - for Israel to be crippled.

Once Israel is sufficiently weakened others will attack as well.
Israel will reportedly begin its attack on Saturday.
My concern here is that Iran will accidentally shoot down a civilian aircraft.
The Israeli Air Force is known to disguise itself as a civilian aircraft, and it is unlikely that they would notify the exact date and time of the attack in advance, as Iran does.
Therefore, the Iranian authorities would probably not have the courage to issue an intercept order in the event of an Israeli surprise attack in order to prevent a repeat of the same thing.
Because the best case scenario for Israel and the US is to let Iran shoot down a civilian aircraft.
Israeli media has stopped covering this subject today. No details about any war cabinet meetings or anything related to a potential response.

Means they are planning to execute some action soon and want the element of suprise.
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