Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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Israel will reportedly begin its attack on Saturday.
My concern here is that Iran will accidentally shoot down a civilian aircraft.
The Israeli Air Force is known to disguise itself as a civilian aircraft, and it is unlikely that they would notify the exact date and time of the attack in advance, as Iran does.
Therefore, the Iranian authorities would probably not have the courage to issue an intercept order in the event of an Israeli surprise attack in order to prevent a repeat of the same thing.
Because the best case scenario for Israel and the US is to let Iran shoot down a civilian aircraft.
If a conspiracy theory had a conspiracy theory. Then for sure this is it.
This person is NOT Palestinian.
I dont understand why people think Iran is only helping Palestine out of its own interests. I mean. You have to be either extremely stupid, or a sectarian to believe that. I understand if a Lebanese or Iraqi says it. But Palestinians? What "self-interests" could we possibly have there? They would join the Arab league and turn against us the second they get liberated.
Aren’t those submarines capable of launching Jericho or other Ballistic missiles ?

I think Israel would use those weapons, if it wanted to actually keep the element of surprise. An air attack is far too obvious & prone to casualties.
No they have only diesel electric submarines, can't hold Jericho or other ballistic missiles, they only carry Popeye turbo subsonic cruise missiles with a range of 1500 km
I dont understand why people think Iran is only helping Palestine out of its own interests. I mean. You have to be either extremely stupid, or a sectarian to believe that. I understand if a Lebanese or Iraqi says it. But Palestinians? What "self-interests" could we possibly have there? They would join the Arab league and turn against us the second they get liberated.
exactly Iran has no material gain whatsoever... on the contrary they're under most crippling sanctions in history for supporting Palestine.. if hypothetically Iran recognizes Israhell tomorrow sanctions will be lifted soon...Iran is doing it for moral reasons and they chose sufferings(sanctions) over appeasement.. salute to Iran!!!... and I'm not a Shia.
US admitting a second wave will begin overwhelming Israeli missile defense systems. Which is what we've been saying. Israeli military will be badly degraded within a week of war with Iran. And it would have to ask for a ceasefire if US didn't jump in. Thus, it cannot take a decision to respond.

Axios, on the authority of an American official: It will be very difficult to repeat the success we achieved in thwarting the Iran attack, and Israel knows this

The calm before the storm maybe. I think they are lulling the Iranians into some sense of security. It'll be ill advised to do so.
Doubtful. Unless US gave guarantees it will jump in if Iran responds. Israeli military will be degraded so badly within a week of trading strikes with Iran. In a 1v1 scenario. The quiet is basically saying if Jewish influence can push US into the war now.
Looking from Israeli perspective. They have never directly attacked Iran proper. However Iran did so, maybe they really feel they are obliqued to answer with a similar strike against Iran.

What's intersting is all Arab countries position. They are not taking sides in this conflict.
They can feel what they want but logistically they are not capable of anything more than a one-chance attempt to strike Iranian nuclear facilities to some degree. They cannot do more than that. That's why they're consulting with US and NATO to see if US can bear brunt of response and do the fighting after Israel declares a war. So far, they've declined to fight the war for them. And Israel is still trying to twist their arm.

Arabs don't want a regional war to break out. They're in process of developing and it would set them back badly.
This has kinda the same vibes when Indians very proudly came up with patches for the SU30s as "AMRAAM DOGGERS" in the aftermath of operation Swift retort.
I was half expecting biden to take out his false teeth and offer to start performing fellatio on them or something......:ROFLMAO:
But I`ll certainly keep an eye open for some retarded patch
Axios, on the authority of an American official: It will be very difficult to repeat the success we achieved in thwarting the Iran attack, and Israel knows this

Yes this time they wont get 72hrs notification to prepare their defences.
Means they are planning to execute some action soon and want the element of suprise.
They do not have the means. They're trying to get US/NATO to commit to deal with aftermath. So far, they been denied this request. They used all their weapons on Gaza to commit a Holocaust. They don't have capability to wage war on Iran, put simply. They can do several hundred airstrikes on Iran at most which is nothing. Within a week their military will be so degraded they would threaten to use nuclear weapons or invoke NATO to intervene.
Doubtful. Unless US gave guarantees it will jump in if Iran responds. Israeli military will be degraded so badly within a week of trading strikes with Iran. In a 1v1 scenario. The quiet is basically saying if Jewish influence can push US into the war now.

I think Israelis might do a strike against Iran even without US partaking in the offensive part. Because they know US will undoubtedly come and help Israel for the defensive part, when Iran retaliates.
At which point, I dont think Iran would differentiate between the two and they would see US as culpible in a war.
Yes this time they wont get 72hrs notification to prepare their defences.
It's not about the advanced warning, it simply lack of logistical capability to deal with sustained waves of Iranian missile strikes. They can only handle three waves max. Not even US can do anything about it.
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