Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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There has been announcements that there will be more sanctions placed on Iran. Looking at this in long term, will

The global south and civilised world in general needs to start treating sanctions as a form of judeo-christian economic warfare and terrorism.

Iran for example should state in clear terms that they will consider them an attack on its sovereignty akin to the judeo-christian terrorist attack on its embassy. That'll give the baby killers something to think about....
Patarames thinks Israel will likely attack Iran using F-15’s carrying air launched BMs (similar to Russian Kinzhal) and then they will do a pop up and launch maneuver before disappearing.

Very difficult for Iran to intercept as these are Mach 4 BMs and Iran’s ABM is still in its infancy. Likely substantial damage can be inflicted on non mountain hardened targets.

Now he is standing next to the Iranian missile booster and says Israel intercepted it
View attachment 34322

This Baby Killer is particularly funny.

During history lessons I recall spending an awful lot of time learning about the importance of validating sources. That is, The ability to discern between reliable and not so reliable. Witnesses testimony for example was deemed more reliable than second or third hand accounts. If one account by X is found to be untrue, it is more likely that another account by x is also untrue. We should discard /scrutinise their their testimony.

We also learnt about the art of propaganda as utilised by Nazi Germany. It was highly effective within its own population as a tool to dehumanise the Jews. The dehumanisation made it a little easier for the White European German Christians to kill 6 million of them in gas chambers. Perhaps thinking they were the master race had something to do with it as well.

It seems that these history lessons are in vein. It's simply repeating itself and we see this proven liar on our screens on a daily basis.

What's the difference between thinking you are the "master race" & "the chosen people of God"?

I would argue its a similar disease.
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Just one correction: there is absolutely NO independent evidence of 6millions dead in WW2. That number is grossly is exaggerated.

We should accept that figure.
We have no need to reduce death tally at the hands of Europeans :)
There is more traffic going out than going in. A lot of the Jews are emigrating to their country of origins, as they realise that political Zionism in the occupied land of Palestine is on life support, and that semblance of a normal life can not be achieved in occupied Palestine.

Remember Israel needs these people inside Israel for, work, taxes, economy etc

Them running is a body blow to Israel

That's why Israel is so desperate to Jew more billions out of the U.S tax payer, because without it Israel is heading into major trouble

Without the constant money and weapons coming from the u.s and west Israel would be heading for implosion
I think Israel is topping up their AD systems , as they were clearly depleted...once done, then they'll strike Iran...

That's not so easy can you replenish through stocks, sure.

But the AD missiles are expensive, take time to make and once they are depleted your looking at a good period of time before you can replenish especially if you continue to use them

That's why these drone swarms are so deadly, they force you to waste your AD stock before the real attack comes

The drones may not be massive, but they are largely accurate and if you do nothing they will hit their target
Israel had support of US stationed units in Jordan, Turkey, KSA, Kuwait, UAE, Iraq, plus hardware of France and UK. Yet they don't dare to retaliate.

USA and its leadership knows well, the moment Israel make any wrong move, Iran will wipe them all off from the face of west Asia.
As I said, Jewish-American community will determine outcome of events. Jews of Pentagon ultimately have say over White House. And it appears they're giving a greenlight to Israel to do some kind of attack and promising to back it in name of 'defending Israel' which could mean military intervention if Iran responds:

Pentagon: The situation in the region depends on what Israel decides and how Iran will respond

Pentagon: We do not want to see war with Iran, but we will take the necessary measures to protect Israel
It says almost all ballistic missile have hit the targets. From other sources, Iran fired approximately 110 BMs but only 7 hits. How do we then say almost all of the hit? @Persian Gulf
they mean all the advanced missiles

but it's dubious

but more than 7 hits btw, current consensus number is at least 9 (though I think it's probably a bit higher)
thanks for sharing, you beat me to it. it looks like the attack was more successful and the missiles much more precise than previously thought:

Every ballistic missile that landed at Nevatim and Ramon airbase hit their intended target (by the looks of it, head-on). But, for “some reason”, they evidently carefully avoided hitting obviously high-priority targets (such as the 50 odd hardened shelters and ammunition revetments) and C4ISR structures.

Of the confirmed hits, the IRGC cratered: 1x Guard Tower2x ground vehicle repair depots1x transportation aircraft maintenance facility (probably where the one C-130 was dinged up)

Oh, and they dropped a ballistic missile on top of the base’s officer’s swimming pool/rec center. You can see screenshots close-ups of what was hit prior to the attack via google maps attached here.

So, They are going to strike and we are going to finish this war in our next strike, then USA or Zions would use nukes or threaten us by it ... then we will reach a point that I should repeat myself in past 15 years , "We should have nukes"
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