Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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It's quite incredible to think that only the S-300 I.R is capable of intercepting Israel's missiles. Iran produces hypersonic missiles and can launch them. How do they manage to direct them, follow them in flight? How do they do when testing their air defense systems to intercept their own very fast missile?

Answer: Their detection system, ballistic tracking, speed calculation of their radar is very advanced. Their own hypersonic missile is the best practice and development ground for upgrading their own air defense system.
Aren’t those submarines capable of launching Jericho or other Ballistic missiles ?

I think Israel would use those weapons, if it wanted to actually keep the element of surprise. An air attack is far too obvious & prone to casualties.

Nope as the entity posseses "Dolphin Class" submarines gifted by the German cucks.

These can only carry cruise missiles as they are anyhow far too small to carry ballistic missiles.

Air attack is a non starter as Iran will simply heavily punish whoever allows it, either the US or Saudi regimes.
So, They are going to strike and we are going to finish this war in our next strike, then USA or Zions would use nukes or threaten us by it ... then we will reach a point that I should repeat myself in past 15 years , "We should have nukes"
We probably already have.
I dont understand why people think Iran is only helping Palestine out of its own interests. I mean. You have to be either extremely stupid, or a sectarian to believe that. I understand if a Lebanese or Iraqi says it. But Palestinians? What "self-interests" could we possibly have there? They would join the Arab league and turn against us the second they get liberated.

I agree on the first part but not sure whether they would actually join the Arab League.

Palestinians have seen how one by one the Arab countries have sold them down the river.

It is more likely that Palestine would become a neutral country between the Arab countries and Iran.
Again where is the 110 missiles? They wrote the names on 5? 10?

More and more footage comes out, the less I believe there were 110 missiles. Where are they? Where are there boosters? Engines? scraps?
Don't take your head for this, we all know not 110 missile were fired but more 20-40 is the realistic figure

What IRGC should have done was to immediately assess how much they launched, here, they opened the room for free Pentagon and Israel propaganda
Don't take your head for this, we all know not 110 missile were fired but more 20-40 is the realistic figure

What IRGC should have done was to immediately assess how much they launched, here, they opened the room for free Pentagon and Israel propaganda
Propaganda is so high that media here is saying since the Iranian military and its technology is so inferior, Russia agreed supplying Iran with new missiles. Next time when we actually hit them, they are going to say it was all thanks to these newly acquired Russian missiles.

Moskowitz, Kean Introduce Resolution Condemning Iran’s Drone and Missile Attack on Israel

Apr 15, 202

Moskowitz, Kean Introduce Resolution Condemning Iran’s Drone and Missile Attack on Israel​

Apr 15, 2024
Foreign Affairs
Washington, DC
WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Jared Moskowitz (D-Florida) and Congressman Tom Kean, Jr. (R-New Jersey) introduced a bipartisan House Resolution condemning Iran’s unprecedented drone and missile attack on Israel. The resolution is expected to pass the House of Representatives later this week.
The resolution reaffirms the House of Representatives’ support for Israel’s right to self-defense, supports Israel’s right to respond to this aggression through means it deems necessary, and calls on all countries to condemn Iran’s attack.
“What the world witnessed this weekend was a Declaration of War by the Iranian regime against an American ally,” said Congressman Moskowitz. “Seeing missiles being intercepted right above the Temple Mount emphasizes Iran’s disregard for Muslim, Jewish, and Christian holy sites and innocent civilian life. America must make it clear through this resolution that this escalatory and disproportional attack is intolerable and that we stand with Israel against state sponsors of terrorism like Iran.”

(Read it in full to understand why we in America now call it the District of Criminals)
No one cares live in Florida ask 95% of people living here where Israel is show them a map would probably point somewhere in Africa same with Palestine they are just doing it for show for the hardcore Jewish population living in south Florida and yes trust me way to many in south Florida 😂 but at least here they keep their mouth shut and avoid confrontation unless they are at a protest with tons of police just like in Israel if it comes to confrontation they need dozens of not hundreds of armed cops/soldiers
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Again where is the 110 missiles? They wrote the names on 5? 10?

More and more footage comes out, the less I believe there were 110 missiles. Where are they? Where are there boosters? Engines? scraps?

Iran probably fired around 20-30 ballistic missiles and maybe around 50% were intercepted.

That means around half were intercepted, this was against Iran's less advanced ballistic missiles and this was a small strike where the ABM systems were not saturated(maximum simultaneously engagements) or depleted through wave after wave of larger strikes.

Entity and its western vassals are inflating the number to try to potray the Iranian attack as some kind of failure that was nearly wholly intercepted.
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Propaganda is so high that media here is saying since the Iranian military and its technology is so inferior, Russia agreed supplying Iran with new missiles. Next time when we actually hit them, they are going to say it was all thanks to these newly acquired Russian missiles.
What should we do on our end (well IRGC) is to IMMEDIATELY assess how much projectiles and of which type they fired, with a basic press film of the launches

- How much was fired
- What was fired, and how much

This would immediately close the door to potential Pentagon/Israeli propaganda
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