Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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Sunak condemns Iran's 'reckless attack'​

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ReutersCopyright: Reuters

Rishi Sunak has condemned "in the strongest terms the Iranian regime’s reckless attack against Israel".

In a statement, the UK prime minister says the strikes "risk inflaming tensions and destabilising the region".

He adds: "Iran has once again demonstrated that it is intent on sowing chaos in its own backyard.

“The UK will continue to stand up for Israel’s security and that of all our regional partners, including Jordan and Iraq.

"Alongside our allies, we are urgently working to stabilise the situation and prevent further escalation. No one wants to see more bloodshed.”
What should we expect

They do not want to behave like normal humans and are racists against everything besides whites, why should we also consider Israelis as humans? They call themselves the chosen people

And i will still never understand some Indians and factual massive traitors such as Sunak, Indians will get insulted and treated like blacks were treated in 1800 by the chosen race inside Israel, they will treat you as a slave and would rape and kill your whole people country if they could

The level of hatred from Israelis is at a never seen level, why do they marry strictly between jews, why do they have one of the highest rape statistics in western Asia? Israelis are the same as their regime, people need to remove that barrier, they fully support the massacre of everyone and has national massacre days where they shout kill the arabs and muslims
By any chance your profession is related to military aviation?
Am (ex)USAF. F-111 Cold War, then F-16 Desert Storm.

I follow Gonky and Mover from their youtube channels. They pretty much say same the stuff like you. "There has to be a man in the loop".

I want to bring another argument to that. Today, there is no human being that can beat an AI in the chess. Similarly there is no human being that can beat an AI in the GO game.

In the future, at some point AI will replace the pilot. But we don't when.
That is a fair argument. The issue is that combat has uncertainties and variables that games cannot anticipate in their rules. Basically, combat has no rules. Other than the Geneva Convention stuff, of course.

When I was active duty and way back in my F-111 days, I learned what I considers, to this day, the most valuable lesson about combat:

In a fight, you win not by fighting under your opponent's rules, but by forcing him to fight under yours. And cheating is allowed.

If your jet have superior climb rate, keep the fight vertical. If your jet have superior turn rate, keep the fight horizontal. If your jet have superior radar, keep the fight long distance. And so on. Basically, any feature and capability is a rule. Not every jet is superior to everything, although, I know the F-22 guys would argue otherwise. The point is that you do whatever you can to keep the other guy under YOUR advantages while staying out of his. It sounds easy but actually is far harder to do.

Ultimately, it comes down to the pilot, as in how well he knows his jet AND how educated he is about potential adversaries. That is why we have Top Gun, Fighter Weapons School, and Red Flag to put pilots under near combat stresses when they found themselves under the instructors' virtual guns in the air. I been to two Red Flags. I seen foreign pilots exited their cockpits literally shaking from adrenaline and fear because their home countries never had something similar.

Now back to Artificial Intelligence in jets...

Am not saying that after this shooting fight between Iran and Israel is over, we will do away with UAV of every kind. In fact, am confident that we will continue in that path of further UAV development. But from what we learned from this first air skirmish between UAVs and manned fighters, is that the current state of UAVs is best against ground forces, not yet capable against manned fighters. That is NOT a criticism against Iranian UAVs. Since the advent of UAVs doing many things, from delivering packages to gathering military type intelligence, the world have been waiting for this day where a real world fight occurred. Not UAV vs UAV but UAV against the human. And the UAV lost.

We now know that in order for UAVs to be effective, they have to be supported JUST AS GOOD as how we support the humans. The game board have finite borders but in the air the limit is fuel. Vastly different factors. The board's borders are fixed, but fuel can be replenished even in the air. The game board have fixed numbers of contestants per side and the pieces are always clearly visible and definable, but not so in wars. There are many more variables but am certain you get the idea. An AI is only as good as whoever can think up these variables and program them in, but the problem here is human wile, instincts, intuition, and often just sheer muleheadedness that logic cannot deal with, and these variables cannot be programmed in. But then, when these intangible qualities of being human are constrained by rules and environment of a game, of course the human will ALWAYS lose.

So what would happen if UAVs have increasing sophistication of their AIs? The UAV itself will have to get more sophisticated in order to do more than just threaten ground troops, right? Then as the UAV gets more sophisticated, the AI will become just as needy as the humans the AI is supposed to replace. Now we go back to square one: The human. ;)

Whenever there is a new technology, the optimism will swing to one extreme, then when there is a real world situation where the technology is tested, reality swing the pendulum back to the other side. We just experienced a real world event.

Personally, I think the 'Loyal Wingman' concept is the appropriate middle path for UAV and (not versus) manned platforms. The variables of war and combat demand those intangible qualities of being human, but now in command of the computing power of an AI equipped UAV.
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It says almost all ballistic missile have hit the targets. From other sources, Iran fired approximately 110 BMs but only 7 hits. How do we then say almost all of the hit? @Persian Gulf
simple count all the photos from the boosters that fell in Iraq and Jordan and you can see how many Iran fired .
Well in that case are you not suppose to be rushing military and diplomatic support to Iran right now

Your completely hush ..
Just watching Israel and the west massacre Gaza People and now eradicate Iran's military capability for daring to oppose Gaza genocide
They don't need ianything , they have what they need for the moment and Pakistan and China will supply whatever Iran needs when they request it. Pakistan and China do not support Nazis and genociders period.
I agree on the first part but not sure whether they would actually join the Arab League.

Palestinians have seen how one by one the Arab countries have sold them down the river.

It is more likely that Palestine would become a neutral country between the Arab countries and Iran.

I see the "Anti-Arab-Defamation League" is represented and still up & running and going strong. Gimme a break, maaaan. Do you have any idea how much Saudi Arabia has done for the Palestinians through the last 5 decades at least? What the Emirates has done for them? What Egypt has and is currently doing sending aid every day by the hundreds of trucks and dropping hundreds of tons by C-130 every week? Oh, I forgot, you fellas want to see the Ummah gather all its weapons and destroy Israhell and fight the United States at the same time since that's such a safe bet that will hardly affect these countries' peoples & economies. Will Bangladesh join such an endeavor seeing it's a majority Muslim country and part of the "Ummah"? Come on, maaaan, give it a rest. This crap is getting old.

They had them shitting themselves for almost 2 weeks.

And you know they acted honorably. No Israeli civilian harmed, got the message across, and then concluded the matter.

Israelis are once again walking around like normal. The Iranian word can be trusted. The world believes the Islamic Republic when it says it has concluded the matter. Compare this to Israel.

A nation of deceitful, dishonourable hospital bombers and baby killers. It has demonstrated to the civilised global south that it has no right to exist.

South Americans have first hand experience of Western/US terrorism. They are close to us.

Indeed. I couldn't have said it better myself. Iran has made a statemen for the history books. The sense of pride within the Iranian people must be out of this world. As if it wasn't respected before, this has given it a rocket boost. And who know, despite the US issuing new sanctions on Iran today, maybe this newfound level of worldly respect along with the dwindling support for the murderous child-killing zionists, other countries might get motivated enough to stand up to the US in support for Iran. We've already seen some hint of that from Putin and even China with regards to Iran having the right to defend itself. It's only a good thing.

Almost looks like a Buk-M1 SAM system which are lethal. With Iran's radar & surveillance system and command & control attached to all the various SAM batteries throughout the country plus all the years of preparedness it has had from the constant threats of bombing by the demon air force desperately wishing to target its nuclear facilities has allowed it the opportunity to prepare and get ready to deal with exactly this supposed eminent threat.

Speaking of this threat, I really don't think the demons have an easy route here. As a matter of fact, I don't think it's even a 50/50 shot at being able to pull off an aerial attack, regardless of their supposed vaunted F-35s.

The route they would have to take is too challenging and might not even be possible. IMO, they really only have one route and it's a long one over Syria & Iraq. Being that Syria is not well guarded and they've essentially had full ability of violating its airspace but not necessarily the entire width from west to east which is what they'll have to do in this case. Then there's Iraq where the only way they can negotiate that airspace is not only by thwarting much of Iraq's minor existing SAM systems, but they'll also need serious coordination by the US to supply A2A refueling which means they'll be getting close to Iran's border in order to not only refuel, but to get within range of the standoff weapons they have which are essentially Delilah CMs and JDAMs (possibly JSOWs if the US has supplied them), all of which don't have extraordinary range. All that puts the pressure on the stealthiness of the F-35. In that case they'll have to penetrate Iran's air space to get close enough to designated targets due to Iran's size.


Maybe it's over Jordan then Iraq but something tells me despite the rumors, Jordan won't allow it.
Now if Iran has anything resembling the Russian Resonance-NE or Protivnik-GE radars which detect low-observable aircraft up to 1,200km and designate several targets at 600km range, these aircraft are toast. The combination of all those factors tells me this is why there will be no attack from Israel in this manner at least and if it does happen, it will be something totally different and who knows how effective it will be.

Now imagine if Iran had purchased those Su-35Ss with R37M...the demons would be soiling themselves right in the cockpit.
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