Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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They didn't attack the Embassy.
It was an IRGC building next to embassy. I guess they thought they would be safe stationed next door to Iran's embassy... they thought wrong.
The fact is Nazi israel attacked Iranian nationals and Iran was one unhappy bunny after that and gave the jews a spanking but one not as bad as what Hamas gave the Jews. Uncle Sam knows at the end of the day they would have to sacrifice massive amounts of money and soldiers to protect this genocidal brat called Israel at a time when Uncle Sam has his dollars and guns tied in the Russian arena. It doesn't matter what Israel attacked but it does matter to the Iranians that their nationals were murdered and that the Iranians can teach the Jews a lesson or two. Most likely Israel will plead to the US Zions for long range IBMs to reach Iranis nuke facilities which has been the goal of the Zions for decades. Fools don't realise that Iran has been planning and preparing for this day since the Iraq war from which it has learnt many a hard lessons and most of its fissile manufacturing is deep underground beyond bunker busters and hyped missiles.
@MS Sandhu

I remember you mentioned that US would do something like Op praying mantis. It was in mind, but could't respond earlier.

Just for a healthy information exchange, I want to give a brief perspective to it. IMO, it was a wrong example to quote, as it was completely different time & era. Whole geopolitics & scenario have changed into Iran's favor, I will try to explain how.

US in the late 80s:
USSR was going down at rapid pace and US was emerging as lone super power. Secondly, it had no competition in sight. There wasn't any challenger on the horizon. US had the liberty to carry out strikes or even invade countries without much to worry.

Iran in the 80s:
In the 80's Iran's military / defensive doctrines were primarily focused towards Iraq. It was depleted and had bloody war of so many years against Iraq. Iraq was a traditional / near peer military and Iran had to match it accordingly. Iran hadn't made it's capabilities to counter the US by then. It had few ships but those were sitting ducks against US. Today Iran do not have same Iraq in its neighborhood. Iran infact has strategic depth towards its western side. Iraq is more Pro-Iran and has great iranian influence. Iran has created a lot of network in all over the middle east, they can respond in the ways which they could not back in the 80's. Now coming to their military tactics, Iran's whole military doctrines are made to fight Israel / US. They invested in right platforms (like drones, CMs, BMs, 1000s of missile boats etc). If they had supposedly 4 Type54a frigates and 4 milgem ships. That navy would sink in day 01 and game over. They know they cannot match US in such platforms, so they made ambush tactics, they have 1000s of missile boats to ambush US warships. Those boats have their own iranians made CMs, something which they didn't had in the 80's. Similarly, they didn't invested in fighter jets. if today they had fighter jets like PAF, even then those would be shot down in matter of days as vastly superior F-35s from carriers / F-22 in the region would crush any traditional air-force. Iranians built their offensive capabilities in terms of drones / CMs / BMs as their deterrence. They have strike capabilities to all US bases in the regions and including Israel. They have 10s of thousands of such in inventory, they are made to outlast their adversaries air-defense inventory. Their whole infrastructure is built to take on bombings, which Yemen also replicated and see they are completely bomb proof in a way that years of bombings do not deter them or destroy their capabilities. US / UK bomb the houthis and next day they are firing missiles all over the place. So, you can imagine why US don't want to do anything to Iran now especially when it wants to focus on China and want to exist in the region in one way or the other.

So bottomline is that Op Praying mantis is totally irrelevant example. Such operations can only be relevant in a certain time & era. British could do anything it wishes in year 1900 as it was super-power, it cannot do such things now. Pak's op swift retort where PAF dominated IAF in 2019 and it looked like walk in the park, may not be walk in the park anymore with India's s400s & Rafales aquisitions. So situations changes and it has dramatically changed in iran's favor in last 2-3 decades.
I see the "Anti-Arab-Defamation League" is represented and still up & running and going strong. Gimme a break, maaaan. Do you have any idea how much Saudi Arabia has done for the Palestinians through the last 5 decades at least? What the Emirates has done for them? What Egypt has and is currently doing sending aid every day by the hundreds of trucks and dropping hundreds of tons by C-130 every week? Oh, I forgot, you fellas want to see the Ummah gather all its weapons and destroy Israhell and fight the United States at the same time since that's such a safe bet that will hardly affect these countries' peoples & economies. Will Bangladesh join such an endeavor seeing it's a majority Muslim country and part of the "Ummah"? Come on, maaaan, give it a rest. This crap is getting old.

Egypt is the only Muslim country that has any reasonable(excusable) reason to have recognised the entity as it needed the Sinai oil fields and Suez Canal back into operation.

Turkey, Jordan and the rest of Muslim countries have betrayed the Palestinians for their own selfish interests.
Egypt is the only Muslim country that has any reasonable(excusable) reason to have recognised the entity as it needed the Sinai oil fields and Suez Canal back into operation.

Turkey, Jordan and the rest of Muslim countries have betrayed the Palestinians for their own selfish interests.

At the same time, responsibility of Egypt is too high as well. They are next door neighbors. Imagine children being bombed to dust in your next door neighbor and you are just watching. Overall weak leadership in all islamic states.

Leave leadership aside, there are even ordinary people here like @AJKashmir1 (in this very thread / forum) they are as hypocrites as their leaderships. They'll gladly say "We are only nuclear power of islamic world" but when confronted with ongoing genocide in Palestine they will easily say "oh we have nothing to do with middle eastern wars". OKAY! honestly, I don't even expect you to do anything because you are mere puppets but atleast don't be hyprocrites, remove that only islamic n.power statements forever as islamic world has absolutely nothing to do with it as you are just cowards. Just accept it. UK / France can come and defend their allies but you can't. Such people will say they are rich & powerful. Okay, then how about Houthis ? I'd never have expected any islamic country to help Palestine in normal circumstances but there has to be a limit to everything. There should be a time when you say enough is enough. 30,000 children are dead and you still have audacity to make excuses. What losers omg!
The route they would have to take is too challenging and might not even be possible. IMO, they really only have one route and it's a long one over Syria & Iraq. Being that Syria is not well guarded and they've essentially had full ability of violating its airspace but not necessarily the entire width from west to east which is what they'll have to do in this case. Then there's Iraq where the only way they can negotiate that airspace is not only by thwarting much of Iraq's minor existing SAM systems, but they'll also need serious coordination by the US to supply A2A refueling which means they'll be getting close to Iran's border in order to not only refuel, but to get within range of the standoff weapons they have which are essentially Delilah CMs and JDAMs (possibly JSOWs if the US has supplied them), all of which don't have extraordinary range. All that puts the pressure on the stealthiness of the F-35. In that case they'll have to penetrate Iran's air space to get close enough to designated targets due to Iran's size.

View attachment 34425

Maybe it's over Jordan then Iraq but something tells me despite the rumors, Jordan won't allow it.
Now if Iran has anything resembling the Russian Resonance-NE or Protivnik-GE radars which detect low-observable aircraft up to 1,200km and designate several targets at 600km range, these aircraft are toast. The combination of all those factors tells me this is why there will be no attack from Israel in this manner at least and if it does happen, it will be something totally different and who knows how effective it will be.
Iran Israel war was something near to happen from 2011 to 2015 (Iran Deal). Under Nobel peace prize administration :ROFLMAO:.

So if you want to know what could happen now, you should read news of those dates.

(2015 news)
Saudis to Allow Israeli Jets Airspace for Strikes on Iran – Report
17:16 GMT 25.02.2015 (Updated: 02:58 GMT 26.02.2015)

(2013 news)
Baghdad has warned Israel that it would respond to any attempts by the Jewish state to use Iraqi airspace for a strike against Iran’s controversial nuclear program, a top Iraqi minister told AFP.

What has changed now?
The fact is Nazi israel attacked Iranian nationals and Iran was one unhappy bunny after that and gave the jews a spanking but one not as bad as what Hamas gave the Jews. Uncle Sam knows at the end of the day they would have to sacrifice massive amounts of money and soldiers to protect this genocidal brat called Israel at a time when Uncle Sam has his dollars and guns tied in the Russian arena. It doesn't matter what Israel attacked but it does matter to the Iranians that their nationals were murdered and that the Iranians can teach the Jews a lesson or two. Most likely Israel will plead to the US Zions for long range IBMs to reach Iranis nuke facilities which has been the goal of the Zions for decades. Fools don't realise that Iran has been planning and preparing for this day since the Iraq war from which it has learnt many a hard lessons and most of its fissile manufacturing is deep underground beyond bunker busters and hyped missiles.
It's funny how the likes of you and other just pretend this current conflict happened in a vacuum and Iranians are the innocent victims here. Shall we take a trip to memory lane how Iran from the beginning of the ayatollah's rein started sht with Israel? Ayatollah Iran decided to make it its business to start crap with Israel when it created hezbollah. Hezbollah is Iran and when hezbollah started with Israel, to Israel there was no difference from hezbollah and Iran.

You bring up Iranian nationals being targeted I too can bring up a huge list of Iran/hezbollah killing jews AND Israelis all over the world... lets start with hezbollah/Iran bombing of the Jewish center in Argentina shall we? You reap what you sow and this delay by Israel is making the ayatollahs shake as they broadcast to western nations to control Israel.

It's too late maybe under another Israeli prime minister they don't strike Iran but under Bibi he is going to strike Iran proper but he is also going to make sure that all known IRGC keep getting eliminated in Syria and Lebanon. Will it be easy for Israel HELL NO in fact if it gets out of control it might look like Israel may get overwhelmed but that is when Israel seems to be at her best militarily when her back is at the wall. If this conflict escalates the way people are predicting, if Israel hits Iran and Iran strikes back, it's not going to go well for Iran, Lebanon and Damascus. Try figuring out what that means...
It's funny how the likes of you and other just pretend this current conflict happened in a vacuum and Iranians are the innocent victims here. Shall we take a trip to memory lane how Iran from the beginning of the ayatollah's rein started sht with Israel? Ayatollah Iran decided to make it its business to start crap with Israel when it created hezbollah. Hezbollah is Iran and when hezbollah started with Israel, to Israel there was no difference from hezbollah and Iran.

You bring up Iranian nationals being targeted I too can bring up a huge list of Iran/hezbollah killing jews AND Israelis all over the world... lets start with hezbollah/Iran bombing of the Jewish center in Argentina shall we? You reap what you sow and this delay by Israel is making the ayatollahs shake as they broadcast to western nations to control Israel.

It's too late maybe under another Israeli prime minister they don't strike Iran but under Bibi he is going to strike Iran proper but he is also going to make sure that all known IRGC keep getting eliminated in Syria and Lebanon. Will it be easy for Israel HELL NO in fact if it gets out of control it might look like Israel may get overwhelmed but that is when Israel seems to be at her best militarily when her back is at the wall. If this conflict escalates the way people are predicting, if Israel hits Iran and Iran strikes back, it's not going to go well for Iran, Lebanon and Damascus. Try figuring out what that means...
Why start from Ayatollahs? Why not from the point when the baby killers and its allies in the West started killing Palestinian children?
It's funny how the likes of you and other just pretend this current conflict happened in a vacuum and Iranians are the innocent victims here. Shall we take a trip to memory lane how Iran from the beginning of the ayatollah's rein started sht with Israel? Ayatollah Iran decided to make it its business to start crap with Israel when it created hezbollah. Hezbollah is Iran and when hezbollah started with Israel, to Israel there was no difference from hezbollah and Iran.

You bring up Iranian nationals being targeted I too can bring up a huge list of Iran/hezbollah killing jews AND Israelis all over the world... lets start with hezbollah/Iran bombing of the Jewish center in Argentina shall we? You reap what you sow and this delay by Israel is making the ayatollahs shake as they broadcast to western nations to control Israel.

It's too late maybe under another Israeli prime minister they don't strike Iran but under Bibi he is going to strike Iran proper but he is also going to make sure that all known IRGC keep getting eliminated in Syria and Lebanon. Will it be easy for Israel HELL NO in fact if it gets out of control it might look like Israel may get overwhelmed but that is when Israel seems to be at her best militarily when her back is at the wall. If this conflict escalates the way people are predicting, if Israel hits Iran and Iran strikes back, it's not going to go well for Iran, Lebanon and Damascus. Try figuring out what that means...
You know why the Iranians created HZB?- To cut the thieving Israeli hands who want to steal land up to their fantasy greater Israel.
Did GCC countries do the same? To give the diplomatic support to Palestine? Palestine is not our problem, and we give damn for Palestinian cause, you and all GCC countries are not supports us on kashmir issue so why we do care about Palestine issue, GCC countries are currently lapdogs of Israel and India, we don't care about Palestine issue
I think this tweet below most perfectly answers that sort of thinking......
"solidarity is not transactional"
I'm gonna assume you're an adult so how about you start acting/posting like one, eh?
I assumed you were an adult so you wouldn't attack me personally.

How about answering my question? What's stopping you to start from the point when the Israelis started displacing Palestinians, killing their women and children, bombing their mosques, razing their hospitals to the ground, killing everyone indiscriminately whenever they would gather to collect the food aid?
It's funny how the likes of you and other just pretend this current conflict happened in a vacuum and Iranians are the innocent victims here. Shall we take a trip to memory lane how Iran from the beginning of the ayatollah's rein started sht with Israel? Ayatollah Iran decided to make it its business to start crap with Israel when it created hezbollah. Hezbollah is Iran and when hezbollah started with Israel, to Israel there was no difference from hezbollah and Iran.

You bring up Iranian nationals being targeted I too can bring up a huge list of Iran/hezbollah killing jews AND Israelis all over the world... lets start with hezbollah/Iran bombing of the Jewish center in Argentina shall we? You reap what you sow and this delay by Israel is making the ayatollahs shake as they broadcast to western nations to control Israel.

It's too late maybe under another Israeli prime minister they don't strike Iran but under Bibi he is going to strike Iran proper but he is also going to make sure that all known IRGC keep getting eliminated in Syria and Lebanon. Will it be easy for Israel HELL NO in fact if it gets out of control it might look like Israel may get overwhelmed but that is when Israel seems to be at her best militarily when her back is at the wall. If this conflict escalates the way people are predicting, if Israel hits Iran and Iran strikes back, it's not going to go well for Iran, Lebanon and Damascus. Try figuring out what that means...
Israel is a base of terrorists and evil occupiers.

Every free human being is the enemy of these terrorist Jews
You know why the Iranians created HZB?- To cut the thieving Israeli hands who want to steal land up to their fantasy greater Israel.
Israel and Lebanon border for decades was the calmest frontier even when the Six Day War and Yom Kapur war was happening. Things became unstable during Lebanon's civil war thanks to the PLO. So in essence you're saying Iran decided to enter into hostilities with Israel when it could have mind its own business being almost a thousand miles and two nations away.

So why Iran go after jews in Argentina?
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