Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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Propaganda is so high that media here is saying since the Iranian military and its technology is so inferior, Russia agreed supplying Iran with new missiles. Next time when we actually hit them, they are going to say it was all thanks to these newly acquired Russian missiles.
Btw which media actually said that nonsense?
What should we do on our end (well IRGC) is to IMMEDIATELY assess how much projectiles and of which type they fired, with a basic press film of the launches

- How much was fired
- What was fired, and how much

This would immediately close the door to potential Pentagon/Israeli propaganda
We still need to launch counter propaganda channels that debunks western propaganda by factually disproving their lies.

Btw which media actually said that nonsense?
VG. The paper most people in Norway read.
Iran mostly likely learned where are all the good stuff hiden in Zionist scum land and around it. 😎
Where did Israeli fighter jets enter Jordanian airspace?
As much as I remember they were allowed to enter in order to shoot down the incoming drones, according to wall street journal.
This whole incident showed that Israelis lack strategic depth and they can be easily overwhelmed by thousands of rockets and cheap drones as shown on Oct7th and recently. The policy of the US and western powers to maintain Israel’s qualitative edge is slowly becoming irrelevant.
To mitigate more against this policy Iraq Syria should be strengthened especially their air defences and Air Force. I admit I was one of those naive people who supported ousting Bashar Al-Assad. Now looking back I can’t help but think the destruction of Syria Libya etc were part of plan to empower Israel in the region. Iraq to was illegally invaded thanks to Christian Zionists bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Jewish Zionists wolfowitz, Ari fliescher, Richard pearle, and Netanyahu himself.
Iraq Syria etc should also acquire thousands of cheap drones and also if possible acquire JF17 / J10s or Turkish / Iranian fighters to have atleast sone presence in their air spaces. Currently allowing US , UK, Israel to violate their sovereignty daily is inexcusable.

They dont like Independent nationalist regimes around Israel, Libya, Iraq and Syria were decent states who if not destroyed would have been powerful nations and a threat. Today Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen are in civil wars and only have militias, in reality they are no threat. Syria is an Arab nationalist state, they are still at war with Israel and suddenly Bashar Al Assad turned evil and people started jihad, we all know who was behind it and who gave the weapons, funds and training.

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And just look at those pictures at Israeli running and terrified, then say the Iranians didn't achieve their aim of creating chaos and fear with Israel

They had them shitting themselves for almost 2 weeks.

And you know they acted honorably. No Israeli civilian harmed, got the message across, and then concluded the matter.

Israelis are once again walking around like normal. The Iranian word can be trusted. The world believes the Islamic Republic when it says it has concluded the matter. Compare this to Israel.

A nation of deceitful, dishonourable hospital bombers and baby killers. It has demonstrated to the civilised global south that it has no right to exist.

South Americans have first hand experience of Western/US terrorism. They are close to us.
So, They are going to strike and we are going to finish this war in our next strike, then USA or Zions would use nukes or threaten us by it ... then we will reach a point that I should repeat myself in past 15 years , "We should have nukes"

Exactly, if Israel existence is in threat they will use nukes, they have 300 of them. I do believe Iran must have some devastating weapons and this is why Nato hasn't attacked them yet, otherwise we all knew after Iraq it was Iran or Syria and then finally Pakistan. We can lick usa boots as much as we want, but they still wouldn't like a strong Islamic army standing.
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