Top-10 Countries with the Lowest IQ in the World 2024

nepal is hindu
Yea we don't claim umma chumma with all Hindus around the world, for us our national identity takes more importance... Our support to Citizens of other countries who happen to be Hindus is more of a lip service
I have known a good number of Nepali kids over the years, not one was low IQ. It also strikes me as odd as it is the only Asian nation there. It can't be an outliner.
I have known a good number of Nepali kids over the years, not one was low IQ. It also strikes me as odd as it is the only Asian nation there. It can't be an outliner.
who ever is lowest with economy gains for the west or in there startegic spectrum in lowest in every parametere of modern lifestyle as simple as that .... cheers mate
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Then by the Show hosts STD of High IQ Indian Civilization has the Oldest Living written Language @Tamil & Sanskrit with oldest Sanatan Dharm and oldest written texts @ VEDAS = the Rig Veda contains hymns about their mythology; the Sama Veda consists mainly of hymns about religious rituals; the Yajur Veda contains instructions for religious rituals; and the Atharva Veda consists of spells against enemies, sorcerers, and diseases.

there are not just Vedas there are Upnishads and puranas too

  • Vedas are the reflection of human practical spirituality standing on the life experiences. They are neither philosophy nor religion. They are assessment of the righteous and dignified human life of individuals and society supported by practical spiritual wisdom applicable in daily life of individuals and society. Vedas are touching all aspects of human life, even what we call politics, economics and science. All aspects of human life were standing on the practical spiritual wisdom of Vedas applicable in daily life for the goodness of humankind. Vedas were spirituality in/through life.
  • Upanishads are “at the end of Vedas” starting the next stage of the development of Indian spirituality. Upanishads are the first step of leaving ancient Vedic way of life from in daily life experienced practical spirituality for elite philosophizing about the reality. If the Vedic way of life is the life itself as it is, Upanishads are the sophisticated spiritual philosophy. Upanishads made the first step in after-Vedic time towards detaching the practical spirituality from daily average life of individuals and society making the spirituality a special, elite human “realm” “related” only with special elite humans – the spiritual human beings. Upanishads were spirituality in/through intellect (philosophy/sophisticated intellectualization).
  • Puranas are “at the end of sophisticated philosophical expression of Indian spirituality”. Puranas are the second step of leaving ancient Vedic way of life, now for ritualistic and religious realms of life. The philosophical/spiritual portions of Puranas dealt with genealogies of gods, characteristics of deities, attitudes towards gods…). Puranas were spirituality in/through religion (superstition, rituals, and traditions). Puranas also reflect many aspects of so-called mundane life, genealogies of dynasties, studies of nature, life of society, politics…in religious society.
Vedas (four), Vedangas (six), Purana, Meemansa, Nyaya, Dharma Shasthras, Ayurveda, Dhanurveda, Gandharva Veda and Ardha (Economics) Sasthras.

1. Vedas : Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, Adharvana Vedam.

2. Vedangas : Chhandassu, Kalpam, Niruktham, Sikshaa, Vyakarana, Jyothisham.

3. Puranas : 18 (Ashtadasa) Puranas : Short cut Shloka for these ones.

Bhadwayam Madwayam chaiva Brathrayam va chathushtayam,

Anapalinga kuskani Puranani pravakshyathe ||

4. Meemansa : Purva Meemansa, Uththara Meemansa.

5. Ayurveda : sub set of Rigveda, Dhanurveda : sub set of Yajurveda.

Gandharva Veda (singing) : sub set of Samaveda, Ardha Sasthram : sub set of Adharvana Vedam.

There are 32 Vidyas according to Upanishads. Upanishads are the last chapters of Vedas, and their synonyms are Vedanthas, Shruthi Shiras, etc.. . Vedangas should be read to understand Vedas. Upanishads are Gnana Kandas in Vedas. Some Upasanas were told in Upanishads. These are called Vidyas. The 34 Vidyas from Pradhanopanishads :

1. Eswara Vidya ————-13. Dahara Vidya ————— 25. Prathardana Vidya.

2. Parama Purusha Vidya 14. Angushthatmathra Vidya 26. Nachiketa Vidya

3. Sadvidya ——————-15. Jyothishaam jyothirvidya 27. Vyswanara Vidya

4. Anandamaya Vidya. — 16. Maithreyi Vidya ———— 28. Samvarga Vidya

5. Paramjyothi Vidya ——17. Gayathri Vidya —————29. Panchagni Vidya

6. Sandilya Vidya ——— 18. Ushastha kahola Vidya — 30. Akshi Vidya

7. Paryanka Vidya ———19. Antharaditya Vidya. ——- 31. Bhrigu Varuni Vidya

8. Uddalaka Vidya ———20. Upakoshala Vidya ——— 32. Srimannyasa Vidya

9. Aksharaakshara Vidya 21. Madhu Vidya ————— 33. Udgeethha Vidya

10. Bhuma Vidya ——— 22. Balaki Vidya —————- 34. Purusha Vidya

11. Gargi Akshara Vidya 23. Akashi Vidya

12. Satyakama Vidya — 24. Praana Vidya
You say all this nonsense yet Nepal has a huge Hindu majority with a teeny veeny baby IQ. These Hindus have all this advanced Aryan Wedic knowledge and they are the most low IQ group of the people on the planet. Vild saar
@Sharma Ji even the belief that intelligent people make an intelligent nation is a flawed one.

Subramania Swamy - Harvard & yale educated, taught at Harvard. Yale Profs considered him to be a Nobel probable. His contribution to Indian society- net negative and a disaster

Arnab Goswami- Cambridge educated. Boy where do I start with this fool.

Nimmo Tai- JNU . Crashed the economy.
I have interacted with few smart people who are from very Impoverished African countries.
Yea we don't claim umma chumma with all Hindus around the world, for us our national identity takes more importance... Our support to Citizens of other countries who happen to be Hindus is more of a lip service

Another day, they will use same Nepal to bash India.
@Sharma Ji even the belief that intelligent people make an intelligent nation is a flawed one.

Subramania Swamy - Harvard & yale educated, taught at Harvard. Yale Profs considered him to be a Nobel probable. His contribution to Indian society- net negative and a disaster

Arnab Goswami- Cambridge educated. Boy where do I start with this fool.

Nimmo Tai- JNU . Crashed the economy.

Really? Then what do you think MMS was doing in UPA-2? Nimmo Tai toes the line of her boss and babus and yet, inflation is under 4%, financial health of nation (banks, stocks, debt...) is excellent. India suffers from lack of manufacturing and Nimmo Tai is least to blame for that. Crashed you say, lol.
This guy was from Nepal


True...Sun Wukong was also journeying to India.
Really? Then what do you think MMS was doing in UPA-2? Nimmo Tai toes the line of her boss and babus and yet, inflation is under 4%, financial health of nation (banks, stocks, debt...) is excellent. India suffers from lack of manufacturing and Nimmo Tai is least to blame for that. Crashed you say, lol.

Inflation is under 4% :ROFLMAO: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :ROFLMAO::)

MMS had many stints before UPA 2. UPA 1 + FM Stints under Rao he did stellar work in helping the country move forward.

Nimmo Tai is an incompetent turd who mismanages the economy, fudges numbers and tries to make up by tax terrorism.
Yea we don't claim umma chumma with all Hindus around the world, for us our national identity takes more importance... Our support to Citizens of other countries who happen to be Hindus is more of a lip service

No shit …

Nepal is dumb because is 100% hindu

India was ruled by Muslims for a 1000 years and civilized it

Next time you see Taj mahal or the Red fort in Delhi think for a minute of technology and wealth of the empire that built it..

Hindus only have a clay dick to show for and absurd rituals
No shit …

Nepal is dumb because is 100% hindu

India was ruled by Muslims for a 1000 years and civilized it

Next time you see Taj mahal or the Red fort in Delhi think for a minute of technology and wealth of the empire that built it..

Hindus only have a clay dick to show for and absurd rituals
Well, if dicks are all you are looking for, that's all you gonna see. I recommend to focus on more than just gentiles.

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