Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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I assumed you were an adult so you wouldn't attack me personally.

How about answering my question? What's stopping you to start from the point when the Israelis started displacing Palestinians, killing their women and children, bombing their mosques, razing their hospitals to the ground, killing everyone indiscriminately whenever they would gather to collect the food aid?
Well if Israel wanted to wipe the women and children of gaza they could have but you're not logical in thinking when it comes to this conflict so my post will very likely go in one ear and out the other. And I didn't attack you personally stop being so sensitive all I'm saying is act like an adult and say the name Israel. Anybody can act childish and call any nation by an insult name including for your Pakistan.

hamas hides within civilian population and after killing over a thousand Israeli's in unprovoked attack Israel decided that it's too bad that hamas hides withing civilians but hamas needs to be taken out. That is where you get many many gaza civilian deaths. Now are their incidents where A-hole Israeli soldiers kill civilians for no reason, absolutely, but they are the exception to the rule. The blood of those civilians belong on the hands of hamas.

You know what would have prevented all the death and carnage happening in gaza..? hamas not starting a war on Israeli civilians on October 7th. It's really that simple.
It's funny how the likes of you and other just pretend this current conflict happened in a vacuum and Iranians are the innocent victims here. Shall we take a trip to memory lane how Iran from the beginning of the ayatollah's rein started sht with Israel? Ayatollah Iran decided to make it its business to start crap with Israel when it created hezbollah. Hezbollah is Iran and when hezbollah started with Israel, to Israel there was no difference from hezbollah and Iran.

You bring up Iranian nationals being targeted I too can bring up a huge list of Iran/hezbollah killing jews AND Israelis all over the world... lets start with hezbollah/Iran bombing of the Jewish center in Argentina shall we? You reap what you sow and this delay by Israel is making the ayatollahs shake as they broadcast to western nations to control Israel.

It's too late maybe under another Israeli prime minister they don't strike Iran but under Bibi he is going to strike Iran proper but he is also going to make sure that all known IRGC keep getting eliminated in Syria and Lebanon. Will it be easy for Israel HELL NO in fact if it gets out of control it might look like Israel may get overwhelmed but that is when Israel seems to be at her best militarily when her back is at the wall. If this conflict escalates the way people are predicting, if Israel hits Iran and Iran strikes back, it's not going to go well for Iran, Lebanon and Damascus. Try figuring out what that means...
Yes,by all means let us take a trip down memory lane,tho your memory does seem to have a few holes in it,such as what lead to the creation of hezbollah in the first place.
In case you`re still having trouble remembering that far back,It was the israeli invasion and occupation of southern lebanon back in 1982.
So yeah,you do reap what you sow.tho the israelis do seem to have severe problems when it comes to understanding this seemingly simple and basic principle,but then I suspect that just like their western backers they take the view that theres one set of rules for them and another very different set for everyone else,you know,the so called "rules based international order" that we hear so much about.
I dont see iran doing any "broadcast to western nations to control israel",tho I do see the west once again having real problems trying to control their rabid little zionist mutt,you`d expect that at some point they`d finally get tired of having to endlessly clean up all of its :poop:shit:poop:.
Well if Israel wanted to wipe the women and children of gaza they could have but you're not logical in thinking when it comes to this conflict so my post will very likely go in one ear and out the other. And I didn't attack you personally stop being so sensitive all I'm saying is act like an adult and say the name Israel. Anybody can act childish and call any nation by an insult name including for your Pakistan.

hamas hides within civilian population and after killing over a thousand Israeli's in unprovoked attack Israel decided that it's too bad that hamas hides withing civilians but hamas needs to be taken out. That is where you get many many gaza civilian deaths. Now are their incidents where A-hole Israeli soldiers kill civilians for no reason, absolutely, but they are the exception to the rule. The blood of those civilians belong on the hands of hamas.

You know what would have prevented all the death and carnage happening in gaza..? hamas not starting a war on Israeli civilians on October 7th. It's really that simple.
You are a good example of a supporter of terrorists.

Devil man
Yes,by all means let us take a trip down memory lane,tho your memory does seem to have a few holes in it,such as what lead to the creation of hezbollah in the first place.
In case you`re still having trouble remembering that far back,It was the israeli invasion and occupation of southern lebanon back in 1982.

PLO started civil war and attacked Israel from there and tried assassinating Israeli politician. Forget that?
Well if Israel wanted to wipe the women and children of gaza they could have but you're not logical in thinking when it comes to this conflict so my post will very likely go in one ear and out the other. And I didn't attack you personally stop being so sensitive all I'm saying is act like an adult and say the name Israel. Anybody can act childish and call any nation by an insult name including for your Pakistan.

hamas hides within civilian population and after killing over a thousand Israeli's in unprovoked attack Israel decided that it's too bad that hamas hides withing civilians but hamas needs to be taken out. That is where you get many many gaza civilian deaths. Now are their incidents where A-hole Israeli soldiers kill civilians for no reason, absolutely, but they are the exception to the rule. The blood of those civilians belong on the hands of hamas.

You know what would have prevented all the death and carnage happening in gaza..? hamas not starting a war on Israeli civilians on October 7th. It's really that simple.

Your really that simple,

All occupied people have the right to fight the occupation, to fight the occupier

Without a vote or referendum, foreign Western powers forced a colonial apartheid Jew state upon millions of locals

The Palestinians were made refugees in their own homes and lands, millions forced into neighbours countries and still not allowed to returns, whilst some random white Jew from Brooklyn can turn up and claim to be middle Eastern

October 7th was just one more day in the fight for freedom and independence

The middle east needs peace, the Jews are a corrupt people that just bring chaos, they are a cancer and hundreds of millions of people in the middle east cannot be put at risk because the Jews can't act like human beings

It's time for expulsion number 369, the Jews need to leave
They can can go to America, or Europe or hell, but they can't remain in the middle east

Not after this horrendous apartheid behaviour and genocide

75 years of such oppression is intolerable
Finally a hasbara troll emerges, and a particularly low grade one at that.

This guy will derail the thread completely. I suggest you stick to one of his claims first and do not entertain anything else until it is resolved.

The clock starting on October 7th is a good starting point and it being unprovoked.
Well if Israel wanted to wipe the women and children of gaza they could have but you're not logical in thinking when it comes to this conflict so my post will very likely go in one ear and out the other. And I didn't attack you personally stop being so sensitive all I'm saying is act like an adult and say the name Israel. Anybody can act childish and call any nation by an insult name including for your Pakistan.

hamas hides within civilian population and after killing over a thousand Israeli's in unprovoked attack Israel decided that it's too bad that hamas hides withing civilians but hamas needs to be taken out. That is where you get many many gaza civilian deaths. Now are their incidents where A-hole Israeli soldiers kill civilians for no reason, absolutely, but they are the exception to the rule. The blood of those civilians belong on the hands of hamas.

You know what would have prevented all the death and carnage happening in gaza..? hamas not starting a war on Israeli civilians on October 7th. It's really that simple.
Again starting from Hamas.. Why not going back a little further in time? What's stopping you?

For you Genocide is when Israel will kill all the Gazans.. 30,000 is not a number that interests you lot. This count is from Oct 7. Now start counting from the day these settlers have entered Palestine under the protection of West.

There is a reason I paint most of the westerners as supporters of the great baby killers.. Call Pakistan what you may want, I don't care, it's the history that will paint you the supporters of Genocide.

I think IDF will go after Proxy leaderships in Yemen Syria, Iraq and Lebanon all at once.
most likely will start with cyber attack to cripple defense sites, and attack on nuke plants and facilities

Then Iran should be preparing for a counter strike NOW

Defence is one thing, but Iran should be getting ready for a major assault on Israel and if nuclear sites are a target then Israeli nuclear sites, dams, power infrastructure should also be a immediate target for Iran and proxies

Remember Israel is small, only has a limited number of sites which need to be immediately under a massive target
most likely will start with cyber attack to cripple defense sites, and attack on nuke plants and facilities
there is a lot of smokes and mirrors about cyberattacks.

reality of cyberattacks is: The country of the manufacturer system can hack to the customer, that's all. There is no magical attacks, just backdoors by the manufacturer and known by the state where the system is made.

If Iran uses Western made things, Israel can hack it.

Israel (neither USA) can't do a damn thing about Iranian homemade systems.

I think it wont be a total attack now. It would be another provocation for another escalation.

So maybe they wont touch nuclear plants now. It would provocate a lot of protests by surrounding countries due to radiation leaks, that needs a better excuse.

I expect attacks over facilities related to drones and missiles (factories, warehouse and so on).
PLO started civil war and attacked Israel from there and tried assassinating Israeli politician. Forget that?
34 year long [back in 82] israeli occupation and colonization of palestine."Forget that?"😒

You see,theres that good old,bad old,law of unintended consequences again,you invade lebanon to get rid of the plo and end up creating hezbollah.😏
Am (ex)USAF. F-111 Cold War, then F-16 Desert Storm.
what made you stick with the various iterations of pdf for so long? I mean the world is a big place and there many defence forums out there.
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