Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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This whole incident showed that Israelis lack strategic depth and they can be easily overwhelmed by thousands of rockets and cheap drones as shown on Oct7th and recently. The policy of the US and western powers to maintain Israel’s qualitative edge is slowly becoming irrelevant.
To mitigate more against this policy Iraq Syria should be strengthened especially their air defences and Air Force. I admit I was one of those naive people who supported ousting Bashar Al-Assad. Now looking back I can’t help but think the destruction of Syria Libya etc were part of plan to empower Israel in the region. Iraq to was illegally invaded thanks to Christian Zionists bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Jewish Zionists wolfowitz, Ari fliescher, Richard pearle, and Netanyahu himself.
Iraq Syria etc should also acquire thousands of cheap drones and also if possible acquire JF17 / J10s or Turkish / Iranian fighters to have atleast sone presence in their air spaces. Currently allowing US , UK, Israel to violate their sovereignty daily is inexcusable.
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I think Israelis might do a strike against Iran even without US partaking in the offensive part. Because they know US will undoubtedly come and help Israel for the defensive part, when Iran retaliates.
At which point, I dont think Iran would differentiate between the two and they would see US as culpible in a war.
That's what they want but I'd avoid striking US bases if they're only playing defensive role on behalf of Israel. I'd keep striking Israel until it has to decide what it wants. It will have no choice but to face new realities of region. Otherwise, accept their downfall.
Can Israel announce in advance about attack like Iran did much before its drones reach Israel?... I don't think so

Baby killer states have no honour
They follow judeo-christian values

Their idea of successful STATE retaliation is proportional to the number of babies they manage to kill. I wouldn't be surprised if one of the options on the table includes the bombing of a hospital.
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I think Israel is topping up their AD systems , as they were clearly depleted...once done, then they'll strike Iran...
There has been announcements that there will be more sanctions placed on Iran. Looking at this in long term, will further economic isolation cripple Iranian government popularity and increase uprising? Perhaps, if that's the aim of Israel and USA.
There has been announcements that there will be more sanctions placed on Iran. Looking at this in long term, will further economic isolation cripple Iranian government popularity and increase uprising? Perhaps, if that's the aim of Israel and USA.

The Americans and Europeans tried that with the Russians too. It didn't work out. Iran has a pretty decent local economy. Iran has adapted quite well over the years. This is not the first time they are being sanctioned. Sanctions won't hurt Iran. Remember that Iran also has a major deal with China.
No they haven't. They simply cannot fight a war with Iran. It's to keep Iran on edge for a month then attempt killing a nuclear scientist or official inside of Iran using local squads. It is not capable of anything more and depends solely on the US decision to wage war on Iran. Israel is now afraid to strike IRGC assets in Syria, even.

Israel is propped in Westerners and Indians minds as some superpower. Reality is it can not fight a real war. It can only massacre defenseless isolated Palestinians. This is confused by some to be power when it isn't. Israel has no choice but to accept new deterrence equation imposed by Iran. The leaks about a response being agreed to are false. Saying we need to respond but not agreeing on timing, lol, it means you haven't agreed on directly striking Iran. Because you can't afford to. 😁

Poor Indians and Westerners chanting 'Cmon Israel!!' 🤣

Don't get your hopes up. Iran and Hezbollah will destroy all of Israels military in one week. Israel will be invoking NATO intervention very quickly. And all they will have remaining are ground forces to defend against potential ground incursion.

Israel can't do jackshit. That's the hard cold truth. 😁
There has been announcements that there will be more sanctions placed on Iran. Looking at this in long term, will further economic isolation cripple Iranian government popularity and increase uprising? Perhaps, if that's the aim of Israel and USA.

Sanctions have never worked. Iran is actually coming out of its economic isolation. Increased oil exports to China and others, it is not quite pre-sanctions level but it is approaching there.
And with Iran being included in BRICS and Shanghai cooperation organization, Iran is not really politically isolated and certainly not strategically.
The West have sanctioned themselves from Iran, for the sake of an illegitimate usurper regime.
Power and wealth has been increasingly distributed to countries of the global south, and the Western powers are in a relative decline.
Yep. Israeli macho propaganda is for some brainwashed Americans and Indians. Israel can't do any strike on Iran. Hollywood macho propaganda has many Americans confused. 😆

Though a big group of Americans are aware these Zionist terrorist thugs can only kill children in Palestine and can't fight real wars.

Hebrew media: Imposing new sanctions on Iran may be the response to the recent attack

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