Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

endless strikes against Beirut

without any response from Hezbollah

Hezbollah has two options

1-go all out and launch all the missiles at Israel and wiped
2- just sit and get wiped without launching any missiles

they are in a very very bad spot right now

they do have battalions that can fight independently

but that isn't enough to win the war

Israel knows it can do anything with full diplomatic immunity and now they are totally over confident to carry out anything and everything

Hezbollah should have taken Israel months ago when they had the chance

they did what Saddam did, waited to be taken out while waging a small scale war

bad strategy
Ladies ladies

I am speed limited so may not be able to respond

The resistance is a IRREGULAR FORCE, It doesn't have a air force, or navy or significant Air defence or hell even missiles

Hezbollah has set up enough traps to make invasion of Lebanon costly and dangerous for any foe, so it's first role and job has been achieved

Its second role is to constantly harass Israel

Israels North has been cleared of hundreds of thousands of Israeli
Multiple targets have been hit for an entire year of conflict

Any resistance will take losses, THATS TO BE EXPECTED
the Jews are monstrous, so then hitting populated targets because they are savage is TO BE EXPECTED

It's one of the reasons why Hezbollah didn't go to hard, not because Hezbollah wasnt willing to die but because their is a consequence for the population, not all of whom are behind Hezbollah

Now think about this
Israel, hamas, Hezbollah are all involved in conflict and the populations suffering

But the rest of the region is either sitting back or supporting the resistance

You point fingers at Iran BUT IRAN IS OK
Israel is in turmoil,
Large parts of Israel are empty
It's taken a massive economic hit
It's had to Jew tens of billions from the U.S tax payer
Plans it had were destroyed and even the dopey Arabs are pushing for a multi state alliance pushing for a free Palestinian state, even the U.S and others won't be able to deny it because it's the only peacefully way to resolve the crises

Israel has lost a massive amount over the last year
Destroyed it's international standing
Had to pull multiple strings to get funding
It's face has been revealed to the masses of the world and it's face is evil

Take a look at the below picture

View attachment 68202
This is Israels international standing, the vast majority of the world just left and benny spoke to empty chairs

The resistance is GOING TO SUFFER

But and this is important, it's supposed to soak up the punishment and keep Israel in a state of conflict and chaos effecting all segments of the Jew society until the rest of the world can force a Palestinian state upon Israel

As I said even the Arabs have made moves
They are probably happy watching Irans proxies and Israel hit each other
The situation is dead volatile and liquid. Every Muslim country, particularly in the ME, is going to feel the heat sooner or later. They're now in a Ya Nafsi Ya Nafsi mode....

No wonder from Turkey to BD everybody wants a Nuclear Deterrence Treaty with Pakistan...

A moth-eaten Pakistan is better than no Pakistan....

*Some folks wonder why having a BD flag in my "country of origin" I wholeheartedly and unconditionally support Pak
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No, it’s still support not direct military action where they actually take part.
well NATO took part in direct military action in Afghanistan that lasted after the Iraq war of 2003. Besides, all this direct vs indirect doesnt make a difference if its in the military space- by giving weapons, ammunition, intelligence, money, political over, such country IS in a war- if not, why is NATO scared of letting Ukraine hit targets deep in Russia with their weapons? because they know that will force them to directly participate in the war, which is not that much different from supporting Ukraine, afterall they've done all the direct war fighting UNDERCOVER, like calling NATO soldiers mercs. gimme a break and stop being narive by playing with semantics and equivocation.
If the Iranians had responded to the first assassinations instead of empty warnings, it wouldn't have happened that their main leaders were assassinated And now a full scale war on its ally.

Next is ( could be) ????????????
Exactly what I posted earlier. Iran's weakness/cowardliness has embolden Israel to conduct such brazen attacks. All this bs 'restraints' against an enemy that follows a doctrine of disproportionate retaliation does not work, "chess players" should have thought about that.

Speak for yourself. I want Pakistan to become a part of the Ottoman Empire if they will rescue us from the British-Indian Army.

An Islamic NATO and a EU-style economic integration should be a no brainer. Start with Pakistan, Turkey, Iran, and expand from there. An attack on one is an attack on all.
Saudis barely have any real power outside of their own borders. What are you talking about?

Again, most of the groups that have fought the west in the past 24 years have been wahhabi groups.

Even the wahhabists don't like the Arab leadership. There is a reason when MBS came to power that he ended up arresting a bunch of wahhabi imams.
Saudis do have a lot of power and influence over the GCC dude. Every single GCC country is essentially a product of the West with their own puppet leaders. This all goes hand in hand. MBS fizzles out anything that threatens his position regardless if they're a wahabi or a qadiani. I should have made myself more clearer- I was explaining the mindset of people, why they like to lash out at wahabis; their general perception is Saudi including MBS= wahabi.

endless strikes against Beirut

without any response from Hezbollah
Unless Hezbullah quickly gets someone in charge quickly at the head, someone who's willing to ignore Iranian restraint, Hezbullah is finished.

Israel has realized that it can defeat Hezbullah simply by humiliating it.

At this point, I doubt a full scale invasion is on the card.

Lebanon has clearly been completely compromised, as Israel seems to know exactly where everyone and everything is.

Hezbullah's main leadership is destroyed (though I have no doubt they'll get new leadership soon), hezbullah's infrastructure is damaged, and their arsenal has dwindled significantly.

You said before "use it or lose it", hezbullah seems to have chosen "lose it".
Who controls airport security networks?

Who runs CCTV networks?

Who is using ai algorithms on people's data?

Who has Facebook WhatsApp data access?

Who has the main phone hacking software?

exactly Israel gets to use the full spectrum of intelligence

US has Global GPS with solid and secure communications links

Russian GLONASS or Chinese BeiDou doesnt even come close neither does EUs Galileo

actually even if you combined all the 3 from Russia, China and EU you cant match the GPS

these guys tracked shells from North Korea along the trans-Siberian railway to the storage warehouse in Toropets

Ukraine absolutely levelled the site

Iran sent misiles to Russia via Caspian Sea they tracked it to Astrakhan in Russia

they kept tracking it to the warehouse and the location warehouse

these guys have secure comms

on top of that when it comes to electronics and software again they are at the top of their game
Exactly! Land is yours if you can hold it!
Yes Kashmiri should re adopt their roots which go before 600 AD. Same option for Gaza residents and everyone in ME.
How about that. I'm consistent with my logic, you guys are not.

No one wants these roots, they are dead and buried in the soil and no wants them back😂

Don't you feel embarrassed being so impotent to ask people to change their beliefs so you can feel better about your own beliefs😂😂
No one wants these roots, they are dead and buried in the soil and no wants them back😂

Don't you feel embarrassed being so impotent to ask people to change their beliefs so you can feel better about your own beliefs😂😂

Not sure why you collated our posts. Mine was simple. You keep what you can hold. I was not talking about feelings.
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