Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

That is ironic. Why don't you apply this rule to Kashmir? Not that you will ever het Kashmir back.
Yes Kashmiri should re adopt their roots which go before 600 AD. Same option for Gaza residents and everyone in ME.
How about that. I'm consistent with my logic, you guys are not.
Destruction of the Wahhabis is a prerequisite to destroying the Zionists!

Hopefully, Iran will have this decade to build up its nuclear Arsenal!
Blaming the wahhabis seems to be the go to response for everything.
UN also recognizes the existence of Palestine. Guess who doesn't recognize Palestine? Israel. Shit they don't even think the Palestinian people are real.

brother world stands with Palestine

but guess what? Might is right

the powerful can do whatever they like when and where they like with full diplomatic immunity

unfortunately that is the world we live in where strength dictates right and wrong

US will just nuke everyone who disagrees with them we can claim the higher moral ground but it means nothing

US is a very big global military and economic power they could China and Russia together
Oh stfu . Below is the comment of your own co-religious brother lying about how it was "not imposed" on Bengalis.

He decitefully added Begali in the list. But did not talk about rest of Indian subcontinent.
idk what history they teach in east and west Pakistan. He thinks some traders peacefully made half the Begal muslim.
I don't care about what anyone said pagan, I'm focused about your digs at Islam. You obsessive troglodyte. You live in a fantasy land, go find your flying temples instead of obsessing over Islam.
Ladies ladies

I am speed limited so may not be able to respond

The resistance is a IRREGULAR FORCE, It doesn't have a air force, or navy or significant Air defence or hell even missiles

Hezbollah has set up enough traps to make invasion of Lebanon costly and dangerous for any foe, so it's first role and job has been achieved

Its second role is to constantly harass Israel

Israels North has been cleared of hundreds of thousands of Israeli
Multiple targets have been hit for an entire year of conflict

Any resistance will take losses, THATS TO BE EXPECTED
the Jews are monstrous, so then hitting populated targets because they are savage is TO BE EXPECTED

It's one of the reasons why Hezbollah didn't go to hard, not because Hezbollah wasnt willing to die but because their is a consequence for the population, not all of whom are behind Hezbollah

Now think about this
Israel, hamas, Hezbollah are all involved in conflict and the populations suffering

But the rest of the region is either sitting back or supporting the resistance

You point fingers at Iran BUT IRAN IS OK
Israel is in turmoil,
Large parts of Israel are empty
It's taken a massive economic hit
It's had to Jew tens of billions from the U.S tax payer
Plans it had were destroyed and even the dopey Arabs are pushing for a multi state alliance pushing for a free Palestinian state, even the U.S and others won't be able to deny it because it's the only peacefully way to resolve the crises

Israel has lost a massive amount over the last year
Destroyed it's international standing
Had to pull multiple strings to get funding
It's face has been revealed to the masses of the world and it's face is evil

Take a look at the below picture

This is Israels international standing, the vast majority of the world just left and benny spoke to empty chairs

The resistance is GOING TO SUFFER

But and this is important, it's supposed to soak up the punishment and keep Israel in a state of conflict and chaos effecting all segments of the Jew society until the rest of the world can force a Palestinian state upon Israel

As I said even the Arabs have made moves
They are probably happy watching Irans proxies and Israel hit each other
That is ironic. Why don't you apply this rule to Kashmir? Not that you will ever get Kashmir back.

Did India lose it somehow? Part China took in 1962? I am confused? I don't recall India losing a land to anyone except China..

Chandragupta Maurya used to rule from Bihar to Afghanistan. Historical claims are funny, I admit.
Israil is getting into the borders of Turkey step by step, as per the Turkish strategic analysts. After the Iranian proxies' collapse in Lebanon, through a close cooperation with the West and the Arab powers, those in Syria are the next in line. Israil is after a great war. Either the Syrian regime will cooperate with Turkey, or Turkey will set her plan E (existential) on the boards...

Turkey is even worse than zionists

They want ottoman empire by any cost
In this case, I bet the lower and mid level hezbullah commanders were ready and willing, but the leadership (on the whims of Iran) showed foolish "restraint".

Nasrallah's killing will only emboldened Israel and show how incompetent Iran is.

If the Iranians had responded to the first assassinations instead of empty warnings, it wouldn't have happened that their main leaders were assassinated And now a full scale war on its ally.

Next is ( could be) ????????????
honestly can I say lets keep religion out of this for now

victory and loss comes from Allah Swt we all agree

but wars are one by preparation and knowledge of the enemies capabilities

US has true Global satellite communications available in real time

nothing can even come close

Honestly, this comes down to education. Educated people tend to focus more on the present situation and prioritize finding practical solutions. They approach problems with a logical mindset, aiming to resolve issues through thoughtful and constructive methods rather than getting caught up in emotions or past grievances.... and bring religious and other things.

Not really, anyone can kill leadership of an organization but they chose not to. Because organization aren't people dependent. Especially when leaders are idiot or aren't capable. One don't want them to be replaced. Clearly whether Iran, china or Russia don't won't to a war even though they are being provoked. As leaders of BRICs+ they have to be restrained. With Brics summit coming up end of next month. The brics leaders don't want to be in a catastrophic war. Threatening everything they have worked for. It is easy to say why they aren't iran, hezbollah or russia responding. But consequences will be high. It's a high stake game.

The situation with Israel is quite different from that of other countries. Israel perceives itself as being in a highly vulnerable position, and as a result, prioritizes its security above all else. Their national policy is focused on proactively eliminating threats. When someone causes trouble for them, Israel often responds decisively, sending a clear message that they will not just talk or negotiate—they will act.

For Israel, offense is often seen as the best defense. They believe that by taking strong, immediate actions, they deter future threats and ensure their protection. This approach stands in contrast to other countries, which may prefer more diplomatic or restrained methods of handling conflict.
Blaming the wahhabis seems to be the go to response for everything.
Well the entire wahabi movement has been backed by the west, that's why people are angry. And to be brutally honest they have been a bunch of incompetent morons. They were granted the gift of oil money and it's been squandered and is being squandered. Instead of becoming self-sufficient they are reliant on others. This mentality has seeped into the general population where the majority have a similar laid back mindset "ah it's fine I can hire an englazi or a bengali to do the work for me". This mentality is prevalent throughout most Muslim nations. Muslims have contributed next to nothing since industrialisation.

One of the most fundamental messages from these recent conflicts has yet again been ignored which is the need for self-sufficiency. The Arabs beg for weapons from the US and they haven't gotten jack from them. One can only hope that people realise this and that there is a major shift akin to China where we start to build and innovate everything ourselves from top to bottom.

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