Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Lebanon fiasco reminds me of the 1967 Israeli attack on her unprepared Arab neighbours , 😮☹️😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
In this case, I bet the lower and mid level hezbullah commanders were ready and willing, but the leadership (on the whims of Iran) showed foolish "restraint".

Nasrallah's killing will only emboldened Israel and show how incompetent Iran is.
Forgot about military look at the governance. Arabs are entirely dependent on the west.

Arabs know if they stand up for Palestine they will end up like Gaza

also Arabs have 3 weakness

Women, money and alcohol

latest Hezbollah informer sold out his brothers for $7,500 he was caught
Which logic of mine says that ? You deduced exactly opposite conclusion. If you hate Brits then do you should hate Turkic Mughals too . Do Pakistanis hate em ?

LoL .. yes they "accepted", it happened very "peacefully". This is the reason why no-one takes victimhood of your lot seriously.
You filthy dog, you always love poking digs towards Islam; what are you even doing here? Go worship a toilet or donald trump. Who brands Islam as a peaceful religion? Think about that, I know your cow shit infested mind lacks any critical thought but it's not that hard to figure out it's a purposeful branding to label Islam as a hypocritical belief. We're not monks.
Imo the title makes no sense

It should be Lebanon vs Israel
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: jews will fight you and the Muslims fight back until no jew will survive

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We have no way of knowing if the above is true or not!!

So, don’t quote it like it is fact!
It is inherently natural to establish a system in which the leadership takes command from a solid bunker that can withstand a nuclear attack in case of such an emergency.
It is difficult to understand why they failed to do so.
In Western Europe, even a small country like Finland has huge underground cities, and the government is supposed to move underground in an emergency.
Also, South Korea has underground shelters capable of housing the entire population in case of nuclear war.
Even now, the surviving Hezbollah leaders should leave their comfortable apartments and all go into the tunnels with their soldiers to fight.

the stupidity of the Hezbollah amazes

who buys Western pagers? and you didnt even check or scan them? for heavens sakes come on

then came the Walkie Talkies Goodness me your going to war and you are not taking some basic steps

dont understand the mindset
honestly can I say lets keep religion out of this for now

victory and loss comes from Allah Swt we all agree

but wars are one by preparation and knowledge of the enemies capabilities

US has true Global satellite communications available in real time

nothing can even come close
That is called Jihad

May God mercy be upon the resistance from Iran to Algeria
Really? Houthis got larger and went from a militia to a state-level military after their leader Mohammed Al-Houthi was killled, so no, Taliban are not an exception- weak movements with weak followers following weak ideologies are the ones that wont fight like Taliban. I bet Vietnamese lost lots of leaders while fighting US's invasion in the 60s or so.

Correction accepted
Israil is getting into the borders of Turkey step by step, as per the Turkish strategic analysts. After the Iranian proxies' collapse in Lebanon, through a close cooperation with the West and the Arab powers, those in Syria are the next in line. Israil is after a great war. Either the Syrian regime will cooperate with Turkey, or Turkey will set her plan E (existential) on the boards...

What plan would that be?
Seriously, israel secret agency is world best, people like here or don't like to admit.

In intelligence might CIA is best but without doubt, MoSsad is best on covert operations.

They don't spare someone who usually caused damaged to israel.

Any case or situation , they usually find them and kill them.
Not really, anyone can kill leadership of an organization but they chose not to. Because organization aren't people dependent. Especially when leaders are idiot or aren't capable. One don't want them to be replaced. Clearly whether Iran, china or Russia don't won't to a war even though they are being provoked. As leaders of BRICs+ they have to be restrained. With Brics summit coming up end of next month. The brics leaders don't want to be in a catastrophic war. Threatening everything they have worked for. It is easy to say why they aren't iran, hezbollah or russia responding. But consequences will be high. It's a high stake game.
Do you recognize the existence of Israel as per UN accord ?
UN also recognizes the existence of Palestine. Guess who doesn't recognize Palestine? Israel. Shit they don't even think the Palestinian people are real.
History also didn't start after WW2 migration, And neither in 600 AD.
Should the whole Asia start demanding the status quo back to 600 AD and kick out the outsider ideology ?

When people do try to bring status quo back from 600 AD you guys start playing victim card.

That is ironic. Why don't you apply this rule to Kashmir? Not that you will ever get Kashmir back.

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