Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Chandragupta Maurya used to rule from Bihar to Afghanistan. Historical claims are funny, I admit.
Chandler bing who?

No one cares, least of all those in-between Bihar and Afghanistan.
Not saying the west did not aide IDF, but you usually do surveillance with satellite, not with those flight.

Again, those flight are for collecting signal, this more likely to be from the extension of the pager incident. think about it for a second, how high the infiltration goes to have Hezbollah to accept a bunch of equipment without even checking it? I would more incline to believe the entire Hezbollah C4 structure is compromised than some idiot blew their mouth off where their supreme leader was meeting the IRGC general.

and to be very frank with you, don't count on international community to do anything about Israel, if they do care, the war will stop probably half a year ago......

Sorry my mistake, Not 'ISR' but 'ISTAR' - Intelligence/ surveillance/TARGET ACQUISITION/ reconnaissance.
Well the entire wahabi movement has been backed by the west, that's why people are angry. And to be brutally honest they have been a bunch of incompetent morons. They were granted the gift of oil money and it's been squandered and is being squandered. Instead of becoming self-sufficient they are reliant on others. This mentality has seeped into the general population where the majority have a similar laid back mindset "ah it's fine I can hire an englazi or a bengali to do the work for me". This mentality is prevalent throughout most Muslim nations. Muslims have contributed next to nothing since industrialisation.

One of the most fundamental messages from these recent conflicts has yet again been ignored which is the need for self-sufficiency. The Arabs beg for weapons from the US and they haven't gotten jack from them. One can only hope that people realise this and that there is a major shift akin to China where we start to build and innovate everything ourselves from top to bottom.
Most of the leadership of the Arab world isn't even wahhabi.

Also, the West has demonized and gone to war militarily against wahhabi and salafi groups across the world.

No idea what you're talking about.
UN also recognizes the existence of Palestine. Guess who doesn't recognize Palestine? Israel. Shit they don't even think the Palestinian people are real.
Arab never recognized the UN accord. Instead they coaxed Palestinians to vacate their land so that they can throw out Jews from there. The rest is history.
Most of the leadership of the Arab world isn't even wahhabi.

Also, the West has demonized and gone to war militarily against wahhabi and salafi groups across the world.

No idea what you're talking about.
They were Wahhabi when asked to be

They abandoned Wahhabi when asked to

They played their role
Most of the leadership of the Arab world isn't even wahhabi.

Also, the West has demonized and gone to war militarily against wahhabi and salafi groups across the world.

No idea what you're talking about.
Saudis are wahabis. Saudi has the most power in the Middle East and are the lapdogs of the West. That is why people blame wahabis. The west demonises Islam in general, that doesn't stop bootlickers. They're selfish and only think about their own interest and to maintain their power. Sounds familiar doesn't it?
Which logic of mine says that ? You deduced exactly opposite conclusion. If you hate Brits then do you should hate Turkic Mughals too . Do Pakistanis hate em ?
Your logic is that history doesn't matter, but defend Israel's (fake) historical claims.

I don't hate the British for taking over South Asia, they were smart enough to realize that couldn't hold on to British India and left. I hate the British (and most European powers) because of the evils they committed and still commit to this day.
Saudis are wahabis. Saudi has the most power in the Middle East and are the lapdogs of the West. That is why people blame wahabis. The west demonises Islam in general, that doesn't stop bootlickers. They're selfish and only think about their own interest and to maintain their power. Sounds familiar doesn't it?
Saudis barely have any real power outside of their own borders. What are you talking about?

Again, most of the groups that have fought the west in the past 24 years have been wahhabi groups.

Even the wahhabists don't like the Arab leadership. There is a reason when MBS came to power that he ended up arresting a bunch of wahhabi imams.

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