Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

So you want all of us to worship monkeys, cows, rats ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ and drink cow urine and bathe in cow dung ? Sorry pal we are not going back to ignorance and stupidity of the past.

But all religions drag you into the past! Science is the only thing that drags you into the future. Hard for me to believe that people living in first millennia knew what lightning was or how solar system worked or.. Your choice! Such debates never have a happy ending.
cuz NATO doesn't have the money (or effective ground forces) anymore for such risky and likely to fail military adventures. Plus US population hasn't given US govt the right to do such reckless and irresponsible ground wars and attacks since Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
Absolutely, that capacity to trample others so openly and at will has been lost and continues to erode further.
Yes Kashmiri should re adopt their roots which go before 600 AD. Same option for Gaza residents and everyone in ME.
How about that. I'm consistent with my logic, you guys are not.
I try to understand the gibberish like colonial takeover is called Zionist in Palestine but I don't see the point in comparing an 80 year old occupation entity with a 1500 year old strong religion. However, the historical rights that Palestine has as a people you say are unfair because it is the 6th century. What an incoherent idiot.
Update(1340ET): The White House has finally put out a statement by early Saturday afternoon. President Biden has called Nasrallah's death 'justice' for the hundreds of Americans who perished over what the US called a 'four-decade reign of terror'.

"Hassan Nasrallah and the terrorist group he led, Hezbollah, were responsible for killing hundreds of Americans over a four-decade reign of terror. His death from an Israeli airstrike is a measure of justice for his many victims, including thousands of Americans, Israelis, and Lebanese civilians," Biden said. The White House says the Pentagon has been ordered to enhance America's defense posture and readiness in the Middle East.

Biden has further repeated that the US "fully supports Israel's right to defend itself"...

"The US fully supports Israel's right to defend itself against Hezbollah. I have ordered Defense Secretary Austin to increase US forces in the Middle East to deter aggression from Iran and its proxies and reduce the danger of a wider regional war," Biden said.
The situation is dead volatile and liquid. Every Muslim country, particularly in the ME, is going to feel the heat sooner or later. They're now in a Ya Nafsi Ya Nafsi mode....

No wonder from Turkey to BD everybody wants a Nuclear Deterrence Treaty with Pakistan...

A moth-eaten Pakistan is better than no Pakistan....

*Some folks wonder why having a BD flag in my "country of origin" I wholeheartedly and unconditionally support Pak

Time is always changing, today the resistance can fire drones and missiles at Israel from distance to constantly keep Israel in conflict

Going forward it's essential Muslim countries develop, make alliances, and plan for our mutual enemies
Read my responses to @r3alist

Neither did the Jews. It's a myth that they did, when in reality they only agreed that there should be a Jewish land, but never agreed with the idea that there should be a Palestine.

Also the Arabs didn't just ask the Palestinians to leave, they asked all civilians to leave so they could more easily fight the Jewish militias like the Haganah, Irgun, and Lehi militias (all three of which had open, documented genocidal intent) without fear of mass killing civilians.
And then they lost. Even after out numbering Jews by a factor of (ร—).
It is absolutely reality.

If no one can go against the west, then that means no one in the world is independent. Bad logic.

Not becoming the west, but modernizing and becoming developed. Both socially and economically.

In both cases, they're failing.
The most important thing for Muslim countries is to develop alternate payment mechanisms and slowly get rid of the dollar. For communication use Huawei as a stop gap and develop our own; Iran turkey Malaysia have the capability for this. Second develop money on missiles especially hypersonic. Hezbollah and Hanas with their crude unguided rockets can bring havoc on Israel. Can you imagine thousands of salvos of guided missiles from Egypt turkey Iran etc
And then they lost. Even after out numbering Jews by a factor of (ร—).
The argument wasn't won or lost, it was following UN resolutions.

Also, the Jews won heavily due to US support (weapons and volunteers).

And the Arabs armies didn't outnumber Jewish forces by a factor of 10, that's a myth.
Unless Hezbullah quickly gets someone in charge quickly at the head, someone who's willing to ignore Iranian restraint, Hezbullah is finished.

Israel has realized that it can defeat Hezbullah simply by humiliating it.

At this point, I doubt a full scale invasion is on the card.

Lebanon has clearly been completely compromised, as Israel seems to know exactly where everyone and everything is.

Hezbullah's main leadership is destroyed (though I have no doubt they'll get new leadership soon), hezbullah's infrastructure is damaged, and their arsenal has dwindled significantly.

You said before "use it or lose it", hezbullah seems to have chosen "lose it".

Agreed, That_Guy . But, Iran, and the resistance are no Russia or China. We've been told Hezbollah is so advanced and has all this technology, yet they are so penetrated by Israeli intelligence that even after the pager terrorism, Israel did it a second day in a row because of Hezbollah's incompetence not disposing of the devices. Additionally, Israel is amassing forces and tanks in huge concentrated areas near the border, which is a huge no-no against any competent adversary as it creates a huge target, yet Hezbollah is either incapable, doesn't know or won't strike those areas. They just send marginally larger than Hamas bottle rockets into Haifa and northern Israel. Meaningless pin-prick attacks. The only thing they have accomplished are displacing Israel settlers from the North. You'd also think by now they would be pounding airports and airbases to deny Israel cart blanche carpet bombing but refuse or are incapable to do so. The new Iranian leader is also a wet dream for Israel and the west. A deeply unserious and pathetic weak leader who has been humiliated over and over again. Iran had a very competent and capable foreign minister and president, but they, like Solemani have been eliminated one after another. The own goals by the resistance are turning the tide from an Israeli strategic debacle into a long term "greater Israel" strategic victory with complicity from the gulf monarchies and Slum country as well.

endless strikes against Beirut

without any response from Hezbollah
I think people in Lebanon are in shock. Also some people scared and maybe some people ran from their role. This happened in Gaza in 2008/2009 some fighters ran from battlefield using excuses. The real ones stayed and fought.

I would be shocked if Hezbollah is in shock from magnitude of Israeli war on Lebanon and willingness to carry it out. Because you should never trust any foreign diplomats or their chatter. When it comes to Hamas and Hezbollah, they are actively working to destroy them at all times. And after Hamas's operation, you should be in position to assume the worst. A surprise attack by Israel.
If no one can go against the west, then that means no one in the world is independent. Bad logic

I was merely saying what they parrot,I do not say that is true

That's a matter of will and resolve, their position is clear on that front

Not becoming the west, but modernizing and becoming developed. Both socially and economically.

In both cases, they're failing.

They are attempting to mirror the west, socially and culturally

That's why they are importing wwe, music concerts, clubs, sports events etc populist western gunk, minus the sport

They are doing an ok job tbh, football league is going, boxing too, .... Money can buy competence to a good extent

Which brings me back to my original point, they chose not to become competent because that was never the script

You are telling me after 40 plus years of oil money they have what indigenous strengths?

They were richer before china was rich, yet they switched their brains off for future planning... Sure ok.
it took 18 years to build up Hezbollah and Israel took them down inside 7 days

thats all anyone needs to know and that is the reality of the West

when it comes to surveillance, eavesdropping, code breaking, intelligence, communications and information war the Western nations are second to none in this area

The west - when they fight a war - they fight an ABSOLUTE NO HOLES BARRED TOTAL WAR. Israel fights the same way and worst.

Muslims believe in some kind of framework or construct on "how" to fight war, some kind of rules based "honourable war". That is why muslims always tend to lose their wars in the last few decades - they dont really put their 'backs' into fighting a proper real war as it should be in the modern era.

Azerbijan recently, Turkey at Gallipoli are some of the few examples of true victory by muslims. Not many this century, of old - yes, lots of victories but modern wars are fought to a different standard now.

Given the threats that Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and Syria face from Israel, why dont these countries have the same type programme of civil mobilisation and preparation for war that Israel has ?????? How many wars and conflicts have they had and lost but failed to improve their capabilities and approach to war ? Because they dont take security planning, and preparation for war seriously. I can go on - but i wont.

Israel has been planning this war against Hezbollah since 2006...
Whenever the U.S. makes a flirtation with peace, it always sends a large number of weapons to spy on the U.S. and aim for a surprise attack.
How many times have we been fooled?
Yesterday Biden said he did not want to see an escalation of the war, and today he declared his full support for genocide and approved massive arms transfers to Israel.
There is no ceasefire, and the West has no reason to negotiate.
Iran must fight to the death in Lebanon or the Iranian mainland will become a battleground and irreversible.

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