Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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A potential nuclear test is incoming with Russia and china backing it. Iranian are not stupid.
It wasnt a failure. Let me explain why its you who is deluded.

1) Iran warned its neighbours and the US was informed as well 72hrs before they carried out the attack. This means they wanted to limit damage and casualties as they knew Israel would have a number of countries rushing to defend it. Israel and allies had 72hrs prepare their defences.

2)The slow drones and some of the typed of missiles used were meant to be intercepted, per above point.

3) Irans objective was to hit the israeli bases which carried out the attack on their embassy. They succeeded, all the ABMs used failed in stopping those missiles regardless of how much damage they did, they showed they can hit the most defended airspace in the world.

4) Iran reestablished its minimum deterrence and redline. The size of this attack was more for optics and to show the capability to swarm. They could have used better/faster drones and missiles and given no notice, refer back to point 1.

So if you fail to realise the bigger picture geopolitically whats going on, one can not help you any more.

This is an incredible amount of copium. No nation launches over 300 drones and missiles to cause “limited damage or for “optics” only. Thats a ridiculous assertion.

Irans attack was a huge failure. No amount of mental gymnastics to justify that failure will change that.
Many members here have deluded themselves. The attack on Israel was a huge failure.

Up to 50% of Iranian ballistic missiles failed on launch or flight. The rest were intercepted, with a small percentage getting through hitting open areas of the airbase that can be repaired in hours. All drones and cruise missiles intercepted.

It was a failure, and I’d say the same if that were the results of a US attack. Members have lost touch with reality
Dude do you even read news that isn’t wsj which is Rupert Murdoch owned the real news is starting to trickle in from Israel media blackout footage is starting to pop up that is Israel military press coordinated Military Press says take videos at one small steam rollers with a tiny hole to emphasize that the attack was a joke. Real news is starting to say buildings were destroyed runway was damaged and a c 130 was damaged. I’m not a military man but I’m scratching my chin thinking why the f 35 weren’t damaged oh I forgot Iranians told everyone they were attacking said airbase so they kept all the planes in the sky for 3 hours amazing intelligence work Iranians have literally been telling everyone in a highly coordinated choreographed show.
Yeahhhhhh noooo

The attack was Impressive, fire hundreds of drones, create fear and get the population scrambling. Deplete Israeli air defence missiles and fire ballistic and other missiles through the holes created.

All Iran has to do is prepare for the next attack on Israel, that alone will be sufficient to keep Israel in check

Why do you think Israel is so desperate to drag the U.S into the conflict?
Why do you think the U.S is so hesitant?
They know any attack on Iran, the Iranians will take punishment, BUT they will also deliver punisher on every U.S or Israeli target they can hit, they will wipe the U.S out of the region

And in the end the conflict will come to a end, iran will still be there and the U.S bases would be gone, hell even the U.S base in Bahrain would be obliterated

With the risk of long term off and on shots being fired

All at the same time Russia is starting to win in Ukraine, China is waiting and biding it's time

I repeat, the U.S does not want to get involved, so if it's just Israel then Iran will not give a warning shot and will hit multiple targets in Israel

You have a very low bar for "impressive". Iran launched 300 missiles and drones at Israel. Most of the drones were shot down. Most of all of the projectiles were shot down before reaching Israel. The only ones that landed were some ballistic missiles. They inflicted minimal/moderate damage on a few structures and no loss of life. You can sit here and engage in mental gymnastics about how a bunch of sandal-wearing, once-a-week showering mullahs and their goons planned this exact outcome out with state of the art, hyper-accurate missiles because it was a "warning" or "demonstration of capabilities" or whatever all you want. The proof is in the pudding. Iran's attack was weak and laughable. A jetless, tankless, toothless paper tiger army that is laughable, as geopolitical analysts George Friedman and Peter Zeihan beautifully describe.

I don't understand what is with this Muslim obsession with dying. Why do Muslims want to die? Why do they poke the sleeping bear? It's almost as if dying is the ultimate orgasm for them. Must be some extreme form of sadomasochism.
I sincerely request mods to not allow this forum to turn into an echo chamber of heavily biased individuals

Being swarmed by members and restricted by mods for not having an opinion in favour of a certain party is counterproductive to the nature of a military forum and significantly ruins the quality of discussion.

You are a fool to believe the Americans would let Iran stand after their bases are destroyed. You are an even bigger fool if you think there will be a one on one Israel-Iran war. The Americans take care to ensure the wars they engage in are overwhelming victories. This does not include insurgencies. We are talking about wars. Israel is practically Washington DC. They would never go one on one with anyone, even if they can wipe the floor with them (like Iran).
it was very poor when fighting Houthis.
Patriots did great against houthis.
Just ask Iranians how Iraqi scuds literally panicked Tehran.
Here is the data:

In early 1988, during the seven-week missile exchange between Baghdad and Tehran, Iraqi missiles killed approximately 2,000 Iranians and injured another 6,000. [7] More than two million people fled Tehran during this “war of the cities.”

And during Saudi Compaign against Houthis only 59 civilians Saudi died.Houthis fired hundreds of BMs and Even more drones & cruise missiles.

 Data from Reuters;

Houthi group had fired 430 ballistic missiles and 851 armed drones at Saudi Arabia since the war started in 2015, killing 59 Saudi civilians
You are a real fool if you think the Iranian regime really unleashed everything with full power. First strike was a test and warning. If Iran itself is struck I doubt you want to know what will happen to Israel.

In the mind of westerners , an attacks success rate is based on how many babies,infants,children are murdered or maimed , killing of a pregnant woman is a success ,bombing children in the incubators is a victory

You will never understand the psyche of the westerner
This is an incredible amount of copium. No nation launches over 300 drones and missiles to cause “limited damage or for “optics” only. Thats a ridiculous assertion.

Irans attack was a huge failure. No amount of mental gymnastics to justify that failure will change that.
You speak as if the Iranian military leadership either underestimated Israel's air defense layer or greatly overestimated its own capabilities. Do me a favor. Stop believing the lies you tell yourself.
You are a fool to believe the Americans would let Iran stand after their bases are destroyed. You are an even bigger fool if you think there will be a one on one Israel-Iran war. The Americans take care to ensure the wars they engage in are overwhelming victories. This does not include insurgencies. We are talking about wars. Israel is practically Washington DC. They would never go one on one with anyone, even if they can wipe the floor with them (like Iran).

How is the USA going to to not let "Iran stand"?

Do you seriously think that without full mobilisation that the US has a chance of defeating Iran in a ground war.

China would then take the perfect opportunity to take back Taiwan and they will also be supplying bucket loads of arms to Iran to destroy as much US equipment and military as possible.

US won't get involved as it knows WW3 is round the corner then. The Zionists will be on their own as self-preservation trumps all. Zionist money and blackmail won't coerce white Americans to die in the millions for the entity.
In the mind of westerners , an attacks success rate is based on how many babies,infants,children are murdered or maimed , killing of a pregnant woman is a success ,bombing children in the incubators is a victory

You will never understand the psyche of the westerner
This is sad. But it is also very true.
The problem is the Muslim world has degenerated since the fall of the Ottomans and Safavids. Hierarchically, Iranians (Indo-Europeans) and Turks (Asiatics) have comparable IQ and capabilities, but this has worn down due to admixture with Arabs who have demonstrably not won any wars (Salahuddin was Iranic, the "Al-Qadissiyah" was successful only because some Persian traitors sold Iran out to the Muslims).

If Iran ever had a shot at crushing the Zionist pestilence, it would have only happened if a genetic engineering and hygiene program was initiated using Kurdish genes and Turkish genes to improve Iranian capabilities. Instead everyone here is engaging in mental gymnastics as if the Islamic Republic didn't just sign its death warrant.
Interesting take. Obviously some truth to it. But I think you'd need to be some degree of sociopathic to implement such long-term eugenic programs.

But it definitely holds weight.
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