Iranian Air Defence Systems | News and Discussions

The Sparrow ALBM could have reached Isfahan, but the Rampage would not have had the range if that was the case.

The Rampage is a supersonic missile with a maximum speed of Mach 1.6, and it only fly 150-200 km when launched from a fighter jet. It is also not a missile with a detachable warhead.

If the wreckage that was found truly belonged to a Rampage, then it was likely not the missile used to attack Iran, but rather one used in the bombings that took place around the same time in Baghdad.
That Rampage seems to be a MLRS round of US. But just a speculation, I am not an experto. Those fins at the nose cone are like the MLRS that US is sending to Ukraine. And like MLRS body are not deteachable.
"Repeat a lie often and it becomes the truth"

Goebbels theory
@Persian Gulf

Did you notice that what @Immortals and that @ParthianLord did in this very thread? Looked like a coordinated cooperation.

what you mean ?

it was me who claimed its all nonesense lies, israel did 0 damage and there was no threat to Iran, just some hilarious failed quadrocopter stunt.

Iran did the real strike, israel faked its strike.... it was that Goldcoin boy and immortal that spread nonesense about "radar damage/destruction"
Does anyone have any idea how it was taken down unless the Israelis were very stupid those aircraft’s fly higher than any known manpad and doesn’t look like a 358


Same green targeting box as the Hermes 900 attack a few weeks ago.

450 max altitude is 18,000 ft.
Hermes 900 max altitude is 30,000 ft
Operating altitude is usually lower than max.

358 missile is estimated to have max altitude of 25,000-30,000 feet.

MALE (medium altitude long endurance) drones fly between 10,000-30,000 fr

HALE (high altitude long endurance) drones fly above 45,000 and can go higher than 60,000 ft.

Most longer endurance drones fall in the MALE class.
Aren’t the ZIONISTS dumb? Hmmm?
Well.....,they do now appear to be using the smaller [relatively] cheaper hermes 450 drone after the loss of the [much more expensive] hermes 900 at the start of the month.
So they arent completely retarded zionist arseholes,but I would imagine that the loss of 2 expensive drones in such a short space of time is a very unpleasant development for them.

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