Iranian Air Defence Systems | News and Discussions

Part 1

Confirmed Iran shot down Israels best Supersonic missiles at the Iran-Iraq border:

Several of Israeli Missiles that got shot down at the Iran-Iraq Border by Iran are

Israeli F35 air launched Rampage supersonic Ballistic Missiles ,

Israel claimed "No air defense system can shoot them down"

Some IRGC sources today first time aknowladged that we shot down Israeli missiles at the border with Iraq using Khordad 15 anti air systems

now have a look at the missiles debris "shot down" found near the Arvand Rud river ( iran-iraq border region )


here another one some KM´s away.
Problem is if iran did shoot down the missiles, one iran would have showed video of it to show their air defenses are better than people thought, I personally a think malfunction new weapons system that now iran has one that’s nearly fully Ontario reverse engineer in the future one thing iran is very capable of is breaking down Israeli weapons and making an exact copy if not better one in the future. Let’s say for arguments sake they hit a s 300 only thing proves iran has a system that is 20 years behind the Israelis know all about the system through Greece years ago, only thing proves iran needs to invest in systems the Israelis haven’t been analyze from head to toe
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please inform yourself first before commenting (i could tell you this one most of your posts) Rampage supersonic ballistic missile is a single object doesnt have separable stages like most ballistic missiles


impact of a rampage

the destroyed /shot down by iran/ rampages on the iran-iraq border just are in pieces because they got hit mid air, some are like 70% in length (rest fell somewhere else) some 40% depends on degree of damage and where the missile got hit.




Rampage was not used. Sparrow was used.

Stop quoting garbage anonymous sources from mainstream media or people who suddenly become missile experts overnight.

And again even if Rampage was used, it serves my point. You think the warhead got severed cleanly during the impact? No detonation?

You think two objects going Mach 5 colliding against each other produces a clean and neat picture like you see there?

ABM test impact

ASAT test impact


Successful interception (Iran attack on Israel)


Booster separation

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sparrows are small and US military sources already confirmed those missiles fired by IDF at iran-iraq border were rampage missiles

a sparrow

a rampage

here another piece of a rampage missile recovered by iraqi shia militia look how large the pieces of the missiles are...

here i point out to you what part of Rampage missile this is
Part 1

Confirmed Iran shot down Israels best Supersonic missiles at the Iran-Iraq border:

Several of Israeli Missiles that got shot down at the Iran-Iraq Border by Iran are

Israeli F35 air launched Rampage supersonic Ballistic Missiles ,

Israel claimed "No air defense system can shoot them down"

Some IRGC sources today first time aknowladged that we shot down Israeli missiles at the border with Iraq using Khordad 15 anti air systems

now have a look at the missiles debris "shot down" found near the Arvand Rud river ( iran-iraq border region )


here another one some KM´s away.
there is no intercept sign on it , at least from these angles
The Sparrow ALBM could have reached Isfahan, but the Rampage would not have had the range if that was the case.

The Rampage is a supersonic missile with a maximum speed of Mach 1.6, and it only fly 150-200 km when launched from a fighter jet. It is also not a missile with a detachable warhead.

If the wreckage that was found truly belonged to a Rampage, then it was likely not the missile used to attack Iran, but rather one used in the bombings that took place around the same time in Baghdad.
the way of downing can be discussed yes,

3-4 rampages going down near eachother and claiming its "malfunction" is stupid.

those are obvious rampages,

for a direct hit some of the missiles might seem too large in pieces,

but remember those Sayyad-2 footages (which khordad 15 also uses) tested against drones,

it not actually explodes on hit but like a good amount behind the drone.

here one of those footages, Sayyad - 2 hit , it explodes before direct hit. every footage of sayyad-2 i saw was the same.

Sayyad 4b is direct impact.

while hits of Sayyad-2 forced the object to crash after damage.

they are several other vids showing Sayyad-2 missiles "Exploding" before actual hit knocking objects out of the air.

while Sayyad-3 and 4 go for a direct hit and destroy object in the air.
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The Sparrow ALBM could have reached Isfahan, but the Rampage would not have had the range if that was the case.

The Rampage is a supersonic missile with a maximum speed of Mach 1.6, and it only fly 150-200 km when launched from a fighter jet. It is also not a missile with a detachable warhead.

If the wreckage that was found truly belonged to a Rampage, then it was likely not the missile used to attack Iran, but rather one used in the bombings that took place around the same time in Baghdad.

that the target was the s300 radar for the rampages is likely false information,

also those debris were found 25 hours before the bombings on Iraqi militias in baghdad
sparrows are small

Listen. Educate yourself. There are 3 versions of sparrow. Black is Israel’s version of SCUD-B class missile and blue and silver are SCUD C/D class versions. This is straight out of the mouth of the manufacturer (Rafael) not some guy living in his mom’s basement on Twitter.


US military sources already confirmed

No “anon” sources confirmed. The same anon sources that say iran launched 110 missiles (LOL) and they half of them failed to launch.

Stop quoting garbage.

Israel using rampage range ~250KM makes no sense vs sparrow up ~1500-2000KM
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Listen. Educate yourself. There are 3 versions of sparrow. Black is Israel’s version of SCUD-B class missile and blue and silver are SCUD C/D class versions. This is straight out of the mouth of the manufacturer (Rafael) not some guy living in his mom’s basement on Twitter.

View attachment 35529
View attachment 35530

No “anon” sources confirmed. The same anon sources that say iran launched 110 missiles (LOL) and they half of them failed to launch.

Stop quoting garbage.

Israel using rampage range ~250KM makes no sense vs sparrow up ~1500-2000KM

I am aware of that

Iraqi military claimed those were F35´s that entered its airspace,

so does shia militia´s and the Iranian press

"1 day ago — According to Al-Hadath, the attack was carried out by three F-35 jets"

problem is my friend F35´s dont fire Sparrow missiles.

they fire Rampages

i doubt F15´s would fly that deep into iraq lo l

also i never said those rampages were used to target S300 radar, or i am not even 100% convinced they were aimed to penetrate Iran more then its border perhaps.

lets assume those are Sparrows israel fired from Syria towards Iran (very unlikely)

Esfahan was a failed quadrocopter attack , they never even tried to target S300 radars thats nonesense.

and what i think is those Israeli missiles were aimed at Iraqi Shia positions at the Iranian border, or Iranian army positions at the Iraqi border.

the only fact is those missile came down close to the iranian border at similar timing to the failed quadrocopter attacks,

and western media spreads now the nonesense that they were aimed at Esfahan (false)

the question is how they came all down ? and what where its targets (happened during failed Quadrocopter attacks) some outlets (including some iranian telegram IRGC affiliated) claim they were downed with Sayyad missiles. which seems like the most logical explanation going for the way they got downed (sayyad-2) , time and area.

i think before i speak dont worry l ol
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I am aware of that

Iraqi military claimed those were F35´s that entered its airspace,

“Iraqi military” —stopped reading right there. Iraqi military can’t even detect F-35s.

"1 day ago — According to Al-Hadath, the attack was carried out by three F-35 jets"

Al-Hadath…what a reliable source. What is this Arab newspaper obsession with F-35s and Iran.

problem is my friend F35´s dont fire Arrow missiles.

Arrow is an ABM…

they fire Rampages

You put a Rampage on an F-35 pylon along with the external fuel tank it needs to get to the eastern area of Iraq and the RCS spikes way up, defeating the purpose of F-35 (internal weapon bay and stealth).


i doubt F15´s would fly that deep into iraq lo l

Based on your knowledge as a military pilot? If F-35’s were used there would be no reason to hit the early warning radar in Southern Syria as Syrian radars can’t detect F-35 shaped objects.

With F-15 flying low below azimuth range of longest Iranian radars, you can get pretty close to Iran. Again it’s simply physics on how radar emission from a radar system emits and the curvature of the earth.

The counter to the above is to have F-14/F-22/SU-35/SU-57/J-20 flying high in the air “on patrol” and emitting radar waves downward to look for low flying objects. That is what US/Israel/Jordan did to hit Iran’s drones and low flying cruise missiles. Leaving it up to AD is a risk since they might miss them.

Another counter is using OTH radars to “bounce” radar waves of the upper atmosphere and downward into the object eliminating curvature of the earth problem and the traditional radar problem mentioned earlier.

also i never said those rampages were used to target S300 radar, or i am not even 100% convinced they were aimed to penetrate Iran more then its border perhaps.

Again your whole theory is based on your opinion (that you try to pass on fact) and conjecture using dubious media sources to back your fantasies—I mean theories.

250KM range (rampage) means Israeli jets would need to get basically near the Iranian border to hit anything of substance. That is a huge risk to the pilot in a non war scenario, the closer you get to Iranian border the more radiation sources are bombarding the area and higher chance you get detected even flying low.

lets assume those are Sparrows israel fired from Syria towards Iran (very unlikely)

You could fire from Iraq specifically Kurdistan region. There is no air defense threat to Israeli jets from Syria - Iraq. And there is no Iranian AD threat since Iraqi airspace is filled with US and NATO military jets so Iran wouldn’t risk firing on a jet deep inside Iraq when they are not sure of the origin.

It’s not like S-300 or Bavar goes: ALERT: that dot on the screen is America, this dot is British, this dot is Russian, oh look here is Israeli”. It doesn’t work that way.

Esfahan was a failed quadrocopter attack , they never even tried to target S300 radars thats nonesense.

Opinion passed as fact again.
and what i think is those Israeli missiles were aimed at Iraqi Shia positions at the Iranian border, or Iranian army positions at the Iraqi border.

Why would there be “Shia positions” at Iranian border.

And Israel has no incentive to attack Iranian army (Artesh) when they had no involvement in BM attack. Israel has yet to strike an conventional Artesh military target in 10+ years of shadow war. This is IDF vs IRGC based war.

the only fact is those missile came down close to the iranian border,

A booster came down in Iraq. Facts are important.

and western media spreads now the nonesense that they were aimed at Esfahan (false)

The same western media you quote that says rampage was used.

So western media is “nonsense” when you don’t agree with them and “fact” when you do.

Intresting how your Brain works dadash.
the question is how they came all down ?

Who knows. It’s all opinion. Only thing that we know is “boosters” came down.

and what where its targets (happened during failed Quadrocopter attack)

Go work for CIA/Mossad/Iranian intelligence and maybe they will tell you.

some outlets (including some iranian telegram IRGC affiliated) claim they were downed with Sayyad missiles

IRGC doesn’t operate on telegram. And IRGC traditionally doesn’t leak to Iranian media.

In the coming months IRGC generals like Hajizadeh will say something in a interview about that night same way they said something about 2020 months and years later.

i think before i speak dont worry l ol

I don’t think you do.
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I tell you why i think those Zionist clowns now claim "Israel fired Rampage missiles at S300 radars"

lol we know how they act.

they saw a bunch of destroyed rampage missiles got recovered in iraq by shia militias near irans border and they were like -:

Zionist A in washington : "damn that could be bad for our image again, we claimed those are supersonic and nobody can shoot them down"

Zionist B in Tel aviv : "quick lets make up a story that those were aimed at s300 radars and even hit them"

Zionist A : "but they dont have such large range ? how we can claim that ? "

Zionist B: " not important, those fool boomers reading the article will believe it anyway"

next day in Washington Post Headlines "Israeli super missile hits radar installations in Iran"

their entire self image, press and prestige is build on delusions,

thats why they will fail against Iran and anybody seeing through will laugh at them.

You maybe lie yourself into a good position, but you cant keep that position with lies.
Israel used a long-range, supersonic missile in its strike on Iran earlier this week, Israeli broadcaster Kan reported, per The Times of Israel.

US officials said Israel carried out a missile strike on a military base near the city of Isfahan, Iran, on Friday. Israel has not confirmed the reports, while Iran has sought to downplay the incident, only referencing small drones used in the attack, which its foreign minister said were "like toys our children play with."

While it remains unclear what weapons were used in the strike, Kan reported that Israel used a "Rampage" air-to-surface missile, claiming it was identified in photos and that damage caused by the attack was consistent with a Rampage strike, per The Times of Israel.
The Rampage missile was designed by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) for use against targets such as "communication and command centers, air forces bases, maintenance centers and infrastructure," according to the company's website.
The company describes the missile, which weighs 1,250 pounds, as "a long-range, air-to-ground, seekerless, precision strike weapon."
Israel used a long-range, supersonic missile in its strike on Iran earlier this week, Israeli broadcaster Kan reported, per The Times of Israel.

US officials said Israel carried out a missile strike on a military base near the city of Isfahan, Iran, on Friday. Israel has not confirmed the reports, while Iran has sought to downplay the incident, only referencing small drones used in the attack, which its foreign minister said were "like toys our children play with."

While it remains unclear what weapons were used in the strike, Kan reported that Israel used a "Rampage" air-to-surface missile, claiming it was identified in photos and that damage caused by the attack was consistent with a Rampage strike, per The Times of Israel.
The Rampage missile was designed by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) for use against targets such as "communication and command centers, air forces bases, maintenance centers and infrastructure," according to the company's website.
The company describes the missile, which weighs 1,250 pounds, as "a long-range, air-to-ground, seekerless, precision strike weapon."
western media are really funny. They easily lie and deceive their audience.
funny how they now claim the Rampage missiles destroyed S300 radar its now all over western news rofl...

"Israel hit Iran with a half-ton supersonic 'Rampage' missile, report says"

despite there is no damage on S300 radar

and the Rampages were shot down / failed at the border even with visual evidence


they are such liers unbelivable, 0 facts just to safe face of israel they make up stuff.

There are also news about CHAMP microwave attack missiles? What about those?
There are also news about CHAMP microwave attack missiles? What about those?
Very few deployed (maybe 20 missiles as of 2022) and it’s not confirmed to be fully operational nor available for export.

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