Iranian Air Defence Systems | News and Discussions

S-300PMU2, Bavar-373 and Zubin SAM systems deployed south of Tehran:

@AmirIGM @Hack-Hook
I'm seeing 9 canisters on alleged B-373 unless I'm blind, this should be a version of it with 3x3 canisters and not 2x2 unless that the middle ones are not canisters, it would be 6 canisters

B-373 on google search shows version with 2 canister and another one with 4 canisters

4 for Zubin like we have seen presented

It is very hard to tell due the quality of the pictures, but they are not like the typical S-300/S-200 sites we have seen, they are different systems here
Tests of Sevome Khordad against 3 small drones simultaneously

Ababil-2, unknown drone, and Shahed-161

Ababil-2 intercepted at 53km
Unknown drone intercepted at 31km
Shahed-161 intercepted at 13km

Spec sheet of Sevome Khordad shows it can track targets with RCS of 2sqm at a range of 160km. This is not particularly impressive, and shows the effective range of the system against smaller targets will be much less.

Is the video speed up? Sharp turns otherwise.
this should be a version of it with 3x3 canisters

These 3 rectangles you are looking at are part of the cooling system for the mast. Look above the cab.

Why hasnt Iran replaced their aging HQ-2 systems yet? What would be Iran's replacement system? Would they just give the HQ-2 to Syria is they decide to replace them?
Their hq-2 systems are slaved to more capable systems, thus making them still somewhat useful. I believe the s-200s are also controlled by more powerful systems; in fact that was the beginning of talash project and the many many fruits of Talash.
Why hasnt Iran replaced their aging HQ-2 systems yet? What would be Iran's replacement system? Would they just give the HQ-2 to Syria is they decide to replace them?

Because to hit Tehran you have to first go thru hundreds of KMs of the main air defense rings of Iran’s air defense. These are last resort rings meant to intercept anything that makes it thru the main and back up rings.

And they are powered by capable radars and tied to Iran’s IADS. So while HQ-2 might be an old missile it is still deadly if it’s radar and targeting systems are state of the art.

Lastly, no one is attacking Tehran anytime soon. So it’s best to lead these publicly “known” air defense rings continue to use older missiles until they are decommissioned or scraped.

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