Iranian Chill Thread

so the government owes a lot of money to teachers and farmers and Pezeshkian asked Khamenei if he can take money from the national development fund to cover the debt and keep them happy (for now)... and Khamenei said yes!

fiscal incompetence of the highest order, instead of NDF funds being used for major infrastructure investments it is used to paper over the crackers of the government's short-comings...
so the government owes a lot of money to teachers and farmers and Pezeshkian asked Khamenei if he can take money from the national development fund to cover the debt and keep them happy (for now)... and Khamenei said yes!

fiscal incompetence of the highest order, instead of NDF funds being used for major infrastructure investments it is used to paper over the crackers of the government's short-comings...

No, that's wisdom of a very high order to keep the people happy. People who need money to eat and live, a situation who you yourself have cried up against many times, need it more than national development, which at the moment is a luxury for a nation that is in Iran's predicament. Your space programme will have to wait...
I actually speak for Iranian Muslims. We care, does that count for anything or must you insist on an irreligious thread?
no you don't. people are free to express their religious opinions here, I didn't silence anyone and will not tolerate you silencing opposing views either
no you don't. people are free to express their religious opinions here, I didn't silence anyone and will not tolerate you silencing opposing views either
I could do a poll to settle this? I have no power to silence, but I will refute you just as you do to others.
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I think the most compelling miracle is the base of 19 which many learned Muslims have noticed. I suppose atheists, or those who's belief are lacking, shall we say, still wouldn't believe even if clouds of angels were to descended before their very eyes, let alone accept these miracles. If they believed then no words would be needed, and if they chose disbelief then no word would be enough to convince them.
"We must consider that huge amounts of man-hours have been spent looking for numerical patterns in religious books, so try hundreds or thousands of possible patterns and coincidences, including this kind, and it is likely that you will find some. If the numbering had been very different, then obsessive numerologists would have found some different numerical “miracles” instead. One should bare in mind that miracle seekers do not have any prior hypothesis predicting a specific pattern, but rather just that there will be *some* kind of numerical pattern, fulfilled prophecy etc., and thus they commit the Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy."

in case anyone is really interested in exploring the claims further:

IRGC arrests member of Jaish al-Adl terror group in SE Iran​

The arrest took place in the Pishin District of the province’s Rask County, the Corps reported on Saturday.

It followed intelligence surveillance operation and prompt action by the forces of the Quds Headquarters of the IRGC’s Ground Force in the province, the report added.

Upon facing imminent arrest, the terrorist wounded himself with a self-inflicted gunshot, but was transferred to the hospital, where he is receiving treatment, it noted.

According to the report, the arrestee had in the past engaged in armed attack against the headquarters of the Basij volunteer force and the police station in Pishin.

In May, the Corps’ Ground Force captured primary sponsors of the terrorist group in Sistan and Baluchestan during two separate joint operations conducted by intelligence and security forces.

Jaish al-Adl is a notorious terrorist group with headquarters in Pakistan, and has been involved in numerous terror attacks against Iran.

The latest of the attacks took place in April, when at least five police officers were killed in an attack staged by members of the group in the province.


The percentages of water and earth in our planet!​

The word “bahr” (water) is mentioned 32 times in the Quran.

The word “barr / ard” (earth) is mentioned 13 times in the Quran. Both words in Arabic mean “earth”.

If we add the number both words “bahr” (water) and “barr” (earth), we get the number 45.

(“water” = 32 times + “earth” = 13 times = 45 times)

Now, we’ll do a quick calculation in order to obtain its percentages:

The number of words “bahr” (water) divided by the total number of words “earth+water”, multiplied by 100% gives:

(32 / 45 ) x 100 = 71,1111%

The total of words “barr” (earth) divided by the total number of words “earth+water”, and multiplied by a 100% gives:

(13 / 45) x 100 = 28,8888%

With this simple equation, we have reached the miracle result that has been present in the Quran for 1431 years, but that has been recently discovered and contrasted by the scientific data.

The percentage of Water in our planet is = 71,1111%

The percentage Earth in our planet is = 28,8888%

These are just some examples that show the incredible and inexplicable Miracle of Numbers. We have to take into account that there are many more in the Quran.”

Read more

astronomy miracles of Quran based on 19 number

19 = واحد single


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