Iranian Food Security, Climate, and Alternative Energy: Solutions, Policy, and Technology

We are officially the hottest country in the world
Irrelevant. Irresponsible. Post VALID documentation and links. Regardless of source. Do not post propaganda.

Your already significantly diminished status as a ‘moderator’ will further erode. Each and every one of your propaganda posts will be called out.
You even don't acknowledge parliament research center and islamic republic of iran news agency data when they are not suit your rainbow and sun shine delusion.

Last warning stop commenting on me being a moderator.
If you have problem with that bring it up with administration
You even don't acknowledge parliament research center and islamic republic of iran news agency data when they are not suit your rainbow and sun shine delusion.

Last warning stop commenting on me being a moderator.
If you have problem with that bring it up with administration
Of course I acknowledge those. When did you post them. Must've gotten lost in the torrent of your propaganda.
Of course I acknowledge those. When did you post them. Must've gotten lost in the torrent of your propaganda. 6 post above it and you answered to the post . But I don't blame you . You already admitted that you answer posts without reading them 1000040554.jpg
Of course I acknowledge those. When did you post them. Must've gotten lost in the torrent of your propaganda. 6 post above it and you answered to the post . But I don't blame you . You already admitted that you answer posts without reading them View attachment 59887
Pictures? Really? Are you unable to post links? Until then everything you post is incoherent and propaganda.
Pictures? Really? Are you unable to post links? Until then everything you post is incoherent and propaganda.
The propagandist say I post propaganda. The links are there in your own replay go look at them.
But you won't go because you only care about your rainbow and sunshine delusion not the truth and facts
The propagandist say I post propaganda. The links are there in your own replay go look at them.
But you won't go because you only care about your rainbow and sunshine delusion not the truth and facts
I did go through them. As I said, inappropriate sources and propaganda.
I did go through them. As I said, inappropriate sources and propaganda.
So irna , isna and parliament research center are inappropriate and propaganda because they are against your sinsine ideas.
End of discussion, I deleted last page of nonsense from you

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