Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

Do they lead a normal life, when was he and his wife went to park or went to Ashdod shore?
how many of our commander killed by them and as there was no retaliation or price to pay for that , they continue to do so.

they can do that because there is no real Deterrence. only useless talk
at least be smart and check post make it clear which part you meant like now it seems half your post suggest netanyahu have no normal life and another half talk about our commander being killed and we have no real deterrence :confused:
to answer your question i made a search in duckduckgo and put Netanyahu and his Wife
to me seems they don't lack public life

you can try it with different search engine
@tsunset you can laugh you don't have any answer to that. you don't even care about it.
for you its a laughing matter, for children of the martyr who won't have any father when they are growing up its not .
@tsunset you can laugh you don't have any answer to that. you don't even care about it.
for you its a laughing matter, for children of the martyr who won't have any father when they are growing up its not .
Unfortunately you are not only delusional but also nagging with your colleagues, this Netanyahu search is just hilarious

We told you to move on if you aren't happy but you keep complaining here disguised as someone that "cares for the martyrs"

Meanwhile Iran is winning the regional war since 30 years now, i don't care about people nagging on every single subject

This is a typical westernized manner to calculate if someone is winning a war by looking at how much people they killed

Iran = Winner
Israel and the US = Losers
This is factually true
Unfortunately you are not only delusional but also nagging with your colleagues, this Netanyahu search is just hilarious

We told you to move on if you aren't happy but you keep complaining here disguised as someone that "cares for the martyrs"

Meanwhile Iran is winning the regional war since 30 years now, i don't care about people nagging on every single subject

This is a typical westernized manner to calculate if someone is winning a war by looking at how much people they killed

Iran = Winner
Israel and the US = Losers
This is factually true
then stop talking nonsense about deterrence and retaliation, and you yourself asked for that search by that nonsense copy paste
Where? Don't send us CENTCOM reports or 2015 reports
Meanwhile at a daily basis their interests are getting fired at

If that was the case Nasrallah would be dead and every single of his advisors, same for Iran

You are believing into western propaganda and also their military propaganda about their capabilities

Why the mighty mossad isn't removing Nasrallah, a clear threat to their existence that is behind the killing of nearly thousand of chosen people since not even a year?

I was simply mocking an user that posted this crap a year ago, here we are today
You’re on everyone’s radar. Please don’t post nonsense. Nobody reads or needs it. No wonder you were banned on the other service.

I suggest moderators immediately post limit this person until ershad shavad. @Hack-Hook @Persian Gulf .
It is Hezbollah that is fighting the good fight to some extent,
Iran itself is certainly not fighting back effectively, as its commanders, heroes, and civilians continue to be killed at will.
When Suleimani was killed and when the embassy was bombed, Iran's formal counterattack did not inflict a single casualty on the enemy.
You’re on everyone’s radar. Please don’t post nonsense. Nobody reads or needs it. No wonder you were banned on the other service.

I suggest moderators immediately post limit this person until ershad shavad. @Hack-Hook @Persian Gulf .
Who is "everyone"? They are nagging on every single of their posts, there is a reason why they put their profiles in private

If i get banned or kicked for saying what i think then i will ask the admin to review the ban reasons
It is Hezbollah that is fighting the good fight to some extent,
Iran itself is certainly not fighting back effectively, as its commanders, heroes, and civilians continue to be killed at will.
When Suleimani was killed and when the embassy was bombed, Iran's formal counterattack did not inflict a single casualty on the enemy.
did not inflict a single casualty on the enemy.
Typical western thinking about wars, the more you kill, the more you won

We can see that with Israel and the US today, how much they are winners (they killed millions of people so they should be the winners)
I hope The Resistance is addressing these clearly AI driven attacks. As of now they are not. It seems they either haven’t grasped this yet or have not been able to neutralize it. Only AI can counter this:

It should be apparent to everyone that Hezbollah, by now, has already infiltrated northern Zionia.

The blinding of border posts has that effect if one thinks offensively rather than defensively.
It is Hezbollah that is fighting the good fight to some extent,
Iran itself is certainly not fighting back effectively, as its commanders, heroes, and civilians continue to be killed at will.
When Suleimani was killed and when the embassy was bombed, Iran's formal counterattack did not inflict a single casualty on the enemy.
technically casualty doesn't mean just death and Iran inflicted >100 casualties on American soldiers in its response (1 later killed himself shortly after, others have permanent injuries)

but on the more important point of deterrence, you are right vis-a-vis Israel. iran missed a golden opportunity to impose a new equation by not even trying to enforce it the first time it had to. the redline should be whenever an iranian is killed by Israel, iran will respond with 10 BMs at an IDF base in the occupied Golan Heights. alas, we will continue to absorb these martyrs with no response.

the US seems slightly more deterred, but that deterrence is mutual as we saw from Iran's response when the Iraqis killed 3 Americans

I hope The Resistance is addressing these clearly AI driven attacks. As of now they are not. It seems they either haven’t grasped this yet or have not been able to neutralize it. Only AI can counter this:

Israel's qualitative superiority is huge and cannot be denied

Nasrallah told Hezbollah members not to use any mobile devices but it is unlikely such a rule is complied with perfectly

the loss of commanders is always significant, but fortunately Hezbollah (like Iran and the IRGC) operates in a more decentralised manner and isn't reliant on a few top commanders to be able to operate. still, better precautions must be taken
technically casualty doesn't mean just death and Iran inflicted >100 casualties on American soldiers in its response (1 later killed himself shortly after, others have permanent injuries)

but on the more important point of deterrence, you are right vis-a-vis Israel. iran missed a golden opportunity to impose a new equation by not even trying to enforce it the first time it had to. the redline should be whenever an iranian is killed by Israel, iran will respond with 10 BMs at an IDF base in the occupied Golan Heights. alas, we will continue to absorb these martyrs with no response.

the US seems slightly more deterred, but that deterrence is mutual as we saw from Iran's response when the Iraqis killed 3 Americans

Israel's qualitative superiority is huge and cannot be denied

Nasrallah told Hezbollah members not to use any mobile devices but it is unlikely such a rule is complied with perfectly

the loss of commanders is always significant, but fortunately Hezbollah (like Iran and the IRGC) operates in a more decentralised manner and isn't reliant on a few top commanders to be able to operate. still, better precautions must be taken
Correct. However, with new AI systems simply reducing movement or communication is not sufficient. I personally don’t believe humans can fool these AI systems with these tactics.

There’s far too much the AI can observe and use. Family, cars, homes, habits, time, locations, etc. More powerfully, even commercial off the shelf AI systems can derive correct n layer deep connections that humans simply cannot. One can easily see this by throwing a PDF at a chat bot and ask it to summarize with, say, 20 points. It’s likely some of those points will reveal a deep connection which often come across as ‘hallucinations’ to us. They sometimes are although less so these days. But investigated deeper, many of them are amazingly correct.

I see this often and it’s truly stunning.
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Correct. However, with new AI systems simply reducing movement or communication is not sufficient. I personally don’t believe humans can fool these AI systems with these tactics.

There’s far too much the AI can observe and use. Family, cars, homes, etc. More powerfully, even commercial off the shelf AI systems can derive correct n layer deep connections that humans simply cannot. One can easily see this by throwing a PDF at a chat bot and ask it to summarize with, say, 20 points. It’s likely some of those points will reveal a deep connection which often come across as ‘hallucinations’ to us. They, in fact, sometimes are. But investigated deeper, many of them are amazingly correct.
if Israel could use a satellite controlled machine gun to kill Fakhrizadeh with perfect accuracy inside iran in 2020, then I don't want to know what they are capable of now

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