Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

Very successful “attack”

Hallmark of the incompetence crowd

Quite embarrassing.

Guess when you wait 1 month your enemy naturally prepares to thwart your plan. Who would have thought.

You really need to manage your expectations. Did you think Hezbollah and Iran are going to fight like America or another nuclear powered state?
On the factual side i found no video showing smoke/fires besides the grainy IDF one which is a very suspicious footage by the way

6000 launchers struck means thousands or at least multiple hundreds of bombs thrown at Lebanon on different position, and very likely to cause casualties

So i still don't understand why they made such a claim, the bigger the lie, the more people believe probably

This is clearly either a complete lie, or a grossly exaggerated number
On the factual side i found no video showing smoke/fires besides the grainy IDF one which is a very suspicious footage by the way

6000 launchers struck means thousands or at least multiple hundreds of bombs thrown at Lebanon on different position, and very likely to cause casualties

So i still don't understand why they made such a claim, the bigger the lie, the more people believe probably

This is clearly either a complete lie, or a grossly exaggerated number
Well 100 aircrafts means 90% of their air force mobilized. Maybe two or even three dozens... but more than a 100 aircraft would be easily tracked by even civilians from their homes.
You really need to manage your expectations. Did you think Hezbollah and Iran are going to fight like America or another nuclear powered state?

No this about what I expected. An incompetent ‘revenge’ attack that is played up by both sides. This is what took 4 weeks to plan? This is the response to Israeli genocide of Muslims in the Holy Land and for strike Beruit and killing civilians? This is the punishment for killing your #3?

You guys claim I just complain, but open your eyes at the incompetence.

Meanwhile Beruit (a redline) was attacked and HZ fired just 300 rudimentary rockets and some drones. On a given day HZ fires about 50 rockets and a handful of drones, so for violating a redline Israel got zero punishment and in future will not be afraid to kill senior HZ officials OR strike Beruit.

When Israel killed the son of Imad, HZ killed a few border patrol guards or at least wounded them. Iran did nothing for Allahdadi after HZ response. And what happened to both? HZ continued to get attacked and so did Iran.

If you are Bibi and IDF you will continue to hit the Axis and absorb these “revenge” strikes 9 times out of 10.

Israel says they destroyed “6000” launchers and Hezbollah gets to say they were about to flatten Israel and save face.

Reminds me of the “300” missiles claim they said about Iran. except less than 15 missile bodies were ever found. 300 missiles and hundreds of drones yet 99% interception…..sure and Santa Claus is real.

Looks like Western propaganda decided to multiply that number by 20 for Hezbollah attack.

That means for next Iran they will multiple the number 6000 by 50 and claim Iran was going to launch 300,000 missiles but America, Israel, and the avengers saved the day.

On the factual side i found no video showing smoke/fires besides the grainy IDF one which is a very suspicious footage by the way

6000 launchers struck means thousands or at least multiple hundreds of bombs thrown at Lebanon on different position, and very likely to cause casualties

So i still don't understand why they made such a claim, the bigger the lie, the more people believe probably

This is clearly either a complete lie, or a grossly exaggerated number

Welcome to the “300 missiles” part 2 lie. This time they decided to multiple the number by 20. The same group that says 7 million Jews were killed in WW2.

As For Iran’s upcoming [mediocre] revenge attack the Israeli and America propaganda machine will probably claim that Iran launched (or was going) to over 100,000 munitions.

It’s hilarious the amount of fake news these countries generate and yet Axis doesn’t refute it, why? It makes them look good despite being “foiled”.

What are they supposed to say? “Uh no Israel and US are lying we only launched 1/100 the number they are claiming”
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🔴Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah:⚫️"The enemy censors the facts of the operation."⚫️"The only military target of this operation was the "Aman" military information base, the "8200" unit in Gillot, and the other target was the enemy air defense base in "Ain Shimiya."⚫️"Our information confirms that a significant number of drones hit these two targets, but the enemy censors them, but the truth will be revealed soon."

We will see who is right between Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and General Immortals aka General Candy. To be continued...
Nasrallah speech about "6000 launchers"

This coincides with the fact that no image or video (and people hearing explosions) came out showing an aftermath after using hundreds of bombs in Lebanon

Zionist twitter accounts helped to push this "massive preemptive strike* narrative, without a single proof besides a grainy low quality video that is very suspicious

And even if strikes happened, the number of launcher is certainly less far from 0 than it is of 6000

Iran and the resistance has to review its PR system to immediately refute this, and make foreigners listen to it with a dedicated external audience PR

Iran problem is that they use they use internal PR for external audience or just translate it to english, internal audience PR should never be the same as external audience PR
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Nasrallah speech about "6000 launchers"

This coincides with the fact that no image or video (and people hearing explosions) came out showing an aftermath after using hundreds of bombs in Lebanon

Zionist twitter accounts helped to push this "massive preemptive strike* narrative, without a single proof besides a grainy low quality video that is very suspicious

And even if strikes happened, the number of launcher is certainly less far from 0 than it is of 6000

Iran and the resistance has to review its PR system to immediately refute this, and make foreigners listen to it with a dedicated external audience PR

Iran problem is that they use they use internal PR for external audience or just translate it to english, internal audience PR should never be the same as external audience PR
Reminds me of the Indian Balakot strike, where allegedly a training camp bombed and hundreds fighters killed. That was fake just as this imaginary strike to destroy 6000 rockets.
IDF terrorist (Master Sgt.) liquidated in Gaza, 1 more IDF terrorist injured

An Israeli reserve terrorist was killed during fighting in Gaza City earlier today, the IDF announces.

The slain terrorist is named as Master Sgt. (res.) Shlomo Yehonatan Hazut, 36, of the Jerusalem Brigade’s 9207th Battalion, from Ashdod.

Another IDF terrorist was seriously wounded in the incident.

According to an initial occupation probe, the terrorists were hit by an explosive device planted on a road in Gaza City’s Zeitoun neighborhood.


increase in Israelis killed in Gaza in recent days. still very low numbers on the whole, but they had a long period with no deaths at all. (but consistently 10-30 injured per day)

Neutrino’s analysis is correct. Unfortunately the pro-incompetence crowd doesn’t want to listen.

Hezbollah in 2006 attacked a navy ship with a CM. That was 19 years ago.

In 2025 the same pro incompetence group cheering an unclear video of a suicide drone. The same type of drones that hit multiple Iranian floating bases in the past. Again need more videos on this ship attack to see extent of damage.

So the attack 19 years ago was more robust than the one today, which is baffling.

Meanwhile like Neutrino correctly pointed out it does nothing to establish deterrence or upholding your redline (no attacks on Beruit)

Nor does it do anything to avenge the countless field commanders and high ranking HZ officials that have been killed by targeted air strikes in the last 9 months with the numbers now reaching over 600 Hezbollah killed with at least 50-100 being commanders or higher ranking officers.

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