Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

Xerxes rightly pointed out the frustration of the sincere activists and general population against the indecision of Iranian Leadership regarding the response to the martyrdom of Ismael Haniyeh and other leaders.

But the Iranian leadership is also correct and wise in delaying their decision to fight as they stand to see all they have built overtly and covertly in the country and the region since the revolution being destroyed by America and Israel and their European Allies. Its one thing to use expendable proxies and insurgency tactics and another thing to go into an all out frontal war.

However, I have proposed a way out for the Iranian leadership to save Iran and Lebanon from destruction by opening up the guerrilla and missile/drone front from Syria. The country is already destroyed and has a lot of fighters who were trained in the last war.

They will have to balance and take counter measures against the risk of attack from Islamic State and Al Qaeda against the Syrian government.

Israel will be forced to enter Syria due to the provocations and will become the killing ground for the Zionists as they will be spread over a large area. The resistance can then conduct hit and run operations against them.

In three to five years, Israel will crumble economically and will be destroyed completely.

In this way as we say in Urdu, "Sanp bhi mar jae ga aur lathi bhi nahi tootay gi" meaning, the snake will be killed and the stick will also not be broken.
Xerxes rightly pointed out the frustration of the sincere activists and general population against the indecision of Iranian Leadership regarding the response to the martyrdom of Ismael Haniyeh and other leaders.

But the Iranian leadership is also correct and wise in delaying their decision to fight as they stand to see all they have built overtly and covertly in the country and the region since the revolution being destroyed by America and Israel and their European Allies. Its one thing to use expendable proxies and insurgency tactics and another thing to go into an all out frontal war.

However, I have proposed a way out for the Iranian leadership to save Iran and Lebanon from destruction by opening up the guerrilla and missile/drone front from Syria. The country is already destroyed and has a lot of fighters who were trained in the last war.

They will have to balance and take counter measures against the risk of attack from Islamic State and Al Qaeda against the Syrian government.

Israel will be forced to enter Syria due to the provocations and will become the killing ground for the Zionists as they will be spread over a large area. The resistance can then conduct hit and run operations against them.

In three to five years, Israel will crumble economically and will be destroyed completely.

In this way as we say in Urdu, "Sanp bhi mar jae ga aur lathi bhi nahi tootay gi" meaning, the snake will be killed and the stick will also not be broken.
Good thinking. However, the IRI also deserves criticism mostly in the messaging front. This has been a terrible weakness of IRI historically. Add to that a lack of accountability for huge security failures. Even today we hear the ‘term ‘retaliation’ but never ever anything about security failures.

And you’re also correct these failures in no way negate the IRI’s huge strategic success over the years. It also does not negate Zionia’s huge strategic failure over the same period.

But these successes do not absolve the IRI of accountability for security and messaging failures.
Let me make myself very clear. I have been a part of the anti Zionist resistance itself and a supporter of the Islamic Revolution. But what has taken place the last one month is absolutely indefensible and SHAMEFUL. Khamenei and the entire so called leadership shud hang their heads in shame.

And I feel for the proxy groups such as Hezbollah, Hamas and iraqi militias who have been funded, equipped, propped up and given assurances of protection wen shit hits the fan. And these group have been absolutely backstabbed by a bunch of worthless COWARD overlords. Khamenei step down. If u don't have balls step the F down.

Why are you bunch of morons funding proxy groups if u don't have the competence or the balls to defend them. If I were Hassan Nasrallah , I'd go to Tehran. Slap the leadership with my own hands and come back and declare that IR leadership are a bunch of pussies and say that Hezbollah are its own force and don't give a shitt about Iran.

They made Hezbollah, the greatest asymmetrical fighting force on the planet to wait a goddamn fucking month , which lead to this LAUGHABLE... SHAM OF A RETALIATION.... They fucking cudnt defend the Hamas leader. These bunch of balless pricks don't deserve to be recognized as leaders of axis of resistance. All the proxies shud go to the coward leadership and tell them ..." Either slap urselves or we will rebel and declare that we have nothing to do with Iran anymore and govern our organizations independently.
War with Israel and America is not as easy as you think. Even China and Russia do not want to go to war with America. Iran has a plan that has worked well so far.
That statement in itself means you have never believed in The Axis of Resistance.
You don't know what I believe or don't believe ...I have the right to vent my frustrations.
Lebanon can't stand a full war against the white supremacists or Israel targeting civilians

The country is tiny and it will be pummeled in a short time if there is a major offensive consisting of indicriminate bombing aiming civilians as a weapon of terror

Emergencies, firefighters, will not be able to save anyone and will be targeted on purpose and rebuilding will be very hard without foreign help

I remind that white supremacists and their jewish terrorists will target civilians with a big smile, like they do and did in every single of their past wars

Lebanon will surely be able to fire massive salvos of missiles, but from a no man's land with nothing left but Israel bombing kid and woman shelters, raping them and feasting on cadavers live from tiktok

So the civilian and firefighter part must be taken into account before the military part and Hezbollah

Their next step is to install turrets to scan automatically Palestinians and firing at them if the scan is positive, this is not utopic at all considering their achievements in the AI field, they will use it for fast genocide operations and on the long term, then advance into recognizing other ethnicities
Lebanon can't stand a full war against the white supremacists or Israel targeting civilians

The country is tiny and it will be pummeled in a short time if there is a major offensive consisting of indicriminate bombing aiming civilians as a weapon of terror

Emergencies, firefighters, will not be able to save anyone and will be targeted on purpose and rebuilding will be very hard without foreign help

I remind that white supremacists and their jewish terrorists will target civilians with a big smile, like they do and did in every single of their past wars

Lebanon will surely be able to fire massive salvos of missiles, but from a no man's land with nothing left but Israel bombing kid and woman shelters, raping them and feasting on cadavers live from tiktok

So the civilian and firefighter part must be taken into account before the military part and Hezbollah

Their next step is to install turrets to scan automatically Palestinians and firing at them if the scan is positive, this is not utopic at all considering their achievements in the AI field, they will use it for fast genocide operations and on the long term, then advance into recognizing other ethnicities
Most here who bay for immediate gratification are low income migrants in da EU or the US. They got no patience nor the understanding of how carefully Iran's dealing with this situation, so Lebanon too don't turn into another Gaza.
That statement in itself means you have never believed in The Axis of Resistance.

Exactly, he basically outed himself there as a fraud. He isn't the only one.
Most here who bay for immediate gratification are low income migrants in da EU or the US. They got no patience nor the understanding of how carefully Iran's dealing with this situation, so Lebanon too don't turn into another Gaza.
Speak strategic sense. When somebody gives an opinion, even if it's done so harshly, they often do give the reasoning and express rationality. So what ur reasoning and the logic behind supporting a policy that has killed so many and is now threatening the Supreme Leaders safety itself.

Turning Lebanon into gaza in the perspective that u said, tells me u don't know 2 bits about either geopolitics or affairs that have to do with military matters.

I thought the pro-incompetence crowd’s cheerleaders told us that the nuclear file was closed and Iran will not negotiate with US?

I could pull up some incriminating ‘declarations’ by said crowd.

Seems like changing your mind is a reoccurring Theme in Tehran Circus Museum

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