Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

Maybe, possibly, eventually it might happen this weekend
People like you gave Iran no time to act as soon as Iran announced it would retaliate for Israel assassinating a foreign leader on Iran's soil, but Israel has threatened to invade and destroy Lebanon for probably half a year, and you people didnt troll or attack Israel for being an over-hyped, over-NATOFED apartheid broken down military (iron dome's performance to date shows us that the human resources is the # 1 determinant of AD performance in war), and then some on PDF tell us afterwards that "Israel and Saudis have no relations" and all those lies.
People like you gave Iran no time to act as soon as Iran announced it would retaliate for Israel assassinating a foreign leader on Iran's soil, but Israel has threatened to invade and destroy Lebanon for probably half a year, and you people didnt troll or attack Israel for being an over-hyped, over-NATOFED apartheid broken down military (iron dome's performance to date shows us that the human resources is the # 1 determinant of AD performance in war), and then some on PDF tell us afterwards that "Israel and Saudis have no relations" and all those lies.
This would’ve been sufficient for Prediction It:

Correct. Prediction It heavily relies on this garbage.

Is it still Arbaeen? How is that prediction going? Keep the sandwhiches coming Chef!

The retaliation is no doubt coming. There have been no ‘delays’. The nature of the response dictates deep planning.

Also, well known to most thinkers (not the hot air analysts here), Arbaeen and the huge Karbala walk’s security is of high priority. This is obvious.

Why is nobody commenting on reports that the supreme leader might have changed his mind and renegotiate with the yanks. Why? Do they feel threatened now? Now that Raesi died in a supposed helicopter crash and haniyeh assassinated in Tehran itself. Are their balls shrivelling now? They are paying too much respect to the Zionists and the leadership, led by really old men , who dont understand the long term strategic consequences of this inaction and hesitancy, should be told that this cannot go on like this. Even at the cost of war.

I do not understand this. What would be the strategic outcome if Iran were to renegotiate with US. Where does it leave Palestine? What happens to the whole policy that has taken shape since the deal was scrapped ?
The best case for Iran is to restart the nuclear program. The problem was that Iran really talked big game about striking Israel then do nothing. That just invites Israel to do more attacks in the future.whats the point of appeasing the west. U don't see anyone threatens north Korea with invasion because they actually have the bombs.
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People like you gave Iran no time to act as soon as Iran announced it would retaliate for Israel assassinating a foreign leader on Iran's soil, but Israel has threatened to invade and destroy Lebanon for probably half a year, and you people didnt troll or attack Israel for being an over-hyped, over-NATOFED apartheid broken down military (iron dome's performance to date shows us that the human resources is the # 1 determinant of AD performance in war), and then some on PDF tell us afterwards that "Israel and Saudis have no relations" and all those lies.
You are right but Israel had done countless strikes inside Lebanon killing many of its top generals u can't deny that Israel have some great moles inside Hezbollah and Iran for em to do that. But whenever Iran retaliates it has to remind Israel the timing of the strike like why let em know unless u are afraid of a war. Israel never revealed the timing of the strikes. When they want someone dead it will be done before any announcement. U can say what u want about Israel but they don't miss their 🎯. Mossad is still a problem to deal with. Iran has some cleaning up to do internally. Iran weakness is not it's ability to strike Israel but the political instability inside the country. Secular and ethnic minorities like Iranian Jews,kurds, even azeris can't be trusted. I'm not saying all but some among them are a bigger threat than Israel if I have to be honest with you. Why not just let Hezbollah do the bidding and make it hell for Israeli troops in Lebanon.
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Israel likes to play victim but they have done more strikes on Lebanon than vice versa. The only way to shut them up is to hit harder.

Finally, some more people with common sense like ‘YourDaddy’. Are you chef’s daddy? Welcome!

But you are correct Israel has extracted its pound of flesh from South Lebanon and Hezbollah. Tens of thousands of homes destroyed and 50,000+ displaced.

So while Hezbollah’s attacks on the North of Israel might be ‘historic’ compared to Arab incompetence in the Levant the last half century, Lebanon has taken a decent blow to its infrastructure.

Hezbollah’s deterrence from ‘06 and onward is the only reason what is happening in South Lebanon isn’t occurring in Beruit. But also it is why Hezbollah has refrained from striking Tel Aviv or Haifa.
Is it still Arbaeen? How is that prediction going? Keep the sandwhiches coming Chef!
Oh, now m ing into the primitive ‘prove me wrong mode’. You never dig yourself out of the disaster you’ve created for yourself.

Meanwhile everyone else:

Honestly this shit show is getting spicy. Now is probably not the right time to retaliate against Israel. I'm not sure what can be done exactly except using Hezbollah as the front against Israel. Maybe more heavier strike just outside of tel Aviv
The US despite all the tough talk would not go to war against Iran unless they want to get bogged down in a forever war again. Iran needs to go on full nuclear programming and not ass half like last time. U know without nukes u will always be blackmail by the US and Israel because of threat of invasion. But they sure need help and expertise from China or Russia. Kim jong un is still standing because he got nukes and millions of artillery shells to destroy major cities in south Korea. U need weapons of mass destruction to be in a big boys club.
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Israel is not afraid of Saddam and they got the Americans to do the work of taking him out. Same for Gaddafi. Only nuclear weapons can make the israelis shit their pants. The only reason America doesn't invade Iran is because of Russia, china and North Korea that they still have to deal with. In a sense it balances out the US will never fully commit to any theater lol
Finally, some more people with common sense like ‘YourDaddy’. Are you chef’s daddy? Welcome!

But you are correct Israel has extracted its pound of flesh from South Lebanon and Hezbollah. Tens of thousands of homes destroyed and 50,000+ displaced.

So while Hezbollah’s attacks on the North of Israel might be ‘historic’ compared to Arab incompetence in the Levant the last half century, Lebanon has taken a decent blow to its infrastructure.

Hezbollah’s deterrence from ‘06 and onward is the only reason what is happening in South Lebanon isn’t occurring in Beruit. But also it is why Hezbollah has refrained from striking Tel Aviv or Haifa.
How proud The Pro Genocide crowd are of how many thousands of ‘homes’ they’ve destroyed, & how many thousands they’ve displaced and killed🙈How they’ve extracted their ‘pound of flesh’, flesh of women & children for the most part🙈shouldn’t the displacement/ death of any and all civilians be a matter of shame rather than pride? Weren’t the Nazi’s equally proud of what they did to civilians of a specific religion. Is this not the same evil, back with a vengeance?
How proud The Pro Genocide crowd are of how many thousands of ‘homes’ they’ve destroyed, & how many thousands they’ve displaced and killed🙈How they’ve extracted their ‘pound of flesh’, flesh of women & children for the most part🙈shouldn’t the displacement/ death of any and all civilians be a matter of shame rather than pride? Weren’t the Nazi’s equally proud of what they did to civilians of a specific religion. Is this not the same evil, back with a vengeance?
Israel doesn't have any moral left to care about civilian deaths. Just look at the destruction of Gaza (worse than anything I've seen).If you are going to pick a fight with Israel then u better go all in because they certainly don't back down from it all because they can. U either have to strike fear into the heart of every Israeli or it's just meaningless posturing.

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