Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations


North Korea got nukes and they are still blackmailed everyday, so I'm not sure of this.

Iran already got the help it needed from China and Russia decades ago, when it needed that help. Iran's nuclear knowledge and infrastructure today have matured alot- only thing stopping Iran is a decision/order from the SL (but Iran is likely a latent nuclear power or has secret nuke bombs).

But he's still being blackmailed and prepared for militarily by US and S. Korea- threats didnt stop, only the fallout and risks from a conflict has increased.
Not really. Despite all the hostilities there was no shooting war ever since the end of the Korean war. The line was drawn. Even Kim got a handshake from Trump. No country would dare to invade a nuclear power. The risk is too high.

North Korea got nukes and they are still blackmailed everyday, so I'm not sure of this.

Iran already got the help it needed from China and Russia decades ago, when it needed that help. Iran's nuclear knowledge and infrastructure today have matured alot- only thing stopping Iran is a decision/order from the SL (but Iran is likely a latent nuclear power or has secret nuke bombs).

But he's still being blackmailed and prepared for militarily by US and S. Korea- threats didnt stop, only the fallout and risks from a conflict has increased.
Israel would think twice before starting a nuclear war with Iran. keeping it secret while u enrich uranium for weapons grade nuclear weapons. Iran has plenty of mountains and secret bunkers to hide them from.
I agree that one benefit of North Korea is having Russia and china right next to it. And there's a mutual defense treaty in the case of invasion it might be harder to do because of Israel constant assisination of Iranian scientists.
Not really. Despite all the hostilities there was no shooting war ever since the end of the Korean war. The line was drawn. Even Kim got a handshake from Trump. No country would dare to invade a nuclear power. The risk is too high.
I agree with you on this, but i also believe that any country can deter large/imperialist powers today IF it has a strong-enough military power relative to global military powers, and Iran's conventional and unconventional powers combined meets the threshold of "strong-enough", and this is what explains why Iran has not been invaded from its revolution till today. Iran's conventional power has been effective enough to prevent any power from invading, so no nuke is needed.

Iran may acquire a nuke as a retaliation for an invasion or regime change attempt. Iran getting a nuke will not actually reduce the chance of any country US invading it by that much, and that makes Iran's internal conventional power and system critical to maintaining peace with global powers, esp. US.
Ward Carol is such a dimwit no? :p.......he refuses to acknowledge that Iran's spared the USN for now, to avoid a wider war. He's such a fukking idiot. The West is a total joke. The only way they can win this by using tactical nukes. I don't see any other way they can win this:


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