Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

resistance operations in Jewish settlement near Hebron, Israeli brigade commander injured

massive fire at gas station in Aden, South Yemen (outside Ansarallah controlled area). errant Ansarallah missile or just a very bad accident?

fuel facility in Baku catches fire

everything catching fire lately (I suspect many of these are natural due to the heat)
It’s over guys, this Zionist project. Irans just totally gutted Zionism like taking a very sharp blade and just plunging it in and gouging out all the guts and things. Israel was just a Hollywood myth…..most here fell for the propaganda for years and decades and got brainwashed so bad, but I’m worried about them disappearing and we won’t see em ever again…..that to me will be the saddest thing that the believers will lose the faith……😝…….theys just goin be left without religion or any doctrine.

What’s goin become of the believers? What will they do next?

It’s over guys, this Zionist project. Irans just totally gutted Zionism like taking a very sharp blade and just plunging it in and gouging out all the guts and things. Israel was just a Hollywood myth…..most here fell for the propaganda for years and decades and got brainwashed so bad, but I’m worried about them disappearing and we won’t see em ever again…..that to me will be the saddest thing that the believers will lose the faith……😝…….theys just goin be left without religion or any doctrine.

What’s goin become of the believers? What will they do next?

They can always move back to the United states or Europe. Israeli project is getting exposed for the world to see but the state itself is still standing. As long as America is there with Israel ofc. Israel is not going down without a fight at the end of the day they still possess nuclear weapons. Iran needs to one up them in that front and balance will be restored in the middle east. The goal is to make northern Israel unlivable thus they will move out or stay far away from the north which will certainly have an affect on Israeli economy thus draining American resources ever more so.
They can always move back to the United states or Europe. Israeli project is getting exposed for the world to see but the state itself is still standing. As long as America is there with Israel ofc. Israel is not going down without a fight at the end of the day they still possess nuclear weapons. Iran needs to one up them in that front and balance will be restored in the middle east. The goal is to make northern Israel unlivable thus they will move out or stay far away from the north which will certainly have an affect on Israeli economy thus draining American resources ever more so.
Countries like Iran should scream out ‘come back home’ programs. For ALL diaspora including Jews in Palestine.

Of course this does not include criminals. The criminals will be brought to justice in Palestinian courts.
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Icc is A joke. So far they have not issued an arrest warrant for netanyahu only empty rhetoric like erdogan lol. The court was created to arrest leaders that the west don't like.. that's it
Countries like Iran should scream out ‘come back home’ programs. For ALL diaspora including Jews in Palestine.

Of course this does not include criminals. The criminals will be brought to justice in Palestinian courts.
124k Persian Jews in Israel no? Shaul Mofaz and company?
Countries like Iran should scream out ‘come back home’ programs. For ALL diaspora including Jews in Palestine.

Of course this does not include criminals. The criminals will be brought to justice in Palestinian courts.
Like what Israel does with diaspora Jews. I bet 90 percent of them weren't even born there. 😂 I wonder what the Iranian Jews think of iran.
Like what Israel does with diaspora Jews. I bet 90 percent of them weren't even born there. 😂 I wonder what the Iranian Jews think of iran.
They promise them with free or discount houses, cars and work etc only if they come to Israel

Easy population and fresh manpower for a cheap price, they have agencies promoting exodus all around the world and calling people to leave their countries

More than 90% have a double nationality, the rest is the newly born generation

So for getting people back home you should propose them with more than a house and a work, otherwise they don't have any personal benefit to leave Israel
Like what Israel does with diaspora Jews. I bet 90 percent of them weren't even born there. 😂 I wonder what the Iranian Jews think of iran.
You’d be surprised how many of Iranian diaspora regret not being in Iran. Jews included.
The US despite all the tough talk would not go to war against Iran unless they want to get bogged down in a forever war again. Iran needs to go on full nuclear programming and not ass half like last time.
U know without nukes u will always be blackmail by the US and Israel because of threat of invasion.
North Korea got nukes and they are still blackmailed everyday, so I'm not sure of this.
But they sure need help and expertise from China or Russia.
Iran already got the help it needed from China and Russia decades ago, when it needed that help. Iran's nuclear knowledge and infrastructure today have matured alot- only thing stopping Iran is a decision/order from the SL (but Iran is likely a latent nuclear power or has secret nuke bombs).
Kim jong un is still standing because he got nukes and millions of artillery shells to destroy major cities in south Korea.
But he's still being blackmailed and prepared for militarily by US and S. Korea- threats didnt stop, only the fallout and risks from a conflict has increased.
U need weapons of mass destruction to be in a big boys club.

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