Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

Iran needs nuclear weapons and the worst chemical and biological weapons ever assembled. and endless quantities of ballistic missiles buried deep under mountains, both within Iran but also proliferated across the entire region.
These are useless without the will to use them. If pointing a gun at a man doesn't stop him from attacking you eventually you have to fire the gun. NATO is not deterred by Russia's nuclear weapons and constantly push past Russian "red lines" in Ukraine because they have learned that Russia will never respond. Unfortunately, it will likely be the same with China in the future.
Iran lacks the will to even respond conventionally. It is a matter of when, not if, westerners use weapons of mass destruction in an overt way again. What will be the response then?
If they don't fight back, Israeli terror will escalate without limit.
It is curious that Nasrallah does not understand this simple scheme.
This time, neither Iran nor Hezbollah has even issued a statement that they will fight back, and they appear to be completely shaken by Israel and determined to be unrestrained.
Unfortunately, this attitude will only embolden Netanyahu further and lead to a future of more brutal and unimaginable terror!
the war is coming the question is whether Hezbollah realises it before or after Israeli troops enter Lebanon and decimate south Beirut*

* I meant south Beirut, they already decimated south Lebanon...
I'm sure they have plans for this, but I don't think Israel will invade.
If they wanted, I doubt there would be a better time than two days ago, unless they somehow have an even bigger ace up their sleeve.

I think Hezbollah's endgame is to drag Israel into a ground invasion, but also make it seem like it was inevitable, and be portrayed as the heroes in the story.

Hezbollah don't want to be seen as the people who forced Israel to invade, but solely as the people who defended against the Israeli invasion, but Israel might not give them that benefit.

A ground invasion, even if successful, will be costly for Israel. But on the other hand almost a year has passed and their military casualty rate is not even half of their casualty rates in previous wars like the October war with Egypt and Syria. And their population was much lower, so I think they can sustain a lot more casualties if decided, but do they have the will?

I think Israel will want to keep things at the current pace, a pace which they control, this pace allows them to have minimal casualties and inflict a lot of damage on Hezbollah, (albeit they can't prevent the launch of rockets or return their population to their north)

Israel might try to go beyond defeating it militarily, it tries to kill it ideologically, and to delegitimize their existence among the Lebanese (or at least the Christian/Sunni ones), and maybe even start a civil war.
If they don't fight back, Israeli terror will escalate without limit.
It is curious that Nasrallah does not understand this simple scheme.
This time, neither Iran nor Hezbollah has even issued a statement that they will fight back, and they appear to be completely shaken by Israel and determined to be unrestrained.
Unfortunately, this attitude will only embolden Netanyahu further and lead to a future of more brutal and unimaginable terror!

Oh he understands. For whatever reason (we can only guess) neither HZ or Iran want to be cause of the war nor do they want to give Israel any pretext to start it.

The issue is, this eventually leads to game theory breaking down because like a game of poker if I know you are going to fold everytime i raise the stakes then I can play a much wider hand and not worry about consequences (ie getting called). So Israel right now knows there’s a long list of things it can do to the Axis and not have to worry about a pre-emptive war or quite frankly anything other than some token symbolic strikes to save face as an immediate response.

It appears increasingly likely that this axis of resistance will go to war on Israel’s terms (ie when Israel is ‘ready’) then pre-emptively bringing the war to the enemy.

Right for Israel it would be suicide to storm in South Lebanon, but another 3-6 months of airstrikes and artillery and cyber warfare attacks to soften HZ capabilities is much more prudent for their side.
Somebody quickly hang some 15 years old girls over Hijab before Jews expose us more as weak men LOL

It's not a direct attack on Iran, but IRI is the most incompetent version of Iran. Full of stupid and immature officers, and sycophant merchants larping as religious zealots. Their proxies, militias, and even their scientists will get assassinated but IRI will only do "harsh" press conferences not because they dont want to do anything, they just are not capable—simple explanation.

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