Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

he is alive

its an PR move, to claim "But we tried to kill Nasrallah" "its not like we did not try it"

im sure they knew he wasnt there.

Nasrallah is not even in Beirut.
Hezbollah officially confirms the martyrdom of Sayed Nasrallah
The biggest suprise for me is they know where all Hezbollah commanders have been for last few months so its been easy to kill them. Hezbollah is compromised now how they reorganise will determine whether they splinter out or not. You would think some of their commanders will be real angry with Iranian leadership as well.
The biggest suprise for me is they know where all Hezbollah commanders have been for last few months so its been easy to kill them. Hezbollah is compromised now how they reorganise will determine whether they splinter out or not. You would think some of their commanders will be real angry with Iranian leadership as well.
They probably knew all this time.
The biggest suprise for me is they know where all Hezbollah commanders have been for last few months so its been easy to kill them. Hezbollah is compromised now how they reorganise will determine whether they splinter out or not. You would think some of their commanders will be real angry with Iranian leadership as well.

The mole is either a bodyguard of Nasrallah or some high ranking in Quds Force.

The only way you know location and time of every single high ranking member including the special forces is via a mole very close to upper echelons of the organization.
Khamenei in 2020: USA cannot do a damn thing about us

48 hours later: USA murders head of IRGC Quds Force Soleimani and head of Iraqi PMU Muhandis

Khamenei in 2024: Hezbollah is the victor

48 hours later: Israel murders head of Hezbollah Sayed Nasrallah


Khamenei needs to stop talking and churning out propaganda speeches aimed at his illiterate base. He gets humiliated every time.
No report or speculation about who will replace him?

Nasrallah never responded to zionists and died without any response to israel, i hope the replacement will not be as passive as him and hopefully Hezbollah can respond by its own
No report or speculation about who will replace him?

Nasrallah never responded to zionists and died without any response to israel, i hope the replacement will not be as passive as him and hopefully Hezbollah can respond by its own
They need to replace the entire chain of command. But first they need to find the mole. It's going to take a while. Whatever they will end up creating will likely be infiltrated by Israeli agents from day 1
They need to replace the entire chain of command. But first they need to find the mole. It's going to take a while. Whatever they will end up creating will likely be infiltrated by Israeli agents from day 1
This makes me doubt Iran's counterintelligence capabilities.
It was hard for him to have escaped when Israel could have dropped over 80 bunker busting bombs (GBU-31/B JDAM and warheads like BLU-109/B or BLU-137/B) weighing one ton to assassinate Nasrallah.
reports say Israel used 85 tons of bunker buster bombs at that one target. no amount of fortification will survive that.

Iran needs to consider whether its own C&C facilities and Fordow and missile sites could withstand that. Assume Fordow could.
This makes me doubt Iran's counterintelligence capabilities.
Irans counterintelligence is focused on finding which expat is commenting where and posting what on social media.

Edit: I forgot to add paying for trollfarms.

Khamenei putting the onus on Hezbollah to fight Israel? what a joke

at this point if all Hezbollah can do is fire 200 unguided rockets per day (similar to 2006 numbers) at abandoned settlements in the north and some Arab villages then it is better to accept defeat and try to make a deal with Israel to totally disarm / withdraw in exchange for the Sheeba Farms

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