Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

. Now many of their advanced weapons have been destroyed unused in their depots.

All that money, down the drain along with all the depots in Syria destroyed over the years.

The commando raid on HZ missile facility prior to Israel starting its offensive on Lebanon was a major warning of things to come and a significant loss
View attachment 68442

they all look the same. old and fat and incompetent. our future is in their hands

The problem is there is no significant rotation of Generals. They end up staying at high powered positions for life or until they get assassinated. And the ones that do get assassinated are actually in the battlefield and our the valuable ones.

The Salami types just sit in Tehran under high protection detail and provide no tangible benefits.

What a joke. We seem to be back in the Qajar era...

Well a child could tell they were lying about the ceasefire, I said back then it was a ploy to get iran to infinitely delay it’s response.

Iran also knew it’s a trap, they just didn’t want to have to respond and conduct another attack. So they were desperately looking for an off ramp and took the one the Europeans/Americans gave them: the negotiations excuse.

They never had any intention to respond or conduct their “revenge” attack.

If the destruction of Hamas and Hezbollah hasn’t made this clear in people’s mind, then they will forever stay ignorant.

14 levels would be 25-30m below ground

but it's possible that reinforced concrete was not used

Reinforced concrete is not going to stop 80 bunker busters weighing 2000lbs. Not even Natanz could survive that. Only Fordow and other mountain based sites. I read earlier the site had limestone earth as a protectant, not sure about the reinforced concrete part.

They should have built their C&C into a hill/mountain. However, they probably never expected Israel to level the [civilian] building above them to reach them or go for a decapitation strike this early in the war.

Either way lots of critical operational security mistakes were made which at this point is a hallmark of Iran and the Axis.
Now that the new Airpower Summary has filled in the previously hidden figures for 2020-21, here is the most complete data available on 20 years of deadly and destructive U.S. and allied air strikes.

Numbers of bombs and missiles dropped on other countries by the United States and its allies since 2001
Numbers of bombs and missiles dropped on other countries by the United States and its allies since 2001. (Chart by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies)

Grand Total = 337,055 bombs and missiles.

**Other Countries: Lebanon, Libya, Pakistan, Palestine, Somalia.

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