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Is F-1 a quasi BM(ie doesnt leave earth’s highest atmosphere layers)?

My interpretation is F-1 is still exo atmospheric by default and the engine in the warhead is what limits the number of skip. I remember Patrames saying engine has enough fuel for 1-2 small deviations to confuse Arrow-3 mid course trajectory interception. The engine kicks in after the dive to cause the skip (pull up).

You are assuming that the weapon is always supposed to reach its full range. What if IRGC needs to use Fattah on targets in Kurdistan, fired from Azerbaijan Gharbi, for that they do not need high apogee for range so Fattah can just go for a quasi-ballistic trajectory without much KE gain, but if needed the weapon can still then establish a Lofted apogee then Quasi Ballistic Skip glide trajectory for speed. Its a choice.

For MRBM ranges, it needs high post-boost apogee otherwise missile will not reach full range. High apogee means it can have more stronger skips for more K.E.

Fattah-1's flight characteristics are very similar to Khinzal which is hybrid of exo-atmospheric+quasi-Ballistic trajectory. Chinese or other Russian Hypersonic missiles are not hybrid. This is why I am saying that it can be easily a nightmarish AL-HGV/BM from F-4. An F-4E/D "Dowran" can easily loft Fattah at high apogee over Iraq or Persian gulf for MRBM strike, MaRV can then perform skips for hypersonic speed.

The thinking was that the difference between F-1 and F-2 is the F-2 can do this naturally using its body shape (fined wedge design) where as F-1 still uses traditional warhead design hence need for small engine in RV stage to achieve any deviations. Hence why F-2 is considered a true HGV where as F-1 is merely a BM that has hypersonic capability with some limited maneuverability.

Fattah-1 is a hypersonic missile, a hypersonic MaRV with exceptionally high burnout V which is how its multifold faster than a traditional BM. Its closest cousin is Khinzal.

Fattah-2 is a traditional, unguided Hypersonic Glide Vehicle like DF-ZF/17.

I think that’s what also is the biggest limiter for F-1 speed vs F-2 speed, ie RV shape. I don’t dispute you could get F-1 speed higher, but it has to answer the laws of physics and forces acting upon it to not break apart due to its metallurgy construction and heat shield construction as friction increases the more you enter earth’s densest atmospheric layers.

My take is that Fattah-1 is designed for the following jobs.

- Without skips and max apogee it can have the range of Sejjil-II (~2500 KM) like a traditional solid fueled BM.
- With lofted apogee + skips its a hypersonic missile but range is reduced.
- Because of MaRV it is highly accurate for precision strike so it can be used as a AShBM.
- because of less weight and lofted PBV, it can morph into a AL-HGV but IRIAF is a joke of a force.

Fattah-2's job is just speed and nothing else.

I’m also not convinced F-1 and Keibar Sheykan-2 are not the same Missile with a slight variation (ie version A vs version B). With Iran you never know with these naming conventions.

I do not know what Kheybar-Shikan 2 is. My assumption initially and I have always maintained this is that Kheybar-Shikan + post boost lofted Apogee + stronger (or multiple) Skip-glides = Fattah-1. Kheybar-Shekan IMO was the first attempt by Iran to have a hypersonic missile at MRBM ranges. It took them 3-4 years to finally have the correct trajectory for enough KE that resulted in such a high burnout V that makes Fattah-1 a hypersonic missile while KS is just a single skip, pseudo-Hypersonic missile.
An excellent idea,sadly tho the iriaf seems uninterested in getting itself a piece of the missile pie by developing aeroballistic versions of land based missiles.

Yes, also remember that Iran has ~80 airframes of a fighter that lifts 8.5 tons under its belly and can still fly at 2.2 Mach, climbing at 45K ft/min. Entire infrastructure to re-build its airframes/engines to minimal hours of service or to upgrade its avionics to F-15C level exists inside Iran but IRIAF's leadership or MODAFL has no vision at all.

If roughly ~2-3 BLN USD is spent on F-4E/D fleet "Dowran-II" upgradation with Fattah-I ALBM, AESA verion of its Bayenaat-I, Datalinking with drones/fighters/IADS HMD etc the fleet can rival that of Israeli F-15 in ground attack capability.
=> Meshkat / Soumar (replica of KH-55 Kent, 2500 KM)
=> Hoveyzeh (Tech demonstrator of Iranian Turbofan on KH-55 aerodynamics)
=> Taliyeh (Claims of Guidance upgrade with midcourse datalink, Tech demonstrator)
=> Paveh (1650 KM, INS+ Datalink/SAT+TERCOM/DSMAC, Full Production).
=> Abu-Mehdi is just Paveh's AShCM version with 1000 KM range, its range could be reduced due to sea-skimming drag and pop-up maneuvers that most AShCM have to pull for effective damage infliction. Also fully produced.

Iran has no supersonic CM in its posession, this Eqtedar (Moqtedar previously) could very well be the fastest Iranian CM with supersonic capability. Its canisters are pressured with gauges on them.
Meshkat/Soumar probably never entered mass production. Hoveizeh is the downgraded version which did enter mass production. Abu Mahdi is a AShCM variant of Hoveizeh. Talaiyeh is the Navy's name for Abu Mahdi. Paveh is Iran's Quds-2 variant. Eghtedar possibly is a AshCM variant of Paveh.
Meshkat/Soumar probably never entered mass production. Hoveizeh is the downgraded version which did enter mass production. Abu Mahdi is a AShCM variant of Hoveizeh. Talaiyeh is the Navy's name for Abu Mahdi. Paveh is Iran's Quds-2 variant. Eghtedar possibly is a AshCM variant of Paveh.
largely agree but Abu Mahdi has 1000km range vs 1350km for Hoveyzeh
A question on my mind for the past few days; how many missile can Iran launch simultaneously? The operation in April demonstrated that not nearly enough missiles were launched to saturate air defenses. So can Iran even launch enough at one time or in quick salvos faster than air defenses can reload?
Are there enough trucks to carry and launch the needed number of missiles for a saturation attack against a well defended target?
Also, how many drones and cruise missiles can Iran launch simultaneously to occupy opponent air defenses or air forces giving the ballistics a better chance. How fast can Iran get those assets out of the bases and onto a suitable launch location and how fast can they be reloaded?
Imagine you have 100,000 bullets but only one revolver; the bottle neck is how many rounds you can fire and how fast you can reload.

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