IRONY! US Military Needs China’s Help To Beat Chinese PLA In A War; Report Says Ammo Will Exhaust In 28 Days

Lmao china has enough grains to last for a decade good luck with that
China can also import food from Russia they don't lack any. U tell me they can do that while not able to stop the houthis
A blockade isjust a pipe dream until I see them able to do that all that means jack shit
Russia is also the largest grain producer literally right across China border! China is also transitioning away from fossil fuels with green energy like solar hydro plants nuclear powerplants and evs. In wartime most production will go into weapons and such and less on export remember a blockade on China is a blockade on Japan and South Korea as well cause they have no resources whatsoever
China is also top 6 oil producer it's just that China consumes twice as much which in a green transition china will consume less and less also there are a bunch of coal plants china can turn on overnight
Any data that doesn't fit your narrative is unreliable haha just like tejas with 0 delivery in 8 months nice job
Maybe ask the pla nicely we will send u some of our older planes like j-7 and j-8 they will do just fine lmaoo
Meanwhile Pakistan already have close to 200 jf-17 I call it the baby j-10
There's no wrong data xinjiang is home to the largest cotton in the world. Xinjiang is home to a huge gas field along with northeastern part of china. China hoards verything even the biggest importer of gold and producer . China doesn't even tell u how much real gold it holds u think a country that produce 400 tons and can't export any and 400 tons import per year only have 2k tonnes of gold haha china is just silently hoarding everything with useless us dollars while building up it's industries.
China doesn't have to boast about every small little detail like india. They just build that's it u will see the result years later whether it's shipbuilding,5g , solar, nuclear power, evs ,mobile phones if not for us sanction on Huawei it will be the biggest still coming back and becoming the biggest high end phone maker in china,xiaomi ,oppo and many others.
Inner Mongolian has enough coal and rare earths to power the whole world! Everything u have in your house has some sort of components from china gl blockading yourself Walmart shelves will be empty within one week! Amazon can't function without Alibaba! No commercial drones no DJI for you

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