Is Bangladesh in danger of an Islamist takeover?

We have enough proof and experience of previous BNP governments who were clearly Anti India

An Islamist Takeover implies a government which is hostile to India for NO REASON except that India is a Non Islamic country

That is why we are seeing Fantasy Maps of conquering North East India on Facebook

Earlier there was an excuse of Unsettled borders

Now what is the excuse for Anti India propaganda

Anyway we don't give a Damn

We.are confident of our strengths

That is why MODI has shown no interest in meeting Dr YUNUS in New York

BNP and BJP - they literally mean the same thing.

You should love your Islamist mirror lol

RSS is the brain of BJP.
Jamat is the heart of BNP.
Indian media and Right-wing blog sphere is full of articles like the one below:

Let me first define Islamism and Islamist. (Same definition applies to Hinduvta!)

Anyone who engages in actions to promote their religious views on others and/or wants to use the instruments of state to enforce religious practices - is an Islamist.

Whilst I don’t think Islamists will be able to use the central government apparatus to enforce their diktats - I do think they will be able to use local government powers e.g. permits for loud speakers to spew nonsense. They will also be able to modify the school curriculum and intimidate teachers.

And generally intimidate cultural Muslims who do not want to practice Islam 24/7.

This is why many stuck to Hasina until the bitter end. And are still in fear.

The weak Younus still hasn’t provided any reassurances!!!

@UKBengali @Joe Shearer

Let them cry.
BNP and BJP - they literally mean the same thing.

You should love your Islamist mirror lol

RSS is the brain of BJP.
Jamat is the heart of BNP.

If that is true then why did Awami League have a coalition government with Jamat e Islam?

Fact is if Jamat had decided to support BAL, the India smearing would vanish overnight. India dosent care about bengali hindus or whatever they are trying to potray.

Luckily for BD and muslim world the western media is tired and exhausted of the Islamist scarecrow bandwagon. But that wont stop India from trying old tricks. Why do you think Indians, especially hindutva Type supports european far-right?!!
Indian media and Right-wing blog sphere is full of articles like the one below:

Let me first define Islamism and Islamist. (Same definition applies to Hinduvta!)

Anyone who engages in actions to promote their religious views on others and/or wants to use the instruments of state to enforce religious practices - is an Islamist.

Whilst I don’t think Islamists will be able to use the central government apparatus to enforce their diktats - I do think they will be able to use local government powers e.g. permits for loud speakers to spew nonsense. They will also be able to modify the school curriculum and intimidate teachers.

And generally intimidate cultural Muslims who do not want to practice Islam 24/7.

This is why many stuck to Hasina until the bitter end. And are still in fear.

The weak Younus still hasn’t provided any reassurances!!!

@UKBengali @Joe Shearer
Why would it be a danger and for who?
If that is true then why did Awami League have a coalition government with Jamat e Islam?

Fact is if Jamat had decided to support BAL, the India smearing would vanish overnight. India dosent care about bengali hindus or whatever they are trying to potray.

Luckily for BD and muslim world the western media is tired and exhausted of the Islamist scarecrow bandwagon. But that wont stop India from trying old tricks. Why do you think Indians, especially hindutva Type supports european far-right?!!

Because BAL is a power hungry and unprincipled political outfit like 99% of political parties in this world?

Are you seriously expecting me to defend BAL?
Why would it be a danger and for who?

Going by the numbers - by far the largest numbers of victims of Islamists - are moderate and cultural Muslims.

Islamists tend to leave minorities alone.

They prefer to kill and maim their own!
India was the first country in this region where religious extremists and fanatics grabbed the total control of a nuclear state when the BJP party (in fact, the Hindu fanatics of RSS) grabbed the power in India. Their fascist policies on both domestic and foreign fronts showed their real filthy character. Lying, deceiving, jealousy, doing evil to all others are their national traits. They have used terrorism against all their neighboring countries in one way or another as their national policy for the last many decades.

Now these Hindu terrorists are shamelessly accusing the people of Bangladesh of going towards Islamic fundamentalism as if they themselves are not Hindu fundamentalists. I am sure such a false propaganda would act as a persuasion for the people of Bangladesh to really return to their Islamic identity rather than following blind nationalism.

What if a large minority doesn’t want to go back?

Would they be free to live their life as they please?
Hasina is gone which is fine but Bangladesh should control its protesting elements.

That is not a good look or is it? Protesting elements should not abuse their power in typical South Asian manners-less fashion.
Hasina is gone which is fine but Bangladesh should control its protesting elements.

That is not a good look or is it? Protesting elements should not abuse their power in typical South Asian manners-less fashion.

In a power vacuum - these street thugs are wielding power.

But actual power lies with qualified professionals like doctors.

These thugs will soon realise this!
Hasina is gone which is fine but Bangladesh should control its protesting elements.

That is not a good look or is it? Protesting elements should not abuse their power in typical South Asian manners-less fashion.
In a power vacuum - these street thugs are wielding power.

But actual power lies with qualified professionals like doctors.

These thugs will soon realise this!

Confident assertion without full knowledge of what happened is not wise.
What if a large minority doesn’t want to go back?

Would they be free to live their life as they please?
Of course. Minorities in an Islamic state have full right to practice their religion (as long as they do not publicly transgress other beliefs). They have as much rights and responsibilities as the Muslim majority people.
Of course. Minorities in an Islamic state have full right to practice their religion (as long as they do not publicly transgress other beliefs). They have as much rights and responsibilities as the Muslim majority people.

I am not talking about minorities!

I am talking about moderate and cultural Muslims.

E.g. I do not want Mullahs spewing via loud speakers?

Intimidation of people who do not want to pray five times a day.

Muslim women able to walk without covering head.

Able to open masques that practices my brand of Islam.

Public criticism of sharia law.

Etc etc

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