Is Bangladesh in danger of an Islamist takeover?

I feel like all these fear mongerers are trying to set up a situation to justify either a military coup or an invasion to place their puppet in charge of Bangladesh with the narrative that Bangladeshi muslims are too savage to self govern and that a "benevolent" dictator needs to be planted "for the greater good", regardless of the brutality of the state suppressing descent and whatever nepotistic kleptocracy.
I am not talking about minorities!

I am talking about moderate and cultural Muslims.

E.g. I do not want Mullahs spewing via loud speakers?

Intimidation of people who do not want to pray five times a day.

Muslim women able to walk without covering head.

Able to open masques that practices my brand of Islam.

Public criticism of sharia law.

Etc etc
Are you talking about the juhala Afghan Taliban. I don't see anything like that happening in Bangladesh.
I am not talking about minorities!

I am talking about moderate and cultural Muslims.

E.g. I do not want Mullahs spewing via loud speakers?

Intimidation of people who do not want to pray five times a day.

Muslim women able to walk without covering head.

Able to open masques that practices my brand of Islam.

Public criticism of sharia law.

Etc etc

"Able to open masques that practices my brand of Islam."

Are you Muslim? lol
Because BAL is a power hungry and unprincipled political outfit like 99% of political parties in this world?

Are you seriously expecting me to defend BAL?

Im simply asking if Jamat is the heart of BNP, then why did Awami League form a government with Jamat. Is dosent makes sense.

The only way it makes sense it that Jamat is a independent party with ouwn policies and chooses which party-coalition would benefit it most.
Hasina is gone which is fine but Bangladesh should control its protesting elements.

That is not a good look or is it? Protesting elements should not abuse their power in typical South Asian manners-less fashion.

The street mob manners are fustrating.
But the scene is more complex in this case. Awami League managed to openly politicize a lot of organizations, including doctors assciation, putting party loyal men in position everywhere they could. These elements are now trying to sabotage a peaceful transition.

But for outsiders it seems these organizations are apolitical. But thats not the truth, unfortunately.
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The Bangladesh JI's head is a physician by profession. They follow the ideologies of the Muslim Brotherhood based on the teachings of Hasan Al Banna, Syed Kutub, Moududi, Sheriaiti etc. And, it all stated after the collapse of the Ottoman Saltanat/Khilafet. Current Erdo'an regime is a very soft version of it. BD may join this bandwagon...
I thought Bangladeshis would want an Islamist take over. lol.

Most Bangladeshis are Muslims afterall. lol.
Congrats on Bangladesh on getting rid of undesirable politician who favoured quota system

Objective met now they can focus on electing a new Leader of their choice
Some folks are doing bidding for Modi in this forum, dragging Modi Islamophobia dikha on this forum. Bangladesh has never been in and will never reach the level of BJP driven religious and communal politics.
Even a Kath Mullah in a village can differentiate between religion, politics, and Governance.
Something Mujib had no clue about. The civil society in Bangladesh cheered Hasina becoming the monster she was.
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E.g. I do not want Mullahs spewing via loud speakers?

What you mean by spewing?
There is religious freedom in Bangladesh, which is according to Islamic tradition. Muslims, hindus buddhists and christians can observe religion as they like.
Intimidation of people who do not want to pray five times a day.

There is no mandate for policing people praying 5 times, neither in Islamic Law nor Bangladeshi Law. Why is this even a topic.

Its like me coming to a topic about US politics and asking if being a black person would mean me being intimidated.

No muslim country as i know of have prayer policing. Not even Taliban Afghanistan if im correct.

Muslim women able to walk without covering head.

Again never a topic in BD or 99% of muslim countries.

Able to open masques that practices my brand of Islam.

You mean like Ahmadiyaa?
Yes open anything you want, but if its against Islamic mainstream doctrines then youre no longer in the fold of Islam. Cant have your cake and eat it too.

Public criticism of sharia law.

Bangladesh have freedom of religion.
Give examples of criticism?
You mean Taslima Nasrin type thing?
Then no, Bangladesh dosent tolerate provocateurs. Its not a tradition in the country. But its a tradition in western countries and is fully allowed in the west.

Islam have long tradition for academic criticism and interpretations. During Umayaad and Abbasid period there were many public debates between atheists and reknowned muslim scholars of that time.
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I feel like all these fear mongerers are trying to set up a situation to justify either a military coup or an invasion to place their puppet in charge of Bangladesh with the narrative that Bangladeshi muslims are too savage to self govern and that a "benevolent" dictator needs to be planted "for the greater good", regardless of the brutality of the state suppressing descent and whatever nepotistic kleptocracy.

India has no ability to do a regime change in BD.

Neither through military coup as the BA is only loyal to BD and IA would regret ever trying an invasion.
India has no ability to do a regime change in BD.

Neither through military coup as the BA is only loyal to BD and IA would regret ever trying an invasion.

What’s the difference between BJP and BNP?

BJP wants to control BD and BNP thinks India already controls BD lol

Both are deluded!
What you mean by spewing?
There is religious freedom in Bangladesh, which is according to Islamic tradition. Muslims, hindus buddhists and christians can observe religion as they like.

There is no mandate for policing people praying 5 times, neither in Islamic Law nor Bangladeshi Law. Why is this even a topic.

Its like me coming to a topic about US politics and asking if being a black person would mean me being intimidated.

No muslim country as i know of have prayer policing. Not even Taliban Afghanistan if im correct.

Again never a topic in BD or 99% of muslim countries.

You mean like Ahmadiyaa?
Yes open anything you want, but if its against Islamic mainstream doctrines the. Youre no longer in the fold of Islam. Cant have your cake and eat it too.

Bangladesh have freedom of religion.
Give examples of criticism?
You mean Taslima Nasrim type thing?
Then no, Bangladesh dosent tolerate peovocateurs. Its not a tradition in the country. But its a tradition in western countries and is fully allowed in the west.

Islam have long tradition for academic critism and interpretations. During Unayaad and Abbasid period there were many public debated between atheists of that tome abd reknoned muslim scholars.

Typical south Asian rebuttal.

1. Mixture of half truths - regarding on the ground intimidation that existed under last BNP rule.

2. Downright lies - re 99% of Muslim countries allowing women to not cover their head.

3. Speculating on my personal belief - re Ahmadya

4. Judgemental - Deciding who is a Muslim and who is not.

Bravo! You ticked all the boxes!
Typical south Asian rebuttal.

1. Mixture of half truths - regarding on the ground intimidation that existed under last BNP rule.

2. Downright lies - re 99% of Muslim countries allowing women to not cover their head.

3. Speculating on my personal belief - re Ahmadya

4. Judgemental - Deciding who is a Muslim and who is not.

Bravo! You ticked all the boxes!

Congrats with being an attention seeker

The fault is mine to reasonably trying to engage with a brainless troll.

@Waz please check this guys history.
This dude has been banned before. Hes obviously trolling this subforum.
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