Is Bangladesh in danger of an Islamist takeover?


Full Member
Jan 7, 2024
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Indian media and Right-wing blog sphere is full of articles like the one below:

Let me first define Islamism and Islamist. (Same definition applies to Hinduvta!)

Anyone who engages in actions to promote their religious views on others and/or wants to use the instruments of state to enforce religious practices - is an Islamist.

Whilst I don’t think Islamists will be able to use the central government apparatus to enforce their diktats - I do think they will be able to use local government powers e.g. permits for loud speakers to spew nonsense. They will also be able to modify the school curriculum and intimidate teachers.

And generally intimidate cultural Muslims who do not want to practice Islam 24/7.

This is why many stuck to Hasina until the bitter end. And are still in fear.

The weak Younus still hasn’t provided any reassurances!!!

@UKBengali @Joe Shearer
Same definition applies to Hinduvta!
This is NOT the correct definition-by-parallel of Hindutva (not the idiotic term Hinduvta) In Bengali, the spelling would be হিন্দুত্ব |

Hindutva is a political movement that depends on attracting the support of Hindus to achieve power, in terms of prevailing systems of government. It has little to do with promoting Hinduism, as it concentrates on one stream of the three recognised streams, and brings in distortions in popular practice of Hinduism.

It is the central purpose of the organisation the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (রাষ্ট্রীয় স্বয়মসেবক সংঘ), whose core belief is that those who follow Hindu faith, and Buddhist, Jain, and Sikh faiths, are native to south Asia, and belong here, while Muslims and Christians are not.

Do not confuse this with the faith that Hindus follow.
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In a world of Zionists, hindutva extremists, white nationalists being a secular Muslim is a joke that will only get you killed

Embrace your own faith, culture and don't let the titles and accusations of your enemies define how you live your life
The author of the article.


Why can't Muslim countries have an Islamic system in place? Don't Indian Hindus demand a Hindu state? Don't Christians demand a state with Christian values? Don't other people belonging to different faiths demand their state to uphold their religious values? Why is it that these people are triggered when Muslims demand Islamic values in their respective countries?
We have enough proof and experience of previous BNP governments who were clearly Anti India

An Islamist Takeover implies a government which is hostile to India for NO REASON except that India is a Non Islamic country

That is why we are seeing Fantasy Maps of conquering North East India on Facebook

Earlier there was an excuse of Unsettled borders

Now what is the excuse for Anti India propaganda

Anyway we don't give a Damn

We.are confident of our strengths

That is why MODI has shown no interest in meeting Dr YUNUS in New York
We have enough proof and experience of previous BNP governments who were clearly Anti India

An Islamist Takeover implies a government which is hostile to India for NO REASON except that India is a Non Islamic country

That is why we are seeing Fantasy Maps of conquering North East India on Facebook

Earlier there was an excuse of Unsettled borders

Now what is the excuse for Anti India propaganda

Anyway we don't give a Damn

We.are confident of our strengths

That is why MODI has shown no interest in meeting Dr YUNUS in New York

What do you mean anti-India? It is their country and they are in charge of whoever they want to befriend and who not. Perhaps Modi needs to look in the mirror and ask himself why the people of BD don't trust India.

BD should be allowed to have any system their people like to follow. The BD people certainly don't need dictation from Hindutva.

Don't the Hindutva Indians post maps on social media of other countries' territory as their own? Why is it that you guys always blame others for things that you yourself are guilty of?

If you were confident of your strength your wouldn't be complaining so openly on PDF. You are clearly hurt and angered. Confident people don't complain.
This is NOT the correct definition-by-parallel of Hindutva (not the idiotic term Hinduvta) In Bengali, the spelling would be হিন্দুত্ব |

Hindutva is a political movement that depends on attracting the support of Hindus to achieve power, in terms of prevailing systems of government. It has little to do with promoting Hinduism, as it concentrates on one stream of the three recognised streams, and brings in distortions in popular practice of Hinduism.

It is the central purpose of the organisation the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (রাষ্ট্রীয় স্বয়মসেবক সংঘ), whose core belief is that those who follow Hindu faith, and Buddhist, Jain, and Sikh faiths, are native to south Asia, and belong here, while Muslims and Christians are not.

Do not confuse this with the faith that Hindus follow.

That was probably true in the 1970s.

Post the demolition of Babri Masjid - Hinduvta became all consuming.

Anyway, let’s not derail the thread!!

This thread is about saving BD from Islamism.
We have enough proof and experience of previous BNP governments who were clearly Anti India

An Islamist Takeover implies a government which is hostile to India for NO REASON except that India is a Non Islamic country

That is why we are seeing Fantasy Maps of conquering North East India on Facebook

Earlier there was an excuse of Unsettled borders

Now what is the excuse for Anti India propaganda

Anyway we don't give a Damn

We.are confident of our strengths

That is why MODI has shown no interest in meeting Dr YUNUS in New York

Please stop derailing the thread. This thread is not about India!!!

Cultural Muslims are in much more danger from Islamism than minorities.

We are the ones they really despise! And label!!
In a world of Zionists, hindutva extremists, white nationalists being a secular Muslim is a joke that will only get you killed

Embrace your own faith, culture and don't let the titles and accusations of your enemies define how you live your life

We did embrace our faith. Being Secular does not inherently mean areligious person, let alone anti religious. It is about not imposing my own world view on others.

We cannot be reactionary. We have to live by our own principals. Deeds of extremists from other societies cannot dictate how we act and carry ourselves. Reactionary posture works in animal world where survival and coming out on top is the only concern. For mankind, there more to this life, values that extend beyond our immediate selves/well-being. In fact, being able to stand by those with consistency is what gives meaning to our lives.

Of course, we won't let our enemies/adversaries to define who we are or how we live.
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In a world of Zionists, hindutva extremists, white nationalists being a secular Muslim is a joke that will only get you killed

Embrace your own faith, culture and don't let the titles and accusations of your enemies define how you live your life

Anyone who coerces their views on me is my enemy.

I am educated enough and wealthy enough to decide where to live.

And I choose to live in a very wealthy, extremely white and secular part of England.

Even Hasina’s BD was too religiously suffocating for me. Oh! Those loud speakers gave me headaches!!!
Anyone who coerces their views on me is my enemy.

I am educated enough and wealthy enough to decide where to live.

And I choose to live in a very wealthy, extremely white and secular part of England.

Even Hasina’s BD was too religiously suffocating for me. Oh! Those loud speakers gave me headaches!!!

So your great plan is to pretend to be a white man?

Won't they be able to tell your not when they see your face?

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