Is Bangladesh in danger of an Islamist takeover?

The inferiority complex of being a converted Muslim race is why Muslims in the Indian subcontinent tend to be more radical and frequently mix religion with politics. This false bravado, along with the manufactured narratives by the Pakistani establishment about ruling India for thousands of years and claims that one Muslim is equivalent to 10 non-Muslims, all stem from the shame and inferiority complex of being a converted Muslim race.

What's wrong with converting,, are we supposed to worship idols and animals like some jahil pagan to make you feel better?

Islam was a superior way of life, hundreds of millions of people dumped Hinduism to embrace Islam

Like billions across the world, Iranians were fire worshippers, Arabs were idol worshippers themselves, Turks worshiped nature or the sky or something

What you are doing is showing your own Inferiority complex
Indians are crying islamist takeover in Bangladesh, while they themselves vote for a hinduistic mass murderer party into power for past 15 years!!

This debate is useless.
Its a typical sanghi tactic, their brainless bots going around and spreading filth all ove the web, including here.
Was a chinese member here a few years ago, who said there is a special place in hell for those who gave Indians internet access.

A hindutva extremist crap hole like India thinks it's secular
Turkey has a 99% Muslim population, yet it chose to be a secular country. India, with a 78% Hindu population, also chose secularism. the U.S., where the majority is Christian, decided to adopt a secular system as well.

Not true, the Turks (as a whole) don't have any say when a bunch of men decided that they are now secular.

The Turkish secularism just like all secularism across Muslim land is done by forcing the people under the threat of arms.

And the reverse of secularization and the reintroduction of Islam must be done the same way as well. Through force and pacification campaign.

What's wrong with converting,, are we supposed to worship idols and animals like some jahil pagan to make you feel better?

Islam was a superior way of life, hundreds of millions of people dumped Hinduism to embrace Islam

Like billions across the world, Iranians were fire worshippers, Arabs were idol worshippers themselves, Turks worshiped nature or the sky or something

What you are doing is showing your own Inferiority complex

I mean, sanghis have significant inferiority complex for being ruled over by 'converted' Muslims and Brits for a long time, nearly 400 years. Specially North Indians. They project this complex of theirs on others. You can see that in here.
Adding Bismillah to the constitution has no real value.

If you read the history of Mujib 's rule during 1972 to 1975 - you will see he has done similar things to cater to the Muslim population and impress the Gulf Royals.

Placating to the Muslim population with inconsequential moves doesn't mean implementation of Islamic Caliphate.
Mujib joined OIC in 1974. He attended the 1974 2nd OIC meeting in Lahore, yes in Lahore, Pakistan. OP has no historical knowledge of Bangladesh, AL, and Mujib atrocities.
I am not sure why members are even responding in this thread.
Turkey has a 99% Muslim population, yet it chose to be a secular country. India, with a 78% Hindu population, also chose secularism. the U.S., where the majority is Christian, decided to adopt a secular system as well.


India is no longer secular!

Beef ban, CAA, demolition of Babri Masjid saw to that.

Using the instruments of state to achieve all of the above.
Mujib joined OIC in 1974. He attended the 1974 2nd OIC meeting in Lahore, yes in Lahore, Pakistan. OP has no historical knowledge of Bangladesh, AL, and Mujib atrocities.
I am not sure why members are even responding in this thread.

joining the OIC doesn’t make you non secular. Any more than inviting the pope for a visit.

And what has Mujib atrocities got to do with secular constitution?

Zia had hundreds of military officers executed. Had Taher executed. Many others tortured and disappeared.

All of Bangladesh’s leaders have blood on their hands.

oh! Anyone who doesn’t agree with your biased world view is not “knowledgeable” lol
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joining the OIC doesn’t make you non secular. Any more than inviting the pope for a visit.

And what has Mujib atrocities got to do with secular constitution?

Zia had hundreds of military officers executed. Had Taher executed. Many others tortured and disappeared.

All of Bangladesh’s leaders have blood on their hands.

Stop being a one eyed biased shill!

oh! Anyone who doesn’t agree with your biased world view is not “knowledgeable” lol
India/ Modi is talking Islamist in BD
AL minions are talking Islamist in BD
You keep talking Islamist in BD

You catch the drift !

AL was not in power for more than 25 years, the country didn’t accept sharia style law in those times. In all fair elections Jamat never received more than 5% of the vote.
There are far more important issues such as power sector , corruption, decentralization of admin, constitution, education, and few other issues. Yet you keep bringing Islamist up.
There is zero chance of an Islamist Govt in BD as defined by you.
I am not a fan of BNP , but AL is on a different level in terms of savagery. Ershad was an angel compared to Hasina.
India/ Modi is talking Islamist in BD
AL minions are talking Islamist in BD
You keep talking Islamist in BD

You catch the drift !

AL was not in power for more than 25 years, the country didn’t accept sharia style law in those times. In all fair elections Jamat never received more than 5% of the vote.
There are far more important issues such as power sector , corruption, decentralization of admin, constitution, education, and few other issues. Yet you keep bringing Islamist up.
There is zero chance of an Islamist Govt in BD as defined by you.
I am not a fan of BNP , but AL is on a different level in terms of savagery. Ershad was an angel compared to Hasina.

I stated upfront that I do not see Bangladesh being an Islamist country even at Pakistan level - let alone Afghan level.

However, I do see it making a resurgent comeback in the educational sector. And general harassment of moderate to non practicing Muslims.

Zia ushered in madrasas education en masse .

And no government has been able to reverse it.

We now have millions of adults educated in Madrasas - without any marketable skills - who are ripe to be exploited by the Mullahs.

And stop your paranoia about Indians!

I am not going stop raising uncomfortable issues just because it might titillate the BJP!!!

@BananaRepublic the massacre of Hefazat People happned under secular AL. AL killed over 800 people in last one moth.
So , yes AL is far more dangerous to BD than BNP. But I still don’t want to see AL getting banned, but certainly prosecuted for crime against humanity.

Even established democracies have struggled to deal with the unique threat of Islamists.

U.K. and US have used secret torture facilities and targeted killings.

I do not condone any of that but I am very conflicted.

How do you deal with people who are absolutely irrational and suicidal? Who want to deprive you off your basic rights.
I do not condone any of that but I am very conflicted.

How do you deal with people who are absolutely irrational and suicidal? Who want to deprive you off your basic rights.

Exactly, That's how we feel about AL. We don't condone extra judicial violence against them but also very conflicted. How do we deal with them? Absolutely irrational, thuggish and deprived us off our basic rights for years.
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Exactly, That's how we feel about AL. We don't condone extra judicial violence against them but also very conflicted. How do we deal with them? Absolutely irrational, thuggish and deprived us off our basic rights for years.


When they are in power they feel the same about you!

Good luck with that!

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