Is India the next super power


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Nov 16, 2007
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Not IQ but authoritarian regime with good focus and now we are seeing what authoritarian regimmwoth bad focus can do under Xi papa.

Now with IQ comment in neutral environment Indians have always been more successful than Chinese in general so there goes your IQ logic.
yeah real success is living in slums with no sewage system


Dec 16, 2023
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yeah real success is living in slums with no sewage system

China has done well incredibley well but it's a hidden regime too much cloak and daggers not transparent like the west or indeed India
I think long term India will thrive and close some of the gap to take third place easily but by some distance over Japan and Germany
Very least India will be closer to USA a d china and way ahead of Germany and Indian by 2040


Jun 23, 2011
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Been on PDF for 15 years. Every other month some Indian member will come on here and point out to us that very soon India will be a superpower very very soon. Then there is slugfest of members suggesting this is a wet dream bla bla bla. Then there are the counter argument slugfest telling us NO we are almost their and we will conquer the world etc

Eventually the thread gets closed and conveniently put the thread into storage until the next member a couple of months launches the same old and the cycle
Goes on and on.
I just spectate and yawn……


Elite Member
Sep 24, 2018
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Muslim nation helping other Muslim nation is not a theory

Muslim nation fighting other Muslim nation is not a theory
Muslim nation helping non-Muslim nation against a Muslim nation is not a theory


Elite Member
Sep 24, 2018
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Been on PDF for 15 years. Every other month some Indian member will come on here and point out to us that very soon India will be a superpower very very soon. Then there is slugfest of members suggesting this is a wet dream bla bla bla. Then there are the counter argument slugfest telling us NO we are almost their and we will conquer the world etc

Eventually the thread gets closed and conveniently put the thread into storage until the next member a couple of months launches the same old and the cycle
Goes on and on.
I just spectate and yawn……

India will never be a superpower by design or plan. Of course if USA or China implodes and India keeps growing they might land there by default.

Given their size, population and trajectory they are on target to become an economic colossus


Jun 23, 2011
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Muslim nation fighting other Muslim nation is not a theory
Muslim nation helping non-Muslim nation against a Muslim nation is not a theory
What’s that got to do with the topic?
Everyone stop derailing this predictable thread…..


Jun 23, 2011
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India will never be a superpower by design or plan. Of course if USA or China implodes and India keeps growing they might land there by default.

Given their size, population and trajectory they are on target to become an economic colossus
Colossus? You are again getting delusional. India can do good but please stop using words like this - not in our lifetime…..


Dec 16, 2023
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Been on PDF for 15 years. Every other month some Indian member will come on here and point out to us that very soon India will be a superpower very very soon. Then there is slugfest of members suggesting this is a wet dream bla bla bla. Then there are the counter argument slugfest telling us NO we are almost their and we will conquer the world etc

Eventually the thread gets closed and conveniently put the thread into storage until the next member a couple of months launches the same old and the cycle
Goes on and on.
I just spectate and yawn……

15 years ago Indian gdp was 15th in the world about half the size of UK and seven times the size of Pakistan it's Forex was about 250 billion dollars

Today India is the 4th largest in the world and 25% bigger than UK and France and they have 650 billion dollars in reserve and are 11 times larger than Pakistan

They are spending nearly 2 trillion dollars on infrastructure as we speak

So if the thread was opened it's was too highlight the obvious progress to where India was suppose to be a top tier global economic powerhouse and huge market


Dec 16, 2023
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Colossus? You are again getting delusional. India can do good but please stop using words like this - not in our lifetime…..

Just for you buddy...

Just like you some othervPakistanis are mistaking one of indias many science cities as Dubai or USA

Your perception of India is decade out

The progress is enormous and you and your country folkes are stunned


Dec 16, 2023
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For the the record the modi regime is building science and it cities all over the Indian continent like Gurgaon and Noida


Dec 16, 2023
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More smart cities it's infectious
No no it's not china building these it's Indians in India


Jun 23, 2011
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Just for you buddy...

Just like you some othervPakistanis are mistaking one of indias many science cities as Dubai or USA

Your perception of India is decade out

The progress is enormous and you and your country folkes are stunned

Why are you so obsessed and fascinated at what Pakistanis think? Man the obsession is deep.
I live in the UK and know exactly how India is perceived around the world. Covid exposed India and showed us where they are.
Dont see any chance of colossus anytime soon.
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Full Member
Feb 24, 2011
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Just for you buddy...

Just like you some othervPakistanis are mistaking one of indias many science cities as Dubai or USA

Your perception of India is decade out

The progress is enormous and you and your country folkes are stunned

Yes yes.. your are the Superpower, you are the Ultra pro max Power, just quit seeking this vote of Validation from Pakistan. Talk about obsession. Sheesh....


Dec 16, 2023
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Why are you so obsessed and fascinated at what Pakistanis think? Man the obsession is deep.
I live in the UK and know exactly how India is perceived around the world. Covid exposed India and showed us where they are.
Dont see any chance of colossus anytime soon.

UK perception means diddly squat to India
We treat their leaders as junior ministers
Our gdp and Forex reserves are much larger than there's
UK is nothing In front of modi js isIndia


Jun 5, 2018
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Just for you buddy...

Just like you some othervPakistanis are mistaking one of indias many science cities as Dubai or USA

Your perception of India is decade out

The progress is enormous and you and your country folkes are stunned


I visit gurgaon everyday for work, the development while nice looking is unplanned and haphazard and violates construction norms.

A little rain causes a deluge of flooded roads because there is no drainage system and natural water flow pathways were disregarded to construct buildings and roads.

Many a builders have built double the homes and half the electric infrastructure to support them. Temperatures have hit 50+ and grids are literally blowing away due to overload.

Our development and advancement is undeniable, but to take pride in it and rub it in others faces is farcical and dishonest

We've got a long way to go to develop and call our selves as a super power, both in terms of spirituality and physicality, so stop with the the hubaloo

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