J-31 to be inducted soon| Pilot training reportedly in progress

If you are not lazy like me study the military procurements of Pakistan since fifties....... Pakistan seldom pays for her military goodies , even her nuclear weapons program was financed by friends .....you are a legend without legendary tales .
No such thing as a free lunch. Most countries pay with hard cash. Some with their sovereignty.

The JF17 in its initial development was to be a part of chinese air force---but with the changing scenario---the chinese decided to have J10's as a baseline fighter aircraft.

If the Paf had been any smarter---they would have shutdown the JF17 program and moved ahead with the J10's when Musharraf made the deal with the chinese---but the Paf's ego and error in judgement got the better of them.
This is a thread about J31 bud, what are you on about?
He is saying l the war has changed. Instead of expensive complex systems, cheap, numerous, autonomous/rpv is where he would like the investment to be. Or that’s what I understood.
A little disagreement there -

Apparently the PAF may be a pilot but there is active interest from countries denied the F-35 and those meetings have been held directly between CAC and those countries on everything from joint production to incorporation of their homegrown systems.

its competing with the Kaan on that front

Are you sure? First of all, but the J-31/35 is from SAC and not CAC (so maybe a typo on your side), so talks with CAC and potential customers which we hear indeed are surely nor related to the J-31 and second, to my knowledge no such talks were so far revealed by the CHinese side and that‘s the important part. So any talks from a potential customer is IMO at least for the moment more a PR story to receive information and eventually still get the F-35.
Are you sure? First of all, but the J-31/35 is from SAC and not CAC (so maybe a typo on your side), so talks with CAC and potential customers which we hear indeed are surely nor related to the J-31 and second, to my knowledge no such talks were so far revealed by the CHinese side and that‘s the important part. So any talks from a potential customer is IMO at least for the moment more a PR story to receive information and eventually still get the F-35.

"still get the F-35"?
Are you sure? First of all, but the J-31/35 is from SAC and not CAC (so maybe a typo on your side), so talks with CAC and potential customers which we hear indeed are surely nor related to the J-31 and second, to my knowledge no such talks were so far revealed by the CHinese side and that‘s the important part. So any talks from a potential customer is IMO at least for the moment more a PR story to receive information and eventually still get the F-35.
But there's news that UAE and Saudi Arabia are interested in J-20 instead of J-31 because USA is not willing to sell F35 to those countries because of Israel
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Are you talking about the F35 that always has problems, or the F22 that is already waiting to die?
Your country does not discuss "problems" of its jets in public.

On the other hand:

F-22A Raptor is a true 5th gen fighter that was very costly to produce. It is not a cheap clone or a look-alike. The US never shared F-22A tech with any country. However, F-35 program has helped reduce costs of 5th gen parts and research 6th gen concepts that will inform development of NGAD. In case you wondering, the US is testing 6th gen prototypes as we speak. The US started researching and developing stealth aircraft in the 1960s and no country is close to its level of expertise in this domain. You need to calm down and respond maturely.
Your country does not discuss "problems" of its jets in public.

On the other hand:

F-22A Raptor is a true 5th gen fighter that was very costly to produce. It is not a cheap clone or a look-alike. The US never shared F-22A tech with any country. However, F-35 program has helped reduce costs of 5th gen parts and research 6th gen concepts that will inform development of NGAD. In case you wondering, the US is testing 6th gen prototypes as we speak. The US started researching and developing stealth aircraft in the 1960s and no country is close to its level of expertise in this domain. You need to calm down and respond maturely.

Easy tiger, before you jump the gun, the USAF is actively talking about cutting F-35 orders and indeed USAF now going slow on NGAD and looking for. cheaper design.

The United States is still far ahead but if Chinese development maintains anything like the pace it has over the last 20 years, I suspect the F-35 will probably be the very last US fighter more advanced then it's peers.
Thanks for proving my point since 5his is exactly the point: the JF-17 was indeed never 3ber planned for 5he PLAAF but always promoted as a joint development for Pakistan WITH HEAVY Pakistani investment and codevelopment. In contrast, the J-331 was never described a joint development, it was always at best a private initiative by AVIC/SAC for potential export customers without any foreign conten5 and contribution before it became the J-35 for the PLAN and now you want to tell us, China just for good will made all the investment on their own, paid for Pakistan the wh9le development of a fifth generation fighter to sell a few at best for free?
No actually. The JF17 began life as the FC-1/J9 before beimg subsumed into the Super7, Saber II project. It was actually several originally distinct projects combined in 1997-1999.
J31 is more similar then you are thinking, especially if the PAF has subsumed it into the Azm project.
Are you sure? First of all, but the J-31/35 is from SAC and not CAC (so maybe a typo on your side), so talks with CAC and potential customers which we hear indeed are surely nor related to the J-31 and second, to my knowledge no such talks were so far revealed by the CHinese side and that‘s the important part. So any talks from a potential customer is IMO at least for the moment more a PR story to receive information and eventually still get the F-35.
Correct SAC - I think I meant to write CATIC .
It is possible it is a PR story but not all are confident on F-35 and capitol hill hurdles.
It depends on the coming election - come Trump the J-31 and Kaan angle goes away completely and F-35s are approved or in the other case a big defense deal comes in lieu of other challenges.

At the end, the buyers on that end will always prefer western equipment unless they truly have no choice in the matter(Ballistic missiles with strategic implications)
No actually. The JF17 began life as the FC-1/J9 before beimg subsumed into the Super7, Saber II project. It was actually several originally distinct projects combined in 1997-1999.
J31 is more similar then you are thinking, especially if the PAF has subsumed it into the Azm project.

JF17 had nothing to do with super 7 or J9's but only to the extent that the Paf wanted to produce their own aircraft and they did.
Are you sure? First of all, but the J-31/35 is from SAC and not CAC (so maybe a typo on your side), so talks with CAC and potential customers which we hear indeed are surely nor related to the J-31 and second, to my knowledge no such talks were so far revealed by the CHinese side and that‘s the important part. So any talks from a potential customer is IMO at least for the moment more a PR story to receive information and eventually still get the F-35.
Nothing wrong in being contrarian once in a while but this anti J 31 fetish is surely not healthy
Easy tiger, before you jump the gun, the USAF is actively talking about cutting F-35 orders and indeed USAF now going slow on NGAD and looking for. cheaper design.

The United States is still far ahead but if Chinese development maintains anything like the pace it has over the last 20 years, I suspect the F-35 will probably be the very last US fighter more advanced then it's peers.
USAF did not "cut" F-35 order; they had authorised less F-35 induction in NDAA FY25 due to undelivered issue. And the cut is 20 (10 + 10 depends on SecDef authorisation) not hundreds

As for Chinese fighter jet advancement, that remain to be seen, there are absolutely no record for any of the Chinese jet currently in service. I would say calling "F-35 is the last US fighter with edge" is pretty much, well, as you say, jumping the gun.
No such thing as a free lunch. Most countries pay with hard cash. Some with their sovereignty.
Pakistan never compromised it's sovereignty even in worst case scenarios .....only the smart Alex here feel 2 inches taller by bshiting against Pakistan

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