JF-17 - Updates, News & Discussion

No 8: Haiders

Considering Pakistan has a good relationship with the Swedish and Italian defense industry, and that the Block 3 has a dry pylon up front for a pod, should Pakistan approach the Swedes to buy a limited number of IRST pods for the Block 3’s? The JF-17 carries the Turkish Aselpod, why not this European IRST pod? Especially in limited numbers (perhaps a dozen) for intercepts of suspect aircraft during CAPs, from a safe distance.

Obviously the most modern version would be sought, such as the one used on the Gripen-E or the most modern Eurofighter standard.


Finmeccanica – Selex ES will provide new equipment to SAAB, which will equip the new Gripen E for the Swedish Air Force with 60 Skyward G-IRST (infra-red search and track), infrared search and track systems made in the Selex ES plant of Nerviano (Milan).

The Skyward-G IRST is a long-range electro-optical sensor. It is a passive system that does not emit any signals of its own when in use. It detects the heat signatures of other airborne systems but cannot be detected in return. This provides a great tactical advantage.

• Passive Operation (immune to electronic detection and RF countermeasures)
• Mid or Long Wave IR
• Long range detection
• Wide scan volume
• Selectable Field Of View (FOV) (Wide – Middle – Narrow)
• Open architecture
• Air cooled
• Broad suite of field proven air-to-air, air-to-surface and navigation modes
• Detection and tracking of a high number of targets.
• Software algorithms for low false alarm rate
• Growth capability to extend the existing features, includingdual IR band detector and sensor fusion with radar Source leonardocompany.com

Type: InfraredAltitude Max: 0 m
Range Max: 185.2 kmAltitude Min: 0 m
Range Min: 0 kmGeneration: Infrared, 3rd Generation Imaging (2000s/2010s, Impr LANTIRN, Litening II/III, ATFLIR)
Properties: Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) [Side Info], Classification [Class Info] / Brilliant Weapon [Automatic Target Aquisition], Continous Tracking Capability [Visual]
Skyward-G – (Gripen-NG) Infrared
Role: IRST, Imaging Infrared Seach and Track
Max Range: 185.2 km

Beyond the IRST pod, perhaps a changing of the gun for a faster firing, most likely lighter, 27 mm Mauser. A smaller gun could be adjusted to be tucked into a more streamlined position on the airframe, with associated benefits.

27mm all-purpose Mauser BK27 high velocity gun​


Source: https://thaimilitaryandasianregion.wordpress.com/2016/02/22/saab-gripen-e-details/
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No. 8 Squadron "Haiders" Raised in 1960.
No.8 Squadron "Haiders" اک اور ضرب حیدری Equipped with the B-57 Canberra bombers No.31 bomber wing on 11 May 1960 lead by Sqn Ldr M. Iqbal.
During 1965 war, this Squadron killed 14 enemy's aircraft. After 1965 war, B-57 spare parts supply being stopped by US re-activated with Dassult Mirage 5 in 1982.
Pakistan Air Force Number plated 8 Squadron on 09 January 2023.
Now going to re-equip 8 Squadron with state of the art JF-17 Block III aircraft.

ہم یلگار ہیں، حیدر کی تلوار ہیں
ہم سے جو ٹکراۓگا، وہ پچھتاۓگا۔​
Harsh reality for Pakistan is except for Myanmar (a heavily sanctioned pariah nation) no country has purchased JF-17 in numbers worth mentioning.
Only other customer is Nigeria who has purchased a mere 3 and has not given any indication of purchasing any more.

I am old enough to remember 2010 Alan warnes article where he quoted a PAC official that Pakistan expects JF-17 exports to touch 150 by 2022.
Concern your out of this universe Tejas first than concern about JF-17 exports, it's just guess by some companies which could be wrong in future, do see the future dude that what will happen in future?

And most of countries was waiting for block III JF-17 to come that's we have minimal sales of JF-17 Block 2
Harsh reality for Pakistan is except for Myanmar (a heavily sanctioned pariah nation) no country has purchased JF-17 in numbers worth mentioning.
Only other customer is Nigeria who has purchased a mere 3 and has not given any indication of purchasing any more.

I am old enough to remember 2010 Alan warnes article where he quoted a PAC official that Pakistan expects JF-17 exports to touch 150 by 2022.
It isn't a 'harsh' reality because (if we look at how the JF-17's been designed, configured, and then marketed), the PAF never really cared about driving lots and lots of exports. They wanted the JF-17 for their own needs when there was no other option available. However, now that they have more options (e.g., J-10CE, J-31), the PAF will move on from the Thunder. In a way, the JF-17 is the PAF's Marut story.
Harsh reality for Pakistan is except for Myanmar (a heavily sanctioned pariah nation) no country has purchased JF-17 in numbers worth mentioning.
Only other customer is Nigeria who has purchased a mere 3 and has not given any indication of purchasing any more.

I am old enough to remember 2010 Alan warnes article where he quoted a PAC official that Pakistan expects JF-17 exports to touch 150 by 2022.
What harsh reality! The Joint Fighter-17 Thunder is a success story by any measurement. Just ask the Indian ADA, ARDC, and HAL about how much trouble they had to go through to make Tejas. If success is measured by sales numbers, then Rafael was unsuccessful until 2010. The Mig31 is a completely failed fighter, and the Jaguar was only bought in significant numbers by India. According to your logic, the K-8 is a better jet than the JFT since it sold in the hundreds. Does this mean that Kiran is the worst trainer since only the IAF bought it? Perhaps the PAC Mashaq is a better plane than Tejas since many countries bought and operate it. What kind of twisted logic are you using? Wake up!
It isn't a 'harsh' reality because (if we look at how the JF-17's been designed, configured, and then marketed), the PAF never really cared about driving lots and lots of exports. They wanted the JF-17 for their own needs when there was no other option available. However, now that they have more options (e.g., J-10CE, J-31), the PAF will move on from the Thunder. In a way, the JF-17 is the PAF's Marut story.

All things considered, Pakistan made do with what it had pretty well.

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