JF-17 - Updates, News & Discussion

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Tell me how many light-weight fighter jets have a WS-15/F-119 class jet engines on them, it's lots cheaper to upgrade block 1/2 to BLK III standard rather than investing in the stupid idea of @zen which makes no sense and logic to me, JF-17 is almost done deal

If we want to develop BLK 4 that's I doubt we will have in future its cheaper to develop based on WS19 rather than stupid idea by @zen to have WS15
My friend think out of the box, do not accept everything he says, it could be a different aircraft, does need to be called block-4, just recognise the need for it, that was my point.

If you were in the early 90s, would you stick with a turbojet, much less the F-7s to design the Jf-17, obviously not. The Jf-17 (class) engine is around twice as powerful as the F-7s, yet both are still light weight. Conclusion: light weight today is not the same as light weight of tomorrow.

My friend think out of the box, do not accept everything he says, it could be a different aircraft, does need to be called block-4, just recognise the need for it, that was my point.

If you were in the early 90s, would you stick with a turbojet, much less the F-7s to design the Jf-17, obviously not. The Jf-17 (class) engine is around twice as powerful as the F-7s, yet both are still light weight. Conclusion: light weight today is not the same as light weight of tomorrow.
But it's more cheap to install WS-10 on new jet, WS15 is just beginning and so far only reserve for J-20
I am thinking of remaking the jf17 evo video. Will take me some days. After that its goodbye from my side. Might login here and there. Wish you guys all the best!

My friend think out of the box, do not accept everything he says, it could be a different aircraft, does need to be called block-4, just recognise the need for it, that was my point.

If you were in the early 90s, would you stick with a turbojet, much less the F-7s to design the Jf-17, obviously not. The Jf-17 (class) engine is around twice as powerful as the F-7s, yet both are still light weight. Conclusion: light weight today is not the same as light weight of tomorrow.
Then tell the @zen not called his new proposal BLK 4 Jf-17 but jf20 or something because it will not related to Jf-17 project but will be totally different design
What you’re calling would require a new design, to make the change to a WS-15 engine feasible.

A design similar to the McDonnell Douglas JAST design, but then you’re basically looking at a competition for the F-35, which the J-31 is suppose to be.

Investing into such a design could work if the PLAAF persued, at least in the form of the basis for an unmanned loyal wingman. Then a manned version would have its costs brought down and it could make sense for procurement by the PAF, to replace the JF-17 and J-10 in due time.

From 0:15-1:45
A plane in shape similar to, but larger then, the Jeniah drone being developed in the UAE

If Pakistan can get a firm commitment for 150-200 drones for the PLAAF which would be co-produced in China and Pakistan, it’s not infeasible a 200 manned order for a similar jet couldn’t happen in the 2030s to replace the JF-17.
hmmm...perhaps...but the PAF wanted HMD/S on the JF-17 since at least Block-2, if not the Block-1 itself. If the Thales deal went through, the JF-17 would've used the TopOwl-F.

In many cases, the internal 'resistance' tends to go away once a good option and/or funding is available. Before the J-10CE, the PAF never had a good IRST option. It wasn't a feature on the F-16 or most Western fighters, and compact off-the-shelf solutions were relatively untested (e.g., Leonardo Skyward-G).
I can see the internal resistance prior to widespread bvr adaptation in the PAF. Now since the combat itself has changed, they have come to accept it as a useful tool

bird hit at air intake- caused engine failure-- caused first crash of jft since 2003--- martin baker seat parachute failed to open and pilot died--initial reports
Squadron Leader Muhammad Hussain shaheed
Are you sure about these details? I recall it being a case of controlled flight into ground and no ejection. The plane also crashed inverted on the side of a hill
Are you sure about these details? I recall it being a case of controlled flight into ground and no ejection. The plane also crashed inverted on the side of a hill
I had posted the statement which was circulating at the time. Thats why I said initial reports
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Look how even kr youtubers represent their product with great depth. Yes, bias is there. Conveniently underplaying the fact that fa50 doesnt have bvr, ifr probe, standoff weapons integrated. Not mentioning established gripen or jf17 etc in their comparisons.

However they take the time to research and put forward a video with good editing. While our youtubers with zero pronunciation and grammatical skills both in English and Urdu churn out low quality videos daily. They dont even know how to pronounce 'unveil' and add ' matlab ke, bolay to' at the end of every sentence. 'Defence lovers' is not the correct term. Defence enthusiasts is. Total cringe.

If any jf17 youtuber is watching, learn from this. Most of the pointers mentioned in this video also apply to jf17.
More like Defense fraud looking for engagement to make money off YouTube.

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