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Sqn Ldr (then Flt Lt) Hussain Shaheed during his service with No.9 Sqn. On Nov 17, 2011 he lost his life in an unfortunate JF-17 bird hit accident near Kamra [of a newly built jft before its induction into a squadron]
May his soul rest in PEACE AMEEN

JF-17 Radar Dome Size speculation posted 10 years back​

F-20/T-50 => ~500mm (APG-67 family)
Gripen => ~500mm (PS/05 family)
M2000 => ~500mm (RDM, RDI, RDY families)
Rafale => ~600mm(RBE family)
MIG-29 => ~624 mm (N019, N010 families)
F-16 => ~660mm (APG-66, APG-68, APG-80 families)

JFT =>~ 670-740 mm

Typhoon => ~700mm (ECR-90/CAPTOR family)
F-18 => ~700mm (APG-65, APG-73, APG-79 families)
F-35 => ~700mm (APG-81)
F-22 => ~900mm (APG-77)
F-15 => ~950mm (APG-63, APG-70 families)
SU-27/30 => ~1000 mm (N001, N010 [924mm antenna ver], N011 faimilies)
MIG-31 => ~1400mm (N007 family)

houshanghai was a very sweet guy vanished from the internet about 10years back. However he posted all the jft prototype videos he could find in chinese media for us. Whenever he used to get any news of some new missile being tested on jft he used to get so excited while posting.

Even the jf17 specs video was uploaded by him.

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I think he is advocating a cost effective, low hanging fruits so to speak, in the next iteration of a Pakistan "owned" jet (2040s timeframe). See what Korean did, a reduced rcs jet without internal bays. Maybe with a bigger engine things can work out, put an internal bay (mind you they are not new, see the 1950s Delta Dagger F-102). These are interesting ideas.

The history of PAF tells us, it has always needed a workhorse, if you think post 2040s that will be a Chinese off the shelf or Turkish off the shelf, you are mistaken. The J-35/31 is not PAF owned and the TFX is a heavy weight so it will not be PAFs workhorse.

Work on the Jf-17 started in early 1990s, and we had our first squadron in 2010. Work on the next "work horse" will need to start now to have a first squadron in 2040.
Tell me how many light-weight fighter jets have a WS-15/F-119 class jet engines on them, it's lots cheaper to upgrade block 1/2 to BLK III standard rather than investing in the stupid idea of @zen which makes no sense and logic to me, JF-17 is almost done deal

If we want to develop BLK 4 that's I doubt we will have in future its cheaper to develop based on WS19 rather than stupid idea by @zen to have WS15
There must be block4, let time verify. Common sense says WS-19 is a better fit, but the truth is WS-15 is a better fit.

Even if it is theoretically doable (enlarge the airframe to fit a larger diameter engine), it is not wise imo. JF-17's niche is a low cost gen 4-4.5 light fighter to provide an affordable bulk mainstay fighter, fitting WS-15 on it will turn it into a whole different class of plane akin to J-10.

Besides WS-15 production will be hogged by J-20 for years to come.

It is wiser for PAF to switch to WS-13 and potentially WS-19 later on.

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