Jinnah Class Frigate | Updates & Discussion

For Navy testing with Live Ammo is vital , it is good that Navy is shifting towards more locally Produced SAMs

If it is CAM-ER , that is fine as well as long as we can Produce more missiles locally under licence

I think most folks liked CAM-ER for it's reputation seems reasonable option

If we had 32 VLS solution likely a reload would not be needed often but for 16 VLS I would imagine reloading option at port would be needed

Example Training mission might launch 1-2 missiles for testing or may be 4 missiles

Since we now make own Drones , having unlimited Missile ammo would allow Navy to do more training with live Ammo when applicable

FAAZ , if integrated in Navy would be interesting as well always good to have multiple options

But the ships are still under construction to some time is there
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But the ships are still under construction to some time is there
6 Jinnah Class Frigate

Nope. Jinnah figate is not under construction. The very first milestone in Ship building is Keel laying ceremony. For every PN ship, (even the smaller ones ) the ceremony was held to start construction process. Jinnah FFG beginning of construction will be a huge ceremony. So far nothing, probably because economy is totally collapsed under this regime and no funds for such projects anymore.

For last 2 years I kept coming across posts that by 2024 Jinnah FFG will be launched and blabla. I always rejected these wishful & unrealistic thinking. There won't be any Jinnah FFG in Pakistan navy till 2030. Keep in mind minimum six years for first ship from beginning till commissioning. The construction process may be a bit faster for later batch of ships.

Also, important to know there are no "Six Ships". 6 Ships was never an official statement from any PN official. It was just an analysis by people in this forum from one of the CNS farewell speech about 20 major warships goal. By then Pakistan had not signed Yarmook batch-IIs. But after when Pakistan signed second batch of Yarmooks that analysis is null & void as well. (4 F22Ps, 4 Tughrils, 4 Babars, 4 Yarmooks = 16 ). So if the goal is still 20 ships even with collapsed economy then it would be 4 Jinnah FFG at max. However, we have to understand that goal of 20 Major ships was aligned with progress in economy and CPEC. Everything was going smoothly and things were in order when that farewell speech was done. Today everything is in chaos, the necessary conditions to facilitate that goal do not exist any more. Realities have changed.

In one of interviews recently, PN's rear admirals themselves have disclosed that Pakistan navy aim to build only one Jinnah FFG initially. They said on TV that agreement for Milgems were 4+1. Which means 4 Baburs and 1 Jinnah.

Sure, in the long run or in future (2030s to 2040s) Pakistan may produce more Jinnah frigates. By 2040s F22Ps may need to be replaced too. But in next 6- 8 years we shouldn't be expecting anything more than a single ship of this class.
Nope. Jinnah figate is not under construction. The very first milestone in Ship building is Keel laying ceremony. For every PN ship, (even the smaller ones ) the ceremony was held to start construction process. Jinnah FFG beginning of construction will be a huge ceremony. So far nothing, probably because economy is totally collapsed under this regime and no funds for such projects anymore.

For last 2 years I kept coming across posts that by 2024 Jinnah FFG will be launched and blabla. I always rejected these wishful & unrealistic thinking. There won't be any Jinnah FFG in Pakistan navy till 2030. Keep in mind minimum six years for first ship from beginning till commissioning. The construction process may be a bit faster for later batch of ships.

Also, important to know there are no "Six Ships". 6 Ships was never an official statement from any PN official. It was just an analysis by people in this forum from one of the CNS farewell speech about 20 major warships goal. By then Pakistan had not signed Yarmook batch-IIs. But after when Pakistan signed second batch of Yarmooks that analysis is null & void as well. (4 F22Ps, 4 Tughrils, 4 Babars, 4 Yarmooks = 16 ). So if the goal is still 20 ships even with collapsed economy then it would be 4 Jinnah FFG at max. However, we have to understand that goal of 20 Major ships was aligned with progress in economy and CPEC. Everything was going smoothly and things were in order when that farewell speech was done. Today everything is in chaos, the necessary conditions to facilitate that goal do not exist any more. Realities have changed.

In one of interviews recently, PN's rear admirals themselves have disclosed that Pakistan navy aim to build only one Jinnah FFG initially. They said on TV that agreement for Milgems were 4+1. Which means 4 Baburs and 1 Jinnah.

Sure, in the long run or in future (2030s to 2040s) Pakistan may produce more Jinnah frigates. By 2040s F22Ps may need to be replaced too. But in next 6- 8 years we shouldn't be expecting anything more than a single ship of this class.
Steel Cutting ceremony of first Jinnah has been done a while ago earlier this year.
Nope. Jinnah figate is not under construction. The very first milestone in Ship building is Keel laying ceremony. For every PN ship, (even the smaller ones ) the ceremony was held to start construction process. Jinnah FFG beginning of construction will be a huge ceremony. So far nothing, probably because economy is totally collapsed under this regime and no funds for such projects anymore.

For last 2 years I kept coming across posts that by 2024 Jinnah FFG will be launched and blabla. I always rejected these wishful & unrealistic thinking. There won't be any Jinnah FFG in Pakistan navy till 2030. Keep in mind minimum six years for first ship from beginning till commissioning. The construction process may be a bit faster for later batch of ships.

Also, important to know there are no "Six Ships". 6 Ships was never an official statement from any PN official. It was just an analysis by people in this forum from one of the CNS farewell speech about 20 major warships goal. By then Pakistan had not signed Yarmook batch-IIs. But after when Pakistan signed second batch of Yarmooks that analysis is null & void as well. (4 F22Ps, 4 Tughrils, 4 Babars, 4 Yarmooks = 16 ). So if the goal is still 20 ships even with collapsed economy then it would be 4 Jinnah FFG at max. However, we have to understand that goal of 20 Major ships was aligned with progress in economy and CPEC. Everything was going smoothly and things were in order when that farewell speech was done. Today everything is in chaos, the necessary conditions to facilitate that goal do not exist any more. Realities have changed.

In one of interviews recently, PN's rear admirals themselves have disclosed that Pakistan navy aim to build only one Jinnah FFG initially. They said on TV that agreement for Milgems were 4+1. Which means 4 Baburs and 1 Jinnah.

Sure, in the long run or in future (2030s to 2040s) Pakistan may produce more Jinnah frigates. By 2040s F22Ps may need to be replaced too. But in next 6- 8 years we shouldn't be expecting anything more than a single ship of this class.
building 1st Jinnah class frigate is a big step. Pakistan needs to learn first .... it will take 4 years minimum to build it. PN might launch a 2nd one also but after that an upgraded design will be reviewed. Building a war ship of this complexity is not easy specially for a country like Pakistan who had no past experience on this sort. i am sure learnings from Babur class will lead to better JCF batch 1 example 1. not to worry. PNs future is bright ....

move forward to 2028 appx. having 17-18 bigger war ships and 11 advance submarines with AIP plus decent and quality NAA is a force to be proud off from any angle.

Just look around, beside India there is no navy in the region, from Egypt to Malaysia/ Thailand that will have this quality of strength and reach ... capability and versatility ... firepower and training ... finally PN is announcing its presence. next 4 years is the busiest time for PN in its 7-8 decades of its history.
It was announced that the construction has already started on Jinnah ships

Typically it takes few years to build the ships

Pakistan has build enough vessels after 77 years of existence

  • Tankers
  • Commercial ships
  • Small ships
  • Frigates
  • Missile Boat
  • Submarines
  • Corvettes

However only the Submarine Acquisition from China will beef up our immediate needs

The Jinnah Class ships will take time to get built
Steel Cutting ceremony of first Jinnah has been done a while ago earlier this year.

Nopes. That's hard to miss. We saw steel cutting ceremonies news and videos of every vessel in last 5-6 yrs from Yarmooks to Baburs to even the small boats (that 220 ton "indigenous" gun boat) . Usually CNS, and sometimes PM / president also were presented to commemorate the beginning of construction. JCF would have been the most important vessel of all, its not possible that they do a low profile (without media) ceremony for such important project in PN's history.
building 1st Jinnah class frigate is a big step. Pakistan needs to learn first .... it will take 4 years minimum to build it. PN might launch a 2nd one also but after that an upgraded design will be reviewed. Building a war ship of this complexity is not easy specially for a country like Pakistan who had no past experience on this sort. i am sure learnings from Babur class will lead to better JCF batch 1 example 1. not to worry. PNs future is bright ....

move forward to 2028 appx. having 17-18 bigger war ships and 11 advance submarines with AIP plus decent and quality NAA is a force to be proud off from any angle.

Just look around, beside India there is no navy in the region, from Egypt to Malaysia/ Thailand that will have this quality of strength and reach ... capability and versatility ... firepower and training ... finally PN is announcing its presence. next 4 years is the busiest time for PN in its 7-8 decades of its history.

I agree to most of it. I just wanted to set the expectations right. IMO, by 2030 PN will have only 1 JCF if everything goes as planned. Lot of investment already done on PN for next decade or so. The installments / loans will likely continue in for many years to come. Baburs, Yarmooks, Tughrils, and most importanty the Hangors have already put PN in a solid position. Expecting 6 JCF on top is just wishful thinking. IMO, its just one JCF that is planned as indicated by PN's rear admirals interviews and circumstances. More expected when F22Ps will near their retirements.

You have also mentioned that besides India no one has that much firepower in naval fleet in the region. That's true but no one also have the kind of threats that PN has. The only regional major naval power "India" is a direct threat to Pakistan. So it was important to invest in PN. The key component here is submarine fleet. No one in the region really matches with kind of submarine fleet that PN wil have by 2030. In surface fleet, some other countries do have decent capabilities like Egypt's surface fleet is very capable. Saudis surface fleet is also good. Turkey has very capable navy overall.

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