Melaca strait China's vulnerability? Is it true or Myth?

Hitting Delhi means losing Beijing completely... Does matter what next...

China and India may will end by loosing their most of the populated cities and loosing of millions of people...

India is not a popua country and china will hit Delhi, India will giving statements on tv.

India does not need 5th generation fighter planes to hit Chinese major cities

Did you not even read the post you were replying to?

No India would not dare fire a nuclear missile at Beijing as the Chinese response would finish off India as an intact entity.

China would just destroy each and every government and military target in Delhi and your leaders would be cowed if they are not already dead.

China is overwhelmingly more powerful than India and they probably do not even factor India into any war scenarios as it is so feeble.
Your last line is barely readable

Did you not even read the post you were replying to?

No India would not dare fire a nuclear missile at Beijing as the Chinese response would finish off India as an intact entity.

China would just destroy each and every government and military target in Delhi and your leaders would be cowed if they are not already dead.

China is overwhelmingly more powerful than India and they probably do not even factor India into any war scenarios as it is so feeble.
Again what basis you saying - one side story?

As said - hitting Delhi means loosing Beijing - does not matter if you believe or not being cheerleading for china

India will finish or not but no major cities will be left in china.

Again - India will not join war against china if not forced by china itself
Again what basis you saying - one side story?

As said - hitting Delhi means loosing Beijing - does not matter if you believe or not being cheerleading for china

India will finish or not but no major cities will be left in china.

Again - India will not join war against china if not forced by china itself

I really think you just don't get it.

No one would take you seriously if you threaten to launch a nuclear weapon in response to a conventional attack.

That is not how nuclear deterrence works.

Goodbye dude.
I really think you just don't get it.

No one would take you seriously if you threaten to launch a nuclear weapon in response to a conventional attack.

That is not how nuclear deterrence works.

Goodbye dude.

Even when you say, China will fire rockets and India will do nothing.

means you don't understand the international relationship. it usually happens with that tit for tat response.

if China hits Delhi, India will hit Beijing. no exception there.. i hope you know the basic...

don't compare with border incidents - hitting the capital is an invitation for war - nobody can stop then till the end.
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Even when you say, China will fire rockets and India will do nothing.

means you don't understand the international relationship. it usually happens with that tit for tat response.

if China hits Delhi, India will hit Beijing. no exception there.. i hope you know the basic...

don't compare with border incidents - hitting the capital is an invitation for war - nobody can stop then till the end.
India cannot defeat China. Stop smoking whatever drugs you are on. Chinese PLA can bombard and hit major population centres in India more easily then India can do to China.

Tell me about that planned blockage of China at Malacca Straits.

Will USA ships and any other blockade ships be using huge cope cages like what Ukrainian Nazis hoping to defend themselves with?


Except China not going to use drones on those ships.
What coming down will be East Winds, very very heavy East Winds
You known them better as DFs
And they coming down fast at Mach 7 to 9
Do have lots of fun being gung ho blockaders


Indonesia can shut down all the outlets to the Indian Ocean unless you want to nuke

3rd rate militias like the Houthis cause a lot of havoc
@Raj-Hindustani Why waste time with these Bangladeshis? Don’t stoop to their level. Remember, Hasina cut her trip short to China because China put them in their place, but they’re still cheerleading for the Chinese. Now you see what kind of neighbors we’re dealing with—they’re just jealous of India. Small country, small-minded people. With India as their big neighbor, no wonder these Bangladeshis are all insecure and have a major inferiority complex.
when push comes to shove all the countries of east Asia including Japan , south Korea and Singapore will either side with China or stay neutral
Pakistanis have much more confidence in China than the Chinese have in themselves
Your entire history is one long string of failures and surrender. 93,000 troops surrendered in '71 – that’s the biggest act of cowardice ever. Your culture is a patchwork of borrowed elements with no real identity, and your constant struggle to find relevance is embarrassing. Your political scene is a circus of corruption and incompetence, and your society is drowning in poverty and violence. Your economy is in tatters, struggling to meet basic needs while you waste time throwing insults. Military might? Please, your so-called strength is a joke compared to the advancements of others. Your fragmented culture and constant internal chaos only highlight your insecurity. Stop deflecting with cheap insults and face the reality of your own country's ongoing disaster. You're just a sad, broken mess of a nation, stuck in your own crap while the world laughs at your pathetic attempts to matter. The world sees you as a cautionary tale of how to squander every chance and remain a sad, irrelevant footnote.
90,000 troops figures are wrong only 45,000 troops were there at the time of war in 71 rest were civilians
Your entire history is one long string of failures and surrender. 93,000 troops surrendered in '71 – that’s the biggest act of cowardice ever. Your culture is a patchwork of borrowed elements with no real identity, and your constant struggle to find relevance is embarrassing. Your political scene is a circus of corruption and incompetence, and your society is drowning in poverty and violence. Your economy is in tatters, struggling to meet basic needs while you waste time throwing insults. Military might? Please, your so-called strength is a joke compared to the advancements of others. Your fragmented culture and constant internal chaos only highlight your insecurity. Stop deflecting with cheap insults and face the reality of your own country's ongoing disaster. You're just a sad, broken mess of a nation, stuck in your own crap while the world laughs at your pathetic attempts to matter. The world sees you as a cautionary tale of how to squander every chance and remain a sad, irrelevant footnote.
If it is such a joke why doesn’t your RSS superpooper prime minister and army take over your claimed territory in AJK, gilgit baltistan, and aksai chin ? What is stopping you? You guys talk and bs a lot but when it comes to action it is very different.
Well , definition of neutrality as far as I know is that bases of neutral country can't be used by hostile power ......Japan and Korea may ask US to remove their bases ....these two countries may feel special as they have been accepted in the white man club but that's not good enough reason to risk their economic future and territorial security in the long run .....

No, definition of neutrality is non-belligerent. Not cannot be used by hostile power. Case in point, Switzerland was neutral in WW2, but have German Garrison in its territories. Sweden goes one further, they don't only host German troop, but also allowed transfer of German troop (163th division) from West (Norway) to East (Finland). Likewise, Republic of Ireland rescue Allied seaman stranded from the Atlantic Convoy and provided provision to the Allied.

On the other hand, it is impossible for Japan or South Korea to evict US troop and close down US base in Japan in case of war on the account that this cannot be done in days or months, the provision is as long as those bases were not supported or supplied by Japan and South Korea, their existence in a neutral land is allow. Case in point, British Force occupied Kabul after Second Anglo-Afghan War (In 1885??) And even tho Afghanistan was neutral in WW1, British continue to occupy and operating their base in Kabul.

So no, the US force in those area would still be allowed to operate, and if China assume neutrality with Japan and South Korea, then the US force operating there will be basically offered a safe haven.

And finally, if US is on this level of relationship and is at war with China, what do you think about the economic relationship between Japan and South Korea, an Western Allied, to China then?
@Hamartia Antidote
@lightning f57
@White and Green with M/S

I knew the US was losing when I saw that all US netizens were thinking about blocking rather than landing in China. Americans have lost the courage to face their opponents directly, how can a country that lacks even courage defeat China?

If the U.S. only has a naval blockade and is not willing to land on China, the U.S. is bound to fail.

If you're up against a country with a huge industry, the war has to end soon or you'll end up like Japan in WWII. Don't forget that China is actually a resource power that can be self-sufficient in resources, and that it has a very stable trade channel with Russia.

China could suspend all exports that require ocean transportation and shift all of its industrial capacity to armaments. This would first lead to a global shortage of materials and commodities, which the United States would lack for some time.

Second, China's armaments would increase rapidly. With the size of China's industry, it would be possible to build a hundred carrier fleets, a billion drones, ten million tanks, etc. a year.

China would then trade with Russia and Central Asian countries overland for resources. Russia is the largest resource country in the world, China is the largest industrial country, Russia has the full spectrum of resources, China has all the industrial environments.

In a few years China will expand to hundreds of millions of troops, hundreds of carrier fleets, tens of billions of drones and robot dogs, tens of millions of tank armies later. China will sweep all American bases on this planet.
@Hamartia Antidote
@lightning f57
@White and Green with M/S

If the U.S. only has a naval blockade and is not willing to land on China, the U.S. is bound to fail.

If you're up against a country with a huge industry, the war has to end soon or you'll end up like Japan in WWII. Don't forget that China is actually a resource power that can be self-sufficient in resources, and that it has a very stable trade channel with Russia.

China could suspend all exports that require ocean transportation and shift all of its industrial capacity to armaments. This would first lead to a global shortage of materials and commodities, which the United States would lack for some time.

Second, China's armaments would increase rapidly. With the size of China's industry, it would be possible to build a hundred carrier fleets, a billion drones, ten million tanks, etc. a year.

China would then trade with Russia and Central Asian countries overland for resources. Russia is the largest resource country in the world, China is the largest industrial country, Russia has the full spectrum of resources, China has all the industrial environments.

In a few years China will expand to hundreds of millions of troops, hundreds of carrier fleets, tens of billions of drones and robot dogs, tens of millions of tank armies later. China will sweep all American bases on this planet.
Well, you need to look at how Russia supporting its war in Ukraine before you say China and Russia have "Everything". Either that or China basically betraying the Xi-Tin Bromanced "Blood Brothers" relationship.

Issue here is, war economy is not exactly the way you think, first of all, US will not like you think will not adjust to the war, the US will expand its industrial output if and when US goes to war with China, US had done that in WW2 and can do it again if they were to go to full mobilisation mode, in fact, that's what Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act of 1939 entailed. So if and when US goes to war with China, the US will re-industrialise on a probably larger scale than what we had seen during WW2 due to technological advancement.

Second, you cannot match sea trade with road bound trading, the best way you can trade inland is thru freight train which is what? 400-600 TEU per train? (The longest Freight train in the world is the Australian BHP Iron Express, which have 670 cars and 7 km long) Compare that to 20,000 + TEU in modern Cargo Ship, the effectiveness is probably 2 to 5% of any freight cargo shipment. You can't supply your industrial need just by ground based and air-based trade route, that is if you can find an industrial partner to trade with you to begin with. That would strangle Chinese industrial output

And finally, as I mentioned before, not the physical blockade is what China should worry about, it's the embargo enact toward China.

And a big haha and good luck to your last point.
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