Melaca strait China's vulnerability? Is it true or Myth?

I think you are little overconfident. The PLA was at its weakest in the 1950s. China was weak, malnourished, civil war ridden country. The US was the premier industrial and military power with Nukes. In such an environment, the PLA spanked one of Americas’s greatest generals into retirement. Douglas McArthur couldn’t outfox nor outmaneuver the PLA. His only option was to ask for nukes, after which President Truman sent poor senile McArthur packing into retirement.
first of all, that's 70 years ago. War are different back then we lost hundred thousand in a conventional war in those time, we lost 55,000 with the last prolonged conventional warfare.

Second of all, you are talking about US attacking a country 13,000 mile away while Chinese move roughly 450 mile.

It's always knew that China would attack and the US will have the same problem the North Korean had if the they try to make it all the way to North in a Banzai/Bumrush Charge. That's why noone in the Truman administration support going all the way to the North. You need time to build up supply and support, that what we call "Phase line" Strategy

MacArthur is in over his head and that's why he was replaced. And PLA didn't "spank" the greatest general in that war or South Korea will not exist (Bear in mind PLA did cross the 38th and attack south, but was repelled) So no, I wouldn't say the same thing
I don’t think he is wrong brother. The US has hollowed out their industrial capability. China on the other hand has a formidable industrial capability. China can also access vast natural resources from Russia, Central Asia etc. The whole Ukraine / Russia war shows that the global south will not support US double standards. Same in a war with China. I would say the same if China wants to invade the US. It would be impossible for China. Let’s just hope the US doesn’t try to stoke sone tension in Taiwan to create another disastrous war.
But he said billions of drones, hundreds of carrier fleets, millions of tanks how its possible with the economy of only 7 trillion $$$, and USA have the 3 time of the economy of the China and can't have these equipment, it will be the burden upon Chinese economy
first of all, that's 70 years ago. War are different back then we lost hundred thousand in a conventional war in those time, we lost 55,000 with the last prolonged conventional warfare.

Second of all, you are talking about US attacking a country 13,000 mile away while Chinese move roughly 450 mile.

It's always knew that China would attack and the US will have the same problem the North Korean had if the they try to make it all the way to North in a Banzai/Bumrush Charge. That's why noone in the Truman administration support going all the way to the North. You need time to build up supply and support, that what we call "Phase line" Strategy

MacArthur is in over his head and that's why he was replaced. And PLA didn't "spank" the greatest general in that war or South Korea will not exist (Bear in mind PLA did cross the 38th and attack south, but was repelled) So no, I wouldn't say the same thing
MacArthur was one of the greatest US generals. Even greater than Eisenhower, Nimitz, Bradley etc. The US at the time was the richest, industrialized, and militarily powerful country with nukes. China was malnourished, famine ridden, and just emerged from civil war. The Chinese defeated MacArthur with whatever limited weapons they had. Now they are even more powerful. I highly doubt any US commander now has the skill, strategy to defeat the PLA today. If they believed they could they would have done so by now. The US doesn’t need an excuse to start a war. They tried with Canada in 1812 but didn’t try after because they were backed by Great Britain and the powerful RN. They invaded Mexico to steal Texas, initiated wars and broke every treaty they signed with Native American tribes, blew up USS Maine in Havana so they could invade Cuba, promised the Filipinos freedom but colonized and murdered millions in Mindanao. I can go on and on.
MacArthur was one of the greatest US generals. Even greater than Eisenhower, Nimitz, Bradley etc. The US at the time was the richest, industrialized, and militarily powerful country with nukes. China was malnourished, famine ridden, and just emerged from civil war. The Chinese defeated MacArthur with whatever limited weapons they had. Now they are even more powerful. I highly doubt any US commander now has the skill, strategy to defeat the PLA today. If they believed they could they would have done so by now. The US doesn’t need an excuse to start a war. They tried with Canada in 1812 but didn’t try after because they were backed by Great Britain and the powerful RN. They invaded Mexico to steal Texas, initiated wars and broke every treaty they signed with Native American tribes, blew up USS Maine in Havana so they could invade Cuba, promised the Filipinos freedom but colonized and murdered millions in Mindanao. I can go on and on.
First of all, I wouldn't say MacArthur is greater than Eisenhower. Is he a great general? probably yes, but he made a lot, like a lot of mistake during his Pacific Campaign, first, he neglect to reinforce the garrison in Philippine leading to the greatest surrender of US troop in history, yes, that probably not just his fault, but he should have seen the Japanese is coming, after the Japanese sweeping the Chinese coastline.

Second, he made a strategic mistake to take Peleliu, which cost 20,000 Marine casualty while serve nothing. And he is making that mistake because he insist, or hellbent on liberating Philippine, which in effect drag on the war for another 8 months. You can say that probably a good thing because otherwise the Toyko Plan will be going ahead 8 months ahead of time and we won't have the bomb by then, but it wouldn't cover the fact that Philippine have absolutely no use in the Pacific Campaign that late in that stage. There's that.

On the other hand, I can name you a few very good contemporary general in the west that you probably know for commanding troop. Gen Norman Schwarzkopf who was in charge of Desert Storm, British Brigadier Gen Mike Jackson, who led troop into Bosnia and Serbia. Or General Sandy Woodward, who defeated the Argentinian and recapture Falkland Island...Can you even name one Chinese General at all? But somehow they are all military genius and no one in the west can defeat them??

And finally, the "if they could, they already did" comment does not work that way, I mean look at it this way, I can use the same analogy to say China won't be able to defeat Taiwan, because if they could, they already would.......why the wait.

War is a very intricate matter, especially going to war with your number 1 trading partner, it wasn't a matter of if I can win, I already will, if we didn't do it to North Korea before they have nuke, we wouldn't do it to China after they have nuke. War is the last resort of any diplomatic policy, it's not like I want to start one just to catch up on my 3 o'clock appointment.
It really is fascinating how delusional wumaos and chirese fanboys are in here. They remind me how delusional Russian fanboys were before Ukraine war, before getting slapped with reality... they are still delusional but not as delusional as they used to be.
It really is fascinating how delusional wumaos and chirese fanboys are in here. They remind me how delusional Russian fanboys were before Ukraine war, before getting slapped with reality... they are still delusional but not as delusional as they used to be.

lol, I kinda want to see how they maintain a 100-carrier fleet, a year no less (So it would be 200 the next, 300 afterward.....)

We should not stop our enemy from committing military/economy suicide
I don't know what the state of your so-called sequestered facilities is, even if your infrastructure is rotten to the core, and even if we don't know if WWII shipyards are capable of building modern warships, assuming they're still functional, what about your shipbuilders? You have no workers. The only country in the world that has enough shipbuilding workers is China, and even the shipyards in Japan and South Korea are mostly filled with Chinese workers.

Secondly, you do not have the ability to bomb Chinese territory. Relying solely on the United States air force in East Asia, the United States does not have the ability to break through China's airspace defenses. The end result is likely to be the destruction of U.S. air bases in East Asia by Chinese missiles and the retreat of U.S. aircraft carriers out of range of Chinese anti-ship missiles.
Any Chinese action on Taiwan will disrupt the global IC supply chain to an unimaginable level. This alone is the most critical deterrance. If they choke the Malaccan Starits the Chinese can choke the Taiwanese straits. Not to mention the effect on the Japanese and SK's trade routes. Hence, the US policy is to get into a isolstionist mode by bringing back all the critical industries back into the USA. But, it'll take decades....

Super Powers, by definition, fight each other via proxies. ...
First of all, I wouldn't say MacArthur is greater than Eisenhower. Is he a great general? probably yes, but he made a lot, like a lot of mistake during his Pacific Campaign, first, he neglect to reinforce the garrison in Philippine leading to the greatest surrender of US troop in history, yes, that probably not just his fault, but he should have seen the Japanese is coming, after the Japanese sweeping the Chinese coastline.

Second, he made a strategic mistake to take Peleliu, which cost 20,000 Marine casualty while serve nothing. And he is making that mistake because he insist, or hellbent on liberating Philippine, which in effect drag on the war for another 8 months. You can say that probably a good thing because otherwise the Toyko Plan will be going ahead 8 months ahead of time and we won't have the bomb by then, but it wouldn't cover the fact that Philippine have absolutely no use in the Pacific Campaign that late in that stage. There's that.

On the other hand, I can name you a few very good contemporary general in the west that you probably know for commanding troop. Gen Norman Schwarzkopf who was in charge of Desert Storm, British Brigadier Gen Mike Jackson, who led troop into Bosnia and Serbia. Or General Sandy Woodward, who defeated the Argentinian and recapture Falkland Island...Can you even name one Chinese General at all? But somehow they are all military genius and no one in the west can defeat them??

And finally, the "if they could, they already did" comment does not work that way, I mean look at it this way, I can use the same analogy to say China won't be able to defeat Taiwan, because if they could, they already would.......why the wait.

War is a very intricate matter, especially going to war with your number 1 trading partner, it wasn't a matter of if I can win, I already will, if we didn't do it to North Korea before they have nuke, we wouldn't do it to China after they have nuke. War is the last resort of any diplomatic policy, it's not like I want to start one just to catch up on my 3 o'clock appointment.
I would respectfully say MacArthur was better. Eisenhower had combined forces of Great Britain, Canada, and free French forces. He also had Soviet help who were pressuring the Axis forces on the Eastern front. MacArthur didn’t have such help and only had the incompetent KMT forces, and meagre ANZAC forces. As for modern Chinese generals, I would say general song was a good general during the Korean War. As for Stormin Norman, if you replaced him with Colin Powell, Wesley Clark, or Tommy franks, abizaid result would be the same. Iraq, Argentina were not powerful countries. Iraq with infinite western assistance could not defeat sanctioned islamic of republic Iran. Argentinians did not have the industrial and arms industry that China has now.
@Hamartia Antidote
@lightning f57
@White and Green with M/S

I knew the US was losing when I saw that all US netizens were thinking about blocking rather than landing in China. Americans have lost the courage to face their opponents directly, how can a country that lacks even courage defeat China?

If the U.S. only has a naval blockade and is not willing to land on China, the U.S. is bound to fail.

If you're up against a country with a huge industry, the war has to end soon or you'll end up like Japan in WWII. Don't forget that China is actually a resource power that can be self-sufficient in resources, and that it has a very stable trade channel with Russia.

China could suspend all exports that require ocean transportation and shift all of its industrial capacity to armaments. This would first lead to a global shortage of materials and commodities, which the United States would lack for some time.

Second, China's armaments would increase rapidly. With the size of China's industry, it would be possible to build a hundred carrier fleets, a billion drones, ten million tanks, etc. a year.

China would then trade with Russia and Central Asian countries overland for resources. Russia is the largest resource country in the world, China is the largest industrial country, Russia has the full spectrum of resources, China has all the industrial environments.

In a few years China will expand to hundreds of millions of troops, hundreds of carrier fleets, tens of billions of drones and robot dogs, tens of millions of tank armies later. China will sweep all American bases on this planet.
No one wants a war... Specially country alike poor india.

We are a developing country and can't afford for any war.

As I said previously, India will not going to join a war against china until forced it by china itself.

Example - if china will go war for Taiwan - most likely India will be neutral.

Until china hit india, or try something silly into Indian parts, don't see india to fight with china
You probably don't understand the structure of China's economy, which is why you're thinking about China's productivity in terms of how capital operates. The mainstay of China's economy is the state-run enterprises, and China's economic environment can be converted to a planned economy at any time. This allows the Chinese government to ignore capital and directly adjust and distribute productivity throughout the country. A hundred carrier fleets a year really isn't that hard.
Many Chinese defense factories are designed for excess capacity to cover wartime needs. See the Baotuo tank factory yard and yard of idle factory machinery, space idled

first of all, that's 70 years ago. War are different back then we lost hundred thousand in a conventional war in those time, we lost 55,000 with the last prolonged conventional warfare.

Second of all, you are talking about US attacking a country 13,000 mile away while Chinese move roughly 450 mile.

It's always knew that China would attack and the US will have the same problem the North Korean had if the they try to make it all the way to North in a Banzai/Bumrush Charge. That's why noone in the Truman administration support going all the way to the North. You need time to build up supply and support, that what we call "Phase line" Strategy

MacArthur is in over his head and that's why he was replaced. And PLA didn't "spank" the greatest general in that war or South Korea will not exist (Bear in mind PLA did cross the 38th and attack south, but was repelled) So no, I wouldn't say the same thing
China's intention was not to occupy South Korea. It is clearly spelled out to the Indian Ambassador that they only intervened if the 38th parallel line was crossed! As long as the UN forces stay below the 38th line China is okay
Okay but what cost - losing Beijing?

Believe it - if china do silly thing and go fight with india -USA will be the most happiest country. Because they would not needed to do much damage to china.

India will not going to join war against china, until china forced india to join any other group and war
Refresh your memory as to how your Indian soldiers will remain eternally young
Yesterday at 12:33 PM

Indian Lieutenant General: China's military expenditure is three times that of India. The Indian army cannot win, but it still boasts about seizing Chinese territory​

2024-07-27 19:24


A glorious fireworks will ensure
Indian soldiers got no fear of getting old

Do not forget China can make 100,000 155mm artillery shells in just one day.

Chinese can produce Fire Dragon missiles like dim sum and tea bags

The big power game between China and the United States is not something that small countries can understand and analyze.

A few decades ago, the Strait of Malacca was indeed a strategic danger for China. But now, no country has the guts and the ability to threaten China with the Strait of Malacca.
1. United States has been instigating and encouraging the Philippines to create trouble for China, how many Southeast Asian countries are willing to support and participate?
2. In recent years, which Asia-Pacific military exercise led by the United States has been carried out in its entirety? -- At the beginning of each military exercise, Chinese fighter jets and warships arrived, and the exercise was forced to end early.
3. What does it mean that the U.S. military is constantly withdrawing troops deployed in the first island chain?
4. What does it mean that the U.S. military has repeatedly asked for the resumption of the China-US military hotline, but China has ignored this request?

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