Melaca strait China's vulnerability? Is it true or Myth?

Lol, Chinese Coast Guard recently just beat the shit of Filipino navy special elite force in SCS, arrested them and confiscated their weapons, their ally US didn't utter a word, sure they have defense treaty. It's always so easy for you Indians to open your mouths talk of China this and that.
Harassment and killing navy sailors or destroying ship - both has much differences

Chinese navy doesn't have guts to kill any Philippine sailor
Harassment and killing navy sailors or destroying ship - both has much differences

Chinese navy doesn't have guts to kill any Philippine sailor
Yeah, from Indian mouth no surprise. Like Chinese never dared to kill Indian soldiers in Galwan 2020 becus you people deluded India is a nuke power so China dared not to touch it, lol.
Yeah, from Indian mouth no surprise. Like Chinese never dared to kill Indian soldiers in Galwan 2020 becus you people deluded India is a nuke power so China dared not to touch it, lol.
Even indian killed Chinese what?
Even indian killed Chinese what?
So, you people think Chinese would not dared fight back, but taking 20 of you, lol, and the whole nation cried.
So, you people think Chinese would not dared fight back, but taking 20 of you, lol.
Don't know where discussion is going.

Previously I only said - if china will hit Delhi, Delhi will Beijing.... It was started bs discussion with your cheerleaders from our east.

They don't have any kind of military strength to fight with anyone - best job they have accepted for as cheerleader role.
China is well aware of the Malacca choke point, which USA used effectively against
Japan during WWIl.
China has multiple rail links connections for her energies, foods, raw minerals flow unhindered.
China also has land corridors in Pakistan and Burma, connecting ports, away from the Malacca choke point.
There is this possibility of the Arctic sea route as well, the danger of this route is the Alaska choke point but with Russia so close to it making it very hard for any blockage by the USA there.
All of those alternative routes give USA war planners a headache.
In addition, PLA has a strong water navy to ensure the "freedom of navigation" for her trades,
China is well aware of the Malacca choke point, which USA used effectively against
Japan during WWIl.
China has multiple rail links connections for her energies, foods, raw minerals flow unhindered.
China also has land corridors in Pakistan and Burma, connecting ports, away from the Malacca choke point.
There is this possibility of the Arctic sea route as well, the danger of this route is the Alaska choke point but with Russia so close to it making it very hard for any blockage by the USA there.
All of those alternative routes give USA war planners a headache.
In addition, PLA has a strong water navy to ensure the "freedom of navigation" for her trades,
Question is that will Pakistan government government go against the Europe, NATO and UsA for china?

As we all know - roti and batter comes from mostly Europe and west if we talk about Pakistan's problematic situation during the war crises if happens
China is well aware of the Malacca choke point, which USA used effectively against
Japan during WWIl.
China has multiple rail links connections for her energies, foods, raw minerals flow unhindered.
China also has land corridors in Pakistan and Burma, connecting ports, away from the Malacca choke point.
There is this possibility of the Arctic sea route as well, the danger of this route is the Alaska choke point but with Russia so close to it making it very hard for any blockage by the USA there.
All of those alternative routes give USA war planners a headache.
In addition, PLA has a strong water navy to ensure the "freedom of navigation" for her trades,

In case of total war, China has zero need for Malacca straights.

China, Russia and Kazakhstan form a complete technological and economic unit. Russia and Kazakhstan will supply all the energy and raw materials China needs.

Xi has already thought of this years ago and it has been dealt with.
So, you people think Chinese would not dared fight back, but taking 20 of you, lol, and the whole nation cried.
Hey China man .... don't mess with India , she is our bitch ....if she gets in heat we are here to bang her till the happy take care of America .
You say that but that's a FACT that Chinese troop cross the 38th parallel in the 1951 Spring Offensive

View attachment 57338

I am pretty sure Seoul was about 90km from the 38th Parallel (give or take) So were they going all the way to Seoul again just for sightseeing? Or the entire Chinese line just got lost 90 km South of the 38th Parallel? Or like Putin said before he invaded Ukraine?? I don't know, well, you tell me
The promise was given before the Chinese intervention. But once the war started all bets were off That is normal!
Question is that will Pakistan government government go against the Europe, NATO and UsA for china?

As we all know - roti and batter comes from mostly Europe and west if we talk about Pakistan's problematic situation during the war crises if happens

Let Pakistanis worry about that!

You concern yourself where the next meal will come for your 500 million citizens living out in the open.

In case of total war, China has zero need for Malacca straights.

China, Russia and Kazakhstan form a complete technological and economic unit. Russia and Kazakhstan will supply all the energy and raw materials China needs.

Xi has already thought of this years ago and it has been dealt with.

The BRI exists as a way for China to develop logistics alternatives. In addition, China has decreasing reliance on energy through the Malaaca Strait, due to their massive buildup of renewables. Most importantly, China has the military power to punish any country who starts a war via blockade (blockade is an act of war).
The BRI exists as a way for China to develop logistics alternatives. In addition, China has decreasing reliance on energy through the Malaaca Strait, due to their massive buildup of renewables. Most importantly, China has the military power to punish any country who starts a war via blockade (blockade is an act of war).

China cannot rely on that and in the absence of China being a peer superpower to the USA, it needs all resources from neighbours like Russia and Kazakhstan in times of total war.

Malacca Straight is a past “choke hold” for China that has no relevance in 2024.
Question is that will Pakistan government government go against the Europe, NATO and UsA for china?

As we all know - roti and batter comes from mostly Europe and west if we talk about Pakistan's problematic situation during the war crises if happens

Again, your sentences make absolutely no sense. Any chance you can post in an understandable format?
In case of total war, China has zero need for Malacca straights.

China, Russia and Kazakhstan form a complete technological and economic unit. Russia and Kazakhstan will supply all the energy and raw materials China needs.

Xi has already thought of this years ago and it has been dealt with.
well ask chinese policy makers the same ... they dont make or take decission based on WET DREAMS and fanboy fantasies of social media ;) :P

now so called Melaca straits are just 100 miles from Indian A&N island chains and some 1000 miles from mainland India

so we can even with less than 10% rescources from china counter China far far better and its not that only China has thermonuclear devices and IRBMs or ICBMs or LRCMs we too have same that can easily reach each and every corner of Chinese mainland

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