Melaca strait China's vulnerability? Is it true or Myth?

China is well aware of the Malacca choke point, which USA used effectively against
Japan during WWIl.
China has multiple rail links connections for her energies, foods, raw minerals flow unhindered.
China also has land corridors in Pakistan and Burma, connecting ports, away from the Malacca choke point.
There is this possibility of the Arctic sea route as well, the danger of this route is the Alaska choke point but with Russia so close to it making it very hard for any blockage by the USA there.
All of those alternative routes give USA war planners a headache.
In addition, PLA has a strong water navy to ensure the "freedom of navigation" for her trades,
Train can't replace Cargo Freight with rail link. You are talking about 600 container per train vs over 20,000 container per ship, and you can run 2 ships (or more) side by side at sea but there can only be 1 train on a track. If China had to resort to using inland trade road, that's actually a serious inhabit factors. You are talking about 2 to 5% efficiency here.

Also, Alaska/Artic route can only run during the summer months and is also choked in Sea of Japan. Which is what the first island chain entailed. That's also why China is so desperately trying to break the first island chain. They currently don't have enough ship that can operate that far into the Pacific. Unless either Philippine, Taiwan, South Korea or Japan let them thru.

Again, your sentences make absolutely no sense. Any chance you can post in an understandable format?
I hope you understand - what is roti and butter.
.the question is that will Pakistan go against the Europe, West and USA?
The promise was given before the Chinese intervention. But once the war started all bets were off That is normal!
So that mean they wanted to take the whole Korea, just that they can't.
Train can't replace Cargo Freight with rail link. You are talking about 600 container per train vs over 20,000 container per ship, and you can run 2 ships (or more) side by side at sea but there can only be 1 train on a track. If China had to resort to using inland trade road, that's actually a serious inhabit factors. You are talking about 2 to 5% efficiency here.

Also, Alaska/Artic route can only run during the summer months and is also choked in Sea of Japan. Which is what the first island chain entailed. That's also why China is so desperately trying to break the first island chain. They currently don't have enough ship that can operate that far into the Pacific. Unless either Philippine, Taiwan, South Korea or Japan let them thru.

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Train can't replace Cargo Freight with rail link. You are talking about 600 container per train vs over 20,000 container per ship, and you can run 2 ships (or more) side by side at sea but there can only be 1 train on a track. If China had to resort to using inland trade road, that's actually a serious inhabit factors. You are talking about 2 to 5% efficiency here.

Also, Alaska/Artic route can only run during the summer months and is also choked in Sea of Japan. Which is what the first island chain entailed. That's also why China is so desperately trying to break the first island chain. They currently don't have enough ship that can operate that far into the Pacific. Unless either Philippine, Taiwan, South Korea or Japan let them thru.

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China has the Russian Artic Sea and the BRI through Asia that will bypass Malacca Strait.

Although not in the same volume.

There is a freight train between China and Europe.
In 2023, 1.9 million TEUs of containers were shipped via the China-Europe Railway Express.
I hope you understand - what is roti and butter.
.the question is that will Pakistan go against the Europe, West and USA?

Thank you Raj. Toddle on now, to your next Dhaal meal.
So that mean they wanted to take the whole Korea, just that they can't.
But they achieve their goal of Keeping the North Korean territory intact! And drive back the US forces where it started. They failed to drive out the US because of an overstretched supply line as Mao rejected the advice of Pang Dehuai to consolidate first. But considering the state of the Chinese army at that time It is a win over an adversary with overwhelming material superiority. No air force to speak of, no navy, no armor, and no supply line. today it will be vastly different!
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Its no Myth.... Its a vulnerability.....

Why wait till China comes to Malacca???

China is a semi landlocked country outside of Shanghai and outside of whatever the single coast line they have.....
Its no Myth.... Its a vulnerability.....

Why wait till China comes to Malacca???

China is a semi landlocked country outside of Shanghai and outside of whatever the single coast line they have.....

"China is a semi landlocked country "

You can post statements like this and then wonder why no one can ever take you seriously.
"China is a semi landlocked country "

You can post statements like this and then wonder why no one can ever take you seriously.
If you ever have a time then please carefully watch China map and the island chain in front of it.... not to mention in spite of being such a gigantic country they have only single coast line where they are bottle necked by US and allies..... starting from the own coast till Indian ocean they have huge huge challenges and this is the reason they are so desperate for CPEC or BRI and pouring billions....

You just dismiss everything just out of the hate of India but let me assure you if Pakistan was staunchest western ally and India was China ally then you would have agreed with me.....

See why China is a prisoner of her own Geography....

The statement made by the Indian poster about China being a semi-landlocked country is true.

There is one way for China to make this all disappear and that is to have a de-facto alliance with Muslim countries.

Muslims have land wherever there is a choke point in Eurasia.

I can see a a convergence of interests between the Chinese and the Muslim world to the displeasure of the US and Hinduvta India + other assorted boot lickers.
"China is a semi landlocked country "

You can post statements like this and then wonder why no one can ever take you seriously.
Lol, India is an ocean country? why no Indian ports on the list?

7 out of 10 world's biggest ports are from China
And China now is accounting for almost 80% of the global shipbuilding industry.

China is the world biggest maritime country and where is India?
China is a semi landlocked country outside of Shanghai and outside of whatever the single coast line they have.....
You keep repeating such point, it's true that China is geographically and physically semi-landlocked, so what, China can have access to the seas and oceans freely at will, China has long enough coast, much longer than your India. Although India has 2/3 of its border as coastline, but in reality it is more like a land-locked country now because you have insignificant international shipping.
And China now is accounting for almost 80% of the global shipbuilding industry.

China is the world biggest maritime country and where is India?
Keep building ships.... real maritime countries like USA, UK, India, Australia will always enjoy more joy on the waves....

Something a citizen of semi land locked country will never understand.... heck even Pakistan with such a small coastline is more maritime country than you.....
You keep repeating such point, it's true that China is geographically and physically semi-landlocked, so what, China can have access to the seas and oceans freely at will, China has long enough coast, much longer than your India. Although India has 2/3 of its border as coastline, but in reality it is more like a land-locked country now because you have insignificant international shipping.
You will have access at will during peace..... so behave and stop aggression.....

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