Need help finding more data on J-6III.

@Flanker1985 gentlemen please use English on the public forum or connect through DM or privately to discuss in a different language.

Thank you for understanding
I'm very sorry, because both sides of the chat are Chinese, and this is a private topic for help. Because it involves a lot of words unique to Chinese, in order to help him, I use Chinese to speak, so that he can better solve problems. Machine translation into English misunderstands a lot of what I meant.

I'll change that way in the future...........
PAF never operated this J-6III

No, in fact i only found three units - one PLAN NA and two PLAAF units - flying that version!



Just translated: hope it's not totally off!

China has very strict control over retired military materials, especially after the central government banned the military from doing business. Usually, they are directly dismantled and destroyed, converted into targets, refurbished and transferred to armed police units, donated for national defense education purposes, etc.But some equipment has also flowed into the civilian population.Usually, you first need to have enough connections to contact the military managers in charge of these materials.Then, you submit an application and need to clearly state the purpose and use of your purchase. The military will conduct a very strict background check on you.When the military agrees, will it decide whether to charge a fee based on your application? How much will it charge? ---------If Huawei applies to the military to purchase some retired fighter jets to be displayed in the square of the headquarters, the military will definitely give them away for free.After the transaction is reached, you contact the logistics company to deliver these materials to your place. After that, the military will strictly monitor to ensure that you use these guys for the purpose you applied for, and not send them to places where they should not go.As for the price, the military does not care, it is just symbolic. They are more concerned about the destination and use of these guys.These regulations and procedures are not something that ordinary people can do. The People's Liberation Army usually does not sell these things. But there are indeed some private drone companies that have successfully purchased some J6/J7s, which they use for research and modification.

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