“Not One Muslim” - Dominik Tarczynski on Migration, The Fight for Europe and Helping Donald Trump

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I meant to ask you. No one believes that people will not migrate to other lands. They will.

But what is the problem in also alongside making your own worth living in?

Look at us Hindus and the one Hindu nation we have. We have a huge expat population. But alongside those of us living here have made India a country we can start believing its worth bringing our kids up in.

You guys have 50+. Why not do the same?

Even the Chinese are like us in that respect.

And to really add insult to injury, guys like @Dalit @PAKISTANFOREVER and @hussain0216 actually believe that your culture and way of life is superior, and do their best to try and convert their adopted Christian countries into the Muslim failed states they come from.

That's some heavy pharmacological grade delusion there.

Add @mulj and @Alter_Ego too. There are obviously many others. Just tagging those whose IDs are recent and have stuck.

Cheers, Doc
But let's stick to the thread topic..... Not the usual talking points clumsily retrofitted into every topic, with respect

Poland - white, traditional, Christian, culturally traditional and Christian..... That's the real topic here

Are you a friend to this?
But let's stick to the thread topic..... Not the usual talking points clumsily retrofitted into every topic, with respect

Poland - white, traditional, Christian, culturally traditional and Christian..... That's the real topic here

Are you a friend to this?

Sure. Though there is nothing clumsy about it. Simply direct. And uncomfortable.

I am a friend to BLOOD FAITH and SOIL.

I am no hippy globalist.

If you recall from the old PDF, I even went up against Sanghis on CAA and NRC which seeks to enable wholesale movement of Hindus (and Parsis) of Pakistan and Bangladesh into India. After three quarters of a century.

You make your bed. And you sleep in it.

I will similarly oppose any move within my lifetime of allowing Indian origin people (3rd 4th 8th generation ) to flood back into India if things go south in the west.

You make your bed. And you sleep in it.

While these folks were milking the West, we native born Indians struggled and grew India. Fought for India. Bled for India. Starved for India. Died for India, in India, and our remains went back into Indian soil.

India is not an ancestral Get Out Of Jail Free card. Citizenship is not by blood automatically. Nor is India a dharamshala.

Sonia Gandhi is more Indian than any Indian desi who has made his bed in the west.

Hope that clarifies.

@Sharma Ji @Guynextdoor @Joe Shearer @Jbgt90tankguy @Nilgiri @AjayGhatak @Guru Dutt @onlinpunit @Barcid @PoKeMon @indushek @Krptonite @RHCP

Cheers, Doc
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Sure. Though there is nothing clumsy about it. Simply direct. And uncomfortable.

I am a friend to BLOOD FAITH and SOIL.

I am no hippy globalist.

If you recall from the old PDF, I even went up against Sanghis on CAA and NRC which seeks to enable wholesale movement of Hindus (and Parsis) of Pakistan and Bangladesh into India. After three quarters of a century.

You make your bed. And you sleep in it.

I will similarly oppose any move within my lifetime of allowing Indian origin people (3rd 4th 8th generation ) to flood back into India if things go south in the west.

You make your bed. And you sleep in it.

While these folks were milking the West, we native born Indians struggled and grew India. Fought for India. Bles and died for India. Starved for India. Died for India, in India, and our remains went back into Indian soil.

India is not an ancestral Get Out Of Jail Free card. Citizenship is not by blood automatically.

Sonia Gandhi is more Indian than any Indian desi who has made his bed in the west.

Hope that clarifies.

@Sharma Ji @Guynextdoor @Joe Shearer @Nilgiri @AjayGhatak @Guru Dutt @onlinpunit @Barcid @PoKeMon @indushek @Krptonite @RHCP

Cheers, Doc

A lot of perfectly fine well settled Indian friends are seriously considering moving back to India, for various reasons, but they just want a quiet functional simple life.
Then they see how Westernism, globalism or whatever is increasingly in urban India at an increasing pace

So back to topic...blood, faith, soil

Blood ... Slavic
Faith... Catholic, Jesus Christ
Soil... Poland

I don't see Muslims undermining Catholics or Jesus

I also don't see Hindus doing this
A lot of perfectly fine well settled Indian friends are seriously considering moving back to India, for various reasons, but they just want a quiet functional simple life.
Then they see how Westernism, globalism or whatever is increasingly in urban India at an increasing pace

So back to topic...blood, faith, soil

Blood ... Slavic
Faith... Catholic, Jesus Christ
Soil... Poland

I don't see Muslims undermining Catholics or Jesus

I also don't see Hindus doing this

Please. Did you actually watch what he said. He has no problems with his own Tartars, who happen to be Muslims but equally ancestral Poles who have fought and bled for the land and people. Who do not have visions of overturning the demographics of Poland by industrial scale baby making and then imposing Sharia and no go areas as in Sweden, Germany, France and even Italy. He calls out these countries. He gives the UK a pass, because I think the pragmatist in him recognises the safety of the channel and the fact that the UK has already fallen.

Over to you.

Cheers, Doc
Doc, Iran is not in dis situation of its population running away into the western hell. Irani’s doing it as a fashionable cultural thing. Oh my son is in da LA and my daughter is in Paris or my cousin is in Lundon.

It’s just fashionable to do this in Iran.

I’d hands down agree wid ya that other than da GCC and Iran, all de others bhai are just scraping about.

No shit.

And ‘bhund pe suhaga’ Iran has already intimidated everybody else in da hood to da point that the US is directly involved now in desperately trying holding back a massively resurgent Iran.

It’s pretty obvious bhai….. anybody who disagrees is just lying to himself.

Down da road trump or whoever will sell Israel to Iran as a chutiya franchise.

Just watch.

Fighting Iran is just stupidity. Irani’s never gave a fukk who they are fighting 😝 2500 saal ho gaey hain and you know it. In de end, they always win. Pagal qaum hae…..Losing is not an option.
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Doc, Iran is not in dis situation of its population running away into the western hell. Irani’s doing it as a fashionable cultural thing. Oh my son is in da LA and my daughter is in Paris or my cousin is in Lundon.

It’s just fashionable to do this in Iran.

I’d hands down agree wid ya that other than da GCC and Iran, all de others bhai are just scraping about.

No shit.

And ‘bhund pe suhaga’ Iran has already intimidated everybody else in da hood to da point that the US is directly involved now in desperately trying holding back a massively resurgent Iran.

It’s pretty obvious bhai….. anybody who disagrees is just lying to himself.

Down da road trump or whoever will sell Israel to Iran as a chutiya franchise.

Just watch.

Fighting Iran is just stupidity. Irani’s never gave a fukk who they are fighting 😝 2500 saal ho gaey hain and you know it. In de end, they always win. Losing is not an option.

Bro, nearly all Iranians who leave Iran do so because Iran becomes too hostile for them.

Its no different to Sassanian Persians getting on to ships at Hormuz.
Bro, nearly all Iranians who leave Iran do so because Iran becomes too hostile for them.

Its no different to Sassanian Persians getting on to ships at Hormuz.
Doc, even hijab rules are relaxed now after da riots. Nobody messes around anymore. Look at da recent vids of their cities. Totally like Eastern Europe. If alcohol is allowed right now in bars/ pubs…..a million affluent globetrotters will move to Iran right now cuz it’s safe and clean and civilized.
Please. Did you actually watch what he said. He has no problems with his own Tartars, who happen to be Muslims but equally ancestral Poles who have fought and bled for the land and people. Who do not have visions of overturning the demographics of Poland by industrial scale baby making and then imposing Sharia and no go areas as in Sweden, Germany, France and even Italy. He calls out these countries. He gives the UK a pass, because I think the pragmatist in him recognises the safety of the channel and the fact that the UK has already fallen.

Over to you.

Cheers, Doc

Did you watch the clip, Cathy Newman asked why he might be against Muslim war refugees

I have already said that Poland has no obligation to take Muslims or anyone, that's fleeing wars they did not create. they could, or not, up to them.

But then lets understand, it's not blood, faith and soil.

Just blood and soil now?the goal posts keep changing.

Poland has the blood and soil, it doesn't have the faith, the missing glue that preserves the blood and soil, surely you know this

So again I ask, do you love a Poland that has to constantly battle against the side effects of regional wars, or a Poland that rediscovers the missing piece, it's Catholicism and Christ consciousness? You seem hostile to the latter, no faith for the poles.

Doc, we can test the blood aspect of your blood, soil and faith trinity by asking would you support the pole saying the same about African migrants instead of Muslims, on the basis of blood?

I don't expect an outright answer here, just making the point, bloody, soil and faith... Just for me🙄
Who gives a shit what a no-mark Pole says. Nobody migrates to Poland anyway. Well other than idiots.
Doc, we can test the blood aspect of your blood, soil and faith trinity by asking would you support the pole saying the same about African migrants instead of Muslims, on the basis of blood?

I don't expect an outright answer here, just making the point, bloody, soil and faith... Just for me🙄
@vsdoc hi what's up?
Interesting discussion here.
Will chip in as n when interested.
Did you watch the clip, Cathy Newman asked why he might be against Muslim war refugees

I have already said that Poland has no obligation to take Muslims or anyone, that's fleeing wars they did not create. they could, or not, up to them.

But then lets understand, it's not blood, faith and soil.

Just blood and soil now?the goal posts keep changing.

Poland has the blood and soil, it doesn't have the faith, the missing glue that preserves the blood and soil, surely you know this

So again I ask, do you love a Poland that has to constantly battle against the side effects of regional wars, or a Poland that rediscovers the missing piece, it's Catholicism and Christ consciousness? You seem hostile to the latter, no faith for the poles.

He has always stressed on his blood and his faith and his soil. He goes on and on about Christian values and way of life that he loves. Surely that is hugely evident every time he speaks.

He does not say it in these clips (I think), but he has been on record of saying not one Muslim will be allowed into Poland BECAUSE THEY HATE US. How much more clear do you want him to be? Unambiguous. Nothing to do with other race or soil. Simply that Muslim migrants hate them and their way of life.

And it is amply clear right here on PDF that he is 100% accurate in his assessment.


He is clear that they will and have taken in over 2 million Ukrainian refugees. Same fair skinned Slavs and Christian to boot. Who are living peacefully there and doing well, adding to their society.

He is clear that Angela Merkel created the mess in 2015, and then tried to spread it around. And the Poles clearly said no fkn way.

War refugees are those who flee war and take refuge in the first safe bordering country. And that Poland is a long way off from countries like Eritrea and Somalia (said with a snigger).

Either way, like with the Ukrainian refugee exodus, the demographic is usually women, children, the old and the infirm.

Not military age males flooding in as with most Muslim "refugees". And from countries like Pakistan that are not even at war. Trying to get in under the guise of war refugees. Full grown strapping males.

He talks about rapes of local women in the streets by these so called war refugees / opportunistic migrants who hate them. Happening in Germany and Sweden.

Women and children do not rape. Men do.

Blood Faith and Soil is where it is always at. A few months back there was a bideo of an Indian tourist who was hounded and abused quite viciously in Poland.

But the vast majority of military aged "refugees" / opportunistic illegal migrants into Europe are Muslim. Who are violent, lawless, want to impose their faith and way of life, are known to spread and completely take over an area and make it unlivable for non Muslims, who then eventually leave, and those areas go to ruin and become no go areas, and finally when the numbers swell, by fresh migrant boat loads and overland exoduses, and the holding areas burst at the seams, the police come under attack, and it spills into the general populace. More areas get run over and ruined, more rapes, more grooming, more violence, more stabbings, a few beheadings, and finally civil unrest for Sharia and vigilante gangs and race war marches.

Sound familiar?

Cheers, Doc
Who gives a shit what a no-mark Pole says. Nobody migrates to Poland anyway. Well other than idiots.

Nobody migrated because they would be shot at the wall with live rounds.

He clearly takes great glee during the podcast to repeat that in the hope that some Muslims listening in would get the message clearly.

This was passed by their Parliament when their borders were attacked by Muslim migrants trying to get in. This was before they took Trump's idea to its logical conclusion and build an 18 foot tall very expensive wall.

A beautiful wall. 😍

Cheers, Doc
He has always stressed on his blood and his faith and his soil. He goes on and on about Christian values and way of life that he loves. Surely that is hugely evident every time he speaks.

He does not say it in these clips (I think), but he has been on record of saying not one Muslim will be allowed into Poland BECAUSE THEY HATE US. How much more clear do you want him to be? Unambiguous. Nothing to do with other race or soil. Simply that Muslim migrants hate them and their way of life.

And it is amply clear right here on PDF that he is 100% accurate in his assessment.


He is clear that they will and have taken in over 2 million Ukrainian refugees. Same fair skinned Slavs and Christian to boot. Who are living peacefully there and doing well, adding to their society.

He is clear that Angela Merkel created the mess in 2015, and then tried to spread it around. And the Poles clearly said no fkn way.

War refugees are those who flee war and take refuge in the first safe bordering country. And that Poland is a long way off from countries like Eritrea and Somalia (said with a snigger).

Either way, like with the Ukrainian refugee exodus, the demographic is usually women, children, the old and the infirm.

Not military age males flooding in as with most Muslim "refugees". And from countries like Pakistan that are not even at war. Trying to get in under the guise of war refugees. Full grown strapping males.

He talks about rapes of local women in the streets by these so called war refugees / opportunistic migrants who hate them. Happening in Germany and Sweden.

Women and children do not rape. Men do.

Blood Faith and Soil is where it is always at. A few months back there was a bideo of an Indian tourist who was hounded and abused quite viciously in Poland.

But the vast majority of military aged "refugees" / opportunistic illegal migrants into Europe are Muslim. Who are violent, lawless, want to impose their faith and way of life, are known to spread and completely take over an area and make it unlivable for non Muslims, who then eventually leave, and those areas go to ruin and become no go areas, and finally when the numbers swell, by fresh migrant boat loads and overland exoduses, and the holding areas burst at the seams, the police come under attack, and it spills into the general populace. More areas get run over and ruined, more rapes, more grooming, more violence, more stabbings, a few beheadings, and finally civil unrest for Sharia and vigilante gangs and race war marches.

Sound familiar?

Cheers, Doc

This is my point on this polish fellow and then you as his cheerleader.

Simply put, there are some negative downstream effects from war after war in the region and Europe has to absorb negative externalities.
You can scream and shout untill you are blue in the face about Muslims, but any serious analysis has to look at the persistent wars in the region plus globalism in general.

Picking on the displaced, war torn and damaged people is easy, and lame

I have another blood faith and soil question for you.

Right wing, Israeli west Bank settler types have advocated for Europe to absorb all gazan refugees, a full population resettlement.

They asked Europe.

I wonder how you work your way through that one🤣

Blood soil faith, yea right, a resurgent White and CHRISTIAN Europe is not something you want doc
I love this guy. Guys like him and Geert are mushrooming everywhere.

I've said it before. Europe is not one place you want to fk with.

They are getting over genocide and war fatigue from the last century.

Muslims are playing with fire.

@Dalit @PAKISTANFOREVER @hussain0216 this is especially for you 3.

Samjh jao.

Cheers, Doc

We have God on our side, so we fear nobody except Him. If God wants us to go there then not you, nor him, Geert or any other "native" can stop it. Theyre getting over war fatigue by starting another war with Russia? By contributing to destabilising places like the middle east and Africa? This is how God repays their efforts, by sending migrants to their door. White people think they can cause all the problems in the world but also suffer no ramifications for their actions. This error they will learn the hard way, it seems.
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