“Not One Muslim” - Dominik Tarczynski on Migration, The Fight for Europe and Helping Donald Trump

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These far right racist facists pop out now and again. They are in reality delusional. They dont want others in their lands then why do these hypocrites allow polish people to flood all over Europe.

The problem for them is globalism which helps their countries prosper, they hide their discontent in their islamaphobic vitrol. Same thing happened to the Jews when they got blamed in europe for all the ills.

And seriously who wants to go to poland when the UK, Germany and others have greater financial prospects and multicultural communities.
All well and good but Poland has an ultra liberal government in charge.
Having been to Poland, knowing the nation well through families I'm connected to the place is divided. You have the hard right represented by this fella, and the liberals represented by Tusk who has the backing of the EU, money, large corporations etc.
I'm sure he will also be ok i.e. regarding Muslim immigration to Poland as no one wants to go there.
These far right racist facists pop out now and again. They are in reality delusional. They dont want others in their lands then why do these hypocrites allow polish people to flood all over Europe.

The problem for them is globalism which helps their countries prosper, they hide their discontent in their islamaphobic vitrol. Same thing happened to the Jews when they got blamed in europe for all the ills.

And seriously who wants to go to poland when the UK, Germany and others have greater financial prospects and multicultural communities.
Right wing views are more nuanced these days

Muslims represent a perceived physical and visual threat, but the attack is financial, spiritual, ethical and religious.

Once Muslims are in these countries they in fact have the same problem right wing White's do, eventually.

A simple thought experiment, you can take all of the muslins out of western countries, but still western people will face spiritual, religious, financial and ethical attack.
I love this guy. Guys like him and Geert are mushrooming everywhere.

I've said it before. Europe is not one place you want to fk with.

They are getting over genocide and war fatigue from the last century.

Muslims are playing with fire.

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Cheers, Doc

We scared bro. Yup …bery scared.
Maybe we should start worshipping white man like indians🤣
Sure. Though there is nothing clumsy about it. Simply direct. And uncomfortable.

I am a friend to BLOOD FAITH and SOIL.

I am no hippy globalist.

If you recall from the old PDF, I even went up against Sanghis on CAA and NRC which seeks to enable wholesale movement of Hindus (and Parsis) of Pakistan and Bangladesh into India. After three quarters of a century.

You make your bed. And you sleep in it.

I will similarly oppose any move within my lifetime of allowing Indian origin people (3rd 4th 8th generation ) to flood back into India if things go south in the west.

You make your bed. And you sleep in it.

While these folks were milking the West, we native born Indians struggled and grew India. Fought for India. Bled for India. Starved for India. Died for India, in India, and our remains went back into Indian soil.

India is not an ancestral Get Out Of Jail Free card. Citizenship is not by blood automatically. Nor is India a dharamshala.

Sonia Gandhi is more Indian than any Indian desi who has made his bed in the west.

Hope that clarifies.

@Sharma Ji @Guynextdoor @Joe Shearer @Jbgt90tankguy @Nilgiri @AjayGhatak @Guru Dutt @onlinpunit @Barcid @PoKeMon @indushek @Krptonite @RHCP

Cheers, Doc
I agree with you (strange really) on Indian citizenship not being a free token spread around:

I only have reservations on it not being allowed, for those in the two neighboring countries that got separated. We are not aware of their true conditions, and they should be allowed if things turn worse for them. If am not wrong, there was some pact of minorities being taken care of. While we did the others didn't, and their numbers went down. I actually have a additional thought (a practical suggestion and has nothing to do with faith based or such), but its not something to be spoken lightly of.

Other than this one rider, I agree actually with what you said. India is for those who stayed here, and bled and worked for it. I will fight you Darbari lot everyday, but its as much as yours as mine. Not for every tom dick and harry

As for Sonia well the less said the better, she is your leader so you will be singing her praises and I can understand.
I love this guy. Guys like him and Geert are mushrooming everywhere.

I've said it before. Europe is not one place you want to fk with.

They are getting over genocide and war fatigue from the last century.

Muslims are playing with fire.

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Cheers, Doc
I believe that Tiraki Hasan Pasha who was a Bosnian f Polaks in ass a few times.
Sari ( Blond) Ahmed Pasha was the governor of Ukraine. Tatars live in Poland and they are still Muslims.
Well , we Bosnias are white and Muslims and we f with Europe fro centuries.
We ain't you.
All what we have ever known from Indian culture are Gypsies.
I am absolutely not afraid of any European.
That way if thinking is completely foreign to you, I understand that.
Subjugated people have that mentality, that's why I never mix with them
This is my point on this polish fellow and then you as his cheerleader.

Simply put, there are some negative downstream effects from war after war in the region and Europe has to absorb negative externalities.
You can scream and shout untill you are blue in the face about Muslims, but any serious analysis has to look at the persistent wars in the region plus globalism in general.

Picking on the displaced, war torn and damaged people is easy, and lame

I have another blood faith and soil question for you.

Right wing, Israeli west Bank settler types have advocated for Europe to absorb all gazan refugees, a full population resettlement.

They asked Europe.

I wonder how you work your way through that one🤣

Blood soil faith, yea right, a resurgent White and CHRISTIAN Europe is not something you want doc

Christiany is dead in Europe. Period.
Even in eastern europe xtianity is just a outward shell. A identity thing and nothing more.

Polish right wing is perhaps the most cringiest off them all. Poland was a dirt poor country that leeched off EU handouts and investments. Polish men traveled abroad and moved out en masse from Poland past 25 years. It was a country that was raped by Germans and Russians past centuries. After entering NATO they started having a big mouth like Indians, which is probably why some indians like them “catholic” polish far right so much,… God knows. One thing is for sure, these far right nuts abhore the indian race, so much that brown skin indians get beaten up in public, for incence football statiums , by hooligans.
I believe that Tiraki Hasan Pasha who was a Bosnian f Polaks in ass a few times.
Sari ( Blond) Ahmed Pasha was the governor of Ukraine. Tatars live in Poland and they are still Muslims.
Well , we Bosnias are white and Muslims and we f with Europe fro centuries.
We ain't you.
All what we have ever known from Indian culture are Gypsies.
I am absolutely not afraid of any European.
That way if thinking is completely foreign to you, I understand that.
Subjugated people have that mentality, that's why I never mix with them

Being a gushing cheerleader, from afar is not synonymous with dignified.
Its all an evil Zionist payback.

Actually, according to far right groups, multicultural migration to the West is a Jewish plot. According to them, some Jewish leaders proclaimed after WW2 that they would destroy the white race as payback for the Holocaust. I even remember seeing an alleged transcript of such a speech, although I don't know its authenticity.

And @r3alist is right: these far right loons only talk openly against Muslims because the Zionist media has made it acceptable but, in reality, they hate all non-whites.
Actually, according to far right groups, multicultural migration to the West is a Jewish plot. According to them, some Jewish leaders proclaimed after WW2 that they would destroy the white race as payback for the Holocaust. I even remember seeing an alleged transcript of such a speech, although I don't know its authenticity.
I remember reading about it too. The something plan (name skips me, damnit ! and google isn't helping) about flooding Europe with people from Africa and muslims.
I remember reading about it too. The something plan (name skips me, damnit ! and google isn't helping) about flooding Europe with people from Africa and muslims.

LOL, I doubt Google or any mainstream Western media will allow such content to pass through their filters. I saw it decades ago and was surprised to see it online in the first place.

I also remember watching a documentary on American TV, made by a Jewish guy, showing how Jewish filmmakers make anti-family films in the US, where parents are mocked as old fashioned laughing stocks and young people rebelling against them are shown as protagonists. These exact same film makers make pro-family films for Israeli audiences, where family values and respect for parents is emphasized. Needless to say, I have never been able to find that documentary online or on TV since.
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This is my point on this polish fellow and then you as his cheerleader.

Simply put, there are some negative downstream effects from war after war in the region and Europe has to absorb negative externalities.
You can scream and shout untill you are blue in the face about Muslims, but any serious analysis has to look at the persistent wars in the region plus globalism in general.

Picking on the displaced, war torn and damaged people is easy, and lame

I have another blood faith and soil question for you.

Right wing, Israeli west Bank settler types have advocated for Europe to absorb all gazan refugees, a full population resettlement.

They asked Europe.

I wonder how you work your way through that one🤣

Blood soil faith, yea right, a resurgent White and CHRISTIAN Europe is not something you want doc

Bro, when you declare war on someone, you set out to destroy the fk out of them.

Not give them your home to stay on after you've burnt their's down.

Dunno where you've mounted this typically Muslim entitled horse that goes by the name of Europe for Muslim War Survivors.

They did you an uncharacteristic favor. In the old fays they would have simply wiped you out.

And Muslims turned around and abused that. And worse. Crowed about how they and their faith was going to take Europe over!

You bet they will start ising live rounds.

At the very least.

The Jews are an ancient people. They understand blood faith soil.

Why the hell are they going to make way on their sacred soil for a 1400 year old faith?!

Get real.

You think tomorrow if Zoroastrians had nukes, Iran would have Islam living peacefully alongside?

That's my question for you. Since you've got so many for me.

Cheers, Doc
We have God on our side, so we fear nobody except Him. If God wants us to go there then not you, nor him, Geert or any other "native" can stop it. Theyre getting over war fatigue by starting another war with Russia? By contributing to destabilising places like the middle east and Africa? This is how God repays their efforts, by sending migrants to their door. White people think they can cause all the problems in the world but also suffer no ramifications for their actions. This error they will learn the hard way, it seems.

Teherani, my above reply to @r3alist , especially the last part, is aimed at you too.

We have God on our side too.

And ours is many thousands of years older than yours.

Cheers, Doc
LOL, I doubt Google or any mainstream Western media will allow such content to pass through their filters.
No, it was fairly commonplace and talked about a lot online till not that long ago.

Major khujli man, and unable to scratch. Koi dhoondh ke lao (((unke))) plan ka naam !

Bro, when you declare war on someone, you set out to destroy the fk out of them.

Not give them your home to stay on after you've burnt their's down.

Dunno where you've mounted this typically Muslim entitled horse that goes by the name of Europe for Muslim War Survivors.

They did you an uncharacteristic favor. In the old fays they would have simply wiped you out.

And Muslims turned around and abused that. And worse. Crowed about how they and their faith was going to take Europe over!

You bet they will start ising live rounds.

At the very least.

The Jews are an ancient people. They understand blood faith soil.

Why the hell are they going to make way on their sacred soil for a 1400 year old faith?!

Get real.

You think tomorrow if Zoroastrians had nukes, Iran would have Islam living peacefully alongside?

That's my question for you. Since you've got so many for me.

Cheers, Doc
There's a lot of resentment toward the gora Ashkenaz Jews in the muslim world.

Its all very racist.

They come in all shapes, sizes and colour. From what I've seen, many look just like any rando arab from Egypt or whatever, long azz noses, kaley baal.. but even a lot of the Polish etc gora ones have some Semite dna. They have weird names.. Mataal, Mogan, Yoni, Kobi.. and whatnot :P
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I love this guy. Guys like him and Geert are mushrooming everywhere.

I've said it before. Europe is not one place you want to fk with.

They are getting over genocide and war fatigue from the last century.

Muslims are playing with fire.

Mod edit

Cheers, Doc

Immigrants include you, you clowns

Same as with Canada who do you think one of the biggest immigrant groups is?,, it's Indians

Europe is a dying continent, marriage problems, divorce sky rocketing, low birth rates

Without immigration, they are done for, the bigger economies understand this, thus even though they have issues they are trying to drag migrants into the country

The smaller ones think they can do without but ultimately they will face the same fate unless they resolve their population issues
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